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Catalogue: Astrology/Divination/Magic

dot [On Magical-Medical Procedures]   (MS P 29, marginal item 31)
by Muammad ibn ‘Abd Allāh Ibn ‘Abd al-Mualib (fl. before 1546/953)
محمد ابن عبد الله ابن عبد المطلب

This untitled Persian essay on magical medical procedures is said to be extracted from the writings of Muammad ibn ‘Abd Allāh Ibn ‘Abd al-Mualibb (or al-Mutlib). Nothing else is known of this author. The treatise is written in the margins of another treatise. The volume bears an owner's stamp dated 1546 (953 H), thereby providing a date before which the otherwise unknown author must have worked.

The treatise includes 3x3 and 4x4 magic squares and various talismanic designs, with instructions on engraving them to protect against various afflictions and to aid in childbirth.

No other copy is recorded.

physical description

Persian. 37 leaves (margins of fol. 114b-129a, 132a-140a, 141a-147a, and 148a-162a). Dimensions 35.5 x 21. Text written diagonally in margins between outer frame (31 x 4.5 cm) and frame of inner text area (22.5 x 11.5cm) . The treatise is said to be extracted from the writings of Muammad ibn ‘Abd Allāh Ibn ‘Abd al-Mualib. There are no marginal texts on fols. 129b-131b, 140b, 141b-142a, and 147b.

The manuscript containing this item is undated but elsewhere signed by the scribe, Sayyid usayn Yazdī. There is a portrait of a scribe immediately below the colophon giving the scribe's name (fol. 173a). The volume must have been completed before 1546/953, when an owner's stamp for one ‘Imād al-Dīn Zakarīyā’ ibn Muammad ibn Mamūd Limūnī was placed in the volume. It appears to have been copied in India.

The text is written in the same hand as the main text in the volume. The marginal text is written in a small, compact, professional, and elegant ta‘liq tending toward naskh script in black ink with headings in red and red overlinings. There are catchwords for the central text, which is enclosed in frames of blue, red, gilt, and black lines. The marginal text is written in short diagonal lines between the frame enclosing the central text and a larger frame of blue, gilt, and black lines.

The glossy yellow-brown paper is moderately thin with only laid lines visible. There is some water damage near the edges, and the edges have been trimmed from their original size. Folios 1 and 173 have been reinforced.

There are 173 leaves in the volume. Fols. 1a and 173b are blank. The main item in the volume, occupying the central text area of fols. 1b-173a is ‘Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharā’ib al-mawjūdāt by al-Qazwīnī (MS P 29). There are 35 distinct treatises written in the wide margins of the folios. The marginal items are: MS P 29, marginal item 1: (fol. 1b) Dar aqīqat-i ‘ālam, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 2: (fols. 2a-3b) Risālah-i qiyāfah by Sayyid ‘Alī Hamdānī; MS P 29, marginal item 3: (fols. 3b-10b) Risālah-i ifz al-iah by al-Jurjānī; MS P 29, marginal item 4: (fols. 10b-12a) Muqaddimah-i nabz, anon. ; MS P 29, marginal item 5: (fols. 18a-19b) Muqqadimah-i ‘ishq, anon. ; MS P 29, marginal item 6: (fols. 19b-22b) shar-i pat , anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 7: (fols. 23a-25b) Dar ‘ishq, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 8: (fols. 26a-29b) Risālah-i arīqah-i naqsh-bandīy, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 9: (fols. 33b-33b) on astronomical principles, untitled, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 10: (fol. 41a) on the zodiacal sign of Cancer, untitled, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 11: (fols. 42b-45a) on ancient authorities, untitled, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 12: (fols. 45b-46b) aqīqat-i ūl-i va ‘ar-i aqālīm, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 13: (fols. 52a-53b) on astrology and magic, untitled, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 14: (fols. 54a-56b) Risāla dar khāīyat-i zanān, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 15: (fols. 57a-62a) on magic squares and talismans, untitled, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 16: (fols. 62a-63b) Risālah dar hawā, attributed to Ibn Sīnā; MS P 29, marginal item 17: (fols. 63b-66b) Muqaddimāt-i isāb, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 18: (fols. 66b-70a) on numerology and lunar mansions, untitled, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 19: (fols. 70a-73b) on occult properties, untitled, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 20: (fols. 73b-77b) Muqaddimah-i raml, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 21: (fol. 77b) Muqaddimah-i ganjifah, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 22: (fol. 77b) Muqaddimah-i sharanj, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 23: (fols. 78a-80b) on magical alphabets, untitled, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 24: (fols. 81a-88b) Khulāah-i tawārīkh, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 25: (fols. 88b-91a) Khulāah-i rājāwatī, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 26: (fols. 92a-93a) on wonders among world rulers, untitled, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 27: (fols. 96a-99a) reports and sayings of learned Sufi shaykhs (untitled), anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 28: (fols. 99a-101b) Dar akhlāq-i amīdah, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 29: (fols. 101b-108a) Tufat al-wuzarā' , anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 30: (fols. 108b-109b) on magic, untitled, anon.; MS P 29, margin item 31: (fols. 114b-129a, 132a-140a, 141a-147a, 148a-162a) is catalogued here; MS P 29, marginal item 32: (fols. 162a-165a) Risālah dar akl va shurb, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 33: (fol. 166a) Dar isab-i siyāq-i ayawanāt, anon.; MS P 29, marginal item 34: (fols. 167a-167b) on compound recipes, untitled, anon.; and MS P 29, marginal item 35: (fols. 169a-172b) Khawā-i jafrāt, anon. There are no marginal texts on fols. 12b-17b, 30a-31b, 34a-40b, 41b-42a, 47a-51b, 91b, 93b-95a, 110a-114b, 129b-131b, 140b, 141b-142a, 147b, 165b, 166b, 168a, 168b [only marginal corrections], and 173a.


The volume is bound in pasteboards covered with dark-brown leather. On the covers there are gold-tooled frames filled with acanthus leaves, with flowers or a star in the center and corners. The spine has gold-stamped flowers and a border. The binding is not original. There are modern pastedowns and endpapers.


There is an owner's stamp dated 1546/953 with the name ‘Imād al-Dīn Zakarīyā’ ibn Muammad ibn Mamūd Limūnī (folio 173a).

The volume was purchased from R. Thomas Heller, New York, on 3 August 1949. No further information is available on the provenance.



NLM Microfilm Reel: FILM 55-41 no. 3

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