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DCA Products

Photo - textile factory in Benin
A textile factory in Benin takes advantage of DCA backed financing.
Private sector resources can be mobilized in many ways through a number of appropriate financial instruments available under DCA. The four DCA credit tools available to Missions are described below. The use of these instruments can be modified and tailored to address a particular project’s financing needs.

Loan Guarantee
The typical Loan Guarantee (LG), also referred to as a project-specific guarantee, allows USAID to use DCA for specific credit enhancement purposes in cases where the borrower, lender, and uses of loan proceeds are known.

Loan Portfolio Guarantee
A Loan Portfolio Guarantee (LPG) provides financial institutions with partial coverage on a portfolio of loans that they provide to their customers. In the case of the LPG, USAID agrees to share in the risk of a broadly defined category of bank loans with a view toward inducing local banks to extend credit toward an underserved sector. The individual borrowers under a LPG are not predetermined at the time the Guarantee Agreement is signed, but the borrowers must fall within a pre-agreed definition of “Eligible Borrowers,” such as borrowers that are small businesses operating in a specific geographic area.

Bond Guarantee
Bond Guarantees (BG) support the issuance of bonds by financial institutions, private sector corporations, or sub-national entities. The funds generated from the bond issuance can, for example, assist in raising local funds to initiate municipal infrastructure or utility projects, which require substantial upfront capital investments. The Bond Guarantee or guarantees for other types of debt instruments are typically an option for DCA credit assistance if the capital and financial markets are fairly well advanced in a particular country to support a bond issuance. However, the DCA guarantee can also be used to encourage the development of bond issuances in less sophisticated markets.

Portable Guarantee
Slightly different than the Loan Guarantee, the Portable Guarantee (PG) provides an identified potential borrower with a letter of guarantee commitment through which the borrower may seek the most advantageous terms from the local financial market. Portable Guarantees are appropriate for specific credit enhancement purposes when the borrower is known, but the lender is not yet known. In these cases, a minimum credit rating (e.g., from rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s) is established, and the risk calculation and subsidy cost are based on the assumption that the eventual lender will have a rating equal to or above this minimum rating.


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Fri, 21 Jan 2005 16:24:28 -0500