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Southwest Region 2 Refuges  |  National Wildlife Refuge System  |  USFWS National Site

Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge

A Rich Meeting Place
A freshwater slough winds through salt marshes. Rare, native bluestem prairie graces the uplands. The greater the number of habitats, the richer the ecology. Brazoria NWR is no exception. It has a key location on the Texas Gulf which helps Freeport draw one of the highest Audubon Christmas bird counts in the nation - more than 200 species.

In winter, more than 100,000 snow geese, Canada geese, pintail, northern shoveler, teal, gadwall, American wigeon and mottled ducks fill the plentiful ponds and sloughs to capacity. Sandhill cranes join in too.

In summer, birds that nest on the refuge include ten species of herons and egrets, white ibis, roseate spoonbill, mottled duck, white-tailed kite, clapper rail, horned lark, seaside sparrow, black skimmer, and scissor-tailed flycatcher.

Home for Once Endangered Wildlife
Look for alligators year-round on Big Slough and in refuge ponds. In dry seasons, their trails thorough the mud and excavated gator holes are easy to spot. Roseate spoonbills capture the pink glow of sunrise in their wings in flight. Those same rosy feathers proved a near death sentence when demand for feather hats decimated spoonbills, great egrets and other fine-feathered fowl until plume hunting ended before World War I.

Alligator waiting for lunch!
Photo by R. Hickner
REFUGE MAP Click this link for a detailed map of Brazoria NWR.
(Be patient, it's a large file.)
AREA MAP Click here for an area map and driving directions to Brazoria NWR.
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