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Guiding Principles

1. DCA is principally intended for credit enhancement purposes and may be used where (a) the Agency's sustainable development objectives may best be achieved effectively using credit, and (b) the risks of default may be reasonably estimated and managed.

2. DCA is not a separate program but rather a financing tool to be used in addition to or in lieu of grant funding where appropriate. Accordingly, the principles and policies applicable to the use of development assistance grant funding are presumed to be equally applicable to DCA funding, unless otherwise indicated.

3. DCA loan and bond guarantee agreements will be utilized only when the partner is a non-sovereign entity. No sovereign loan or bond guarantees are permissible under DCA.

4. DCA shall be a demand-driven initiative, with Operating Units having primary responsibility for designing, authorizing, and implementing activities in support of approved strategic objectives and within Administration and Congressional priorities for assistance.

5. DCA operations require a clear separation of responsibility for assessing the developmental soundness and the financial soundness of each activity, with the later responsibilities entrusted to a credit review board within the Agency.

6. DCA requires true risk sharing. For loan and bond guarantee transactions, USAID shall not cover more than 50% of a lender's risk unless otherwise approves.

7. DCA financing shall not be used unless it is probable that the transaction would not go forward without it, taking into consideration whether such financing is available for the term needed and at a reasonable cost.

8. DCA assistance shall be made at or near market rates.

9. DCA fees shall be based on risk with higher risk activities being charged higher fees to the extent feasible, taking into consideration the costs of the development conditionality imposed on the activity.

10. Currency mismatches are discouraged. Currencies earned by DCA activities should match the borrowers' liabilities.

11. DCA is intended to produce greater development impact and increase Agency performance as reported under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). DCA is not intended for budget support or to increase the nominal assistance levels to specific borrowers. Preference will be given to credit enhancement activities that are of a wholesale versus retail nature where USAID agrees to support a broad range of developmentally significant activities that meet defined eligibility requirements.

12. DCA is intended to be used in USAID presence countries in support of the Agency’s strategic objectives and in support of Mission-financed policy and institutional reforms. DCA is also appropriate for use as part of an exit strategy in countries where USAID assistance is being phased out.

13. DCA is intended to address market imperfections. Activities eligible for DCA financing shall have positive financial rates of return.


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Tue, 05 Oct 2004 14:37:17 -0500