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From the Beach to Broadway—USGS Extreme Storm Group Donates Equipment to Local Nonprofit Theater

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Aerial view of the Strand in Myrtle Beach
Above: Aerial view of the Strand in Myrtle Beach, S.C., in 1996, shot during an early USGS storm-response mission, using the donated video camera. The USGS storm-response team has been conducting aerial surveys for more than 10 years (see URL
) [larger version]

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) was able to donate some of its older, professional-grade video equipment to a local nonprofit theater in St. Petersburg, Fla. "That is exactly the kind of video equipment we have been looking for," said Andy Orrell, marketing director of the American Stage Theatre Company. "It has been on our wishlist for a long time."

The large camera was used in some of the earliest flights by the USGS Hurricane and Extreme Storm Impact Studies project to map coastal features altered by Hurricanes Fran and Bertha. It was later replaced by a smaller digital video camera that works better within the confined spaces of an aircraft. Donation of the older camera to the local theater company was made possible by provisions in USGS regulations that allow donations to schools and educational nonprofit organizations. The donated camera will be used to make high-quality videos of the theater group's productions for archival, educational, and promotional use.

For more information about the American Stage Theatre Company, visit URL For more information about oblique aerial and video photography by the USGS Hurricane and Extreme Storm Impact Studies project, visit URL

Related Sound Waves Stories
USGS Scientists Gather Images and Information About Recent Hurricanes
October 2004
Measuring Hurricane Impacts—USGS Coastal Hazards Team Is Up to the Challenge
October 2005

Related Web Sites
Hurricane and Extreme Storm Impact Studies
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
American Stage Theatre Company

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Deadly Tsunami Hits Solomon Islands

Tsunami-Forecasting System Tested by Recent Earthquakes

Sub-Sea-Floor Methane in the Bering Sea

Outreach USGS Donates Equipment to Local Nonprofit Theater

Meetings Getting to Know ET (Evapotranspiration)

International Workshop on High-Seas Biogeography

Awards USGS Researcher Receives Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers

USGS Sirenia Project Receives Manatee Hero Award


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Updated April 06, 2007 @ 11:23 AM (JSS)