Completed Research Projects

Title: The Role of Dietary Choline in Neuroprotection
Synopsis: This animal study was designed to evaluate if the natural substance (choline) provides protection to any part of the body's nervous system.
Overall Summary: See project objective.
Overall Project Objective: The objective of the proposal is to test the hypothesis that dietary choline is neuroprotective in a rat model of neurotoxicity: N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist-induced neurotoxicity in the cingulated and retrosplenial cortices (C/RSC). An emerging literature suggests that nicotinic agonists may be neuroprotective. Thus, we hypothesize that deficiency of dietary choline will promote neurotoxicity while supplementation of dietary choline will promote neuroprotection, and that this occurs because of the interaction of choline with the nicotinic alpha-7 receptor.
Results to Date: Not available.
Project: VA-91
Agency: Department Of Veterans Affairs
Location: Durham VAMC
P.I. Name: Wilkie A Wilson
Status: Complete
Study Start Date: July 01, 2003
Specific Aims: Not available.
Methodology: Not available.
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