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Software Downloads for Spatial Survey Design and Analysis

Software for R, Software for S-PLUS

Software for developing spatial survey designs and subsequent statistical analyses of data from those designs is available for download. The principal form for the software is a library that is used with the R statistical program (http://www.r-project.org). The statistical analysis part of that library is also available as a library that is used with the S-PLUS statistical program (http://www.insightful.com). The spatial survey design algorithms are not available for S-PLUS.

Software for R

The EMAP Design Team developed a single library that enables users (1) to complete site selection for spatial survey designs based on GRTS spatial balance algorithms as well as those based on simple random algorithms and (2) to do population estimation for data collected using those designs. The spsurvey library implements these. Other software that is necessary is provided (main R software program and other R libraries) as well as a text editor (Tinn-R) that is specially designed to work with R. Instructions on how to install R, the libraries, and Tinn-R are given. A user guide is provided as well as several examples to help the user learn how to select sites and analyze the subsequent data collected. All changes to spsurvey are documented and should be consulted.




How to install R, spsurvey, and Tinn-R

Using R, spsurvey, and Tinn-R (pdf)
Using R, spsurvey, and Tinn-R (html)

User Guide for the spsurvey library

User Guide for spsurvey 2.0 (pdf)
User Guide for spsurvey 2.0 (html)

Changes to the spsurvey library

Changes to spsurvey (pdf)
Changes to spsurvey (html)

Installation file for the spsurvey library

spsurvey_2.0.zip (2.2 MB)

Installation file for the spatial data (sp) library (required)

sp_0.9-25.zip (0.8 MB)

Installation file for R version 2.4.1 for Windows (required)

R-2.7.0-win32.exe (28.6 MB)

Installation file for Tinn-R, an R script editor

Tinn-R_1.19.1.9_setup.exe (2.3 MB)

The EMAP Design Team has developed and tested this version of spsurvey using R_2.4.0. We have not verified that the current version of spsurvey is compatible with prior versions of the R Statistical Software. Use of R version 2.4.0 is highly recommended and is available for download above or from the Comprehensive R Network (http://cran.fhcrc.org/)

Spatial survey design examples are available to aid users in the use of spsurvey. Examples are given for points, lines, and polygons (i.e., finite, linear, and area). All information required to do the survey designs is given in the zip files.


Example Survey Designs


Points: New England Lakes

LakeDesign.zip (1.6 MB)

Lines: Luckiamute Stream Network

StreamDesign.zip (0.2 MB)

Polygons: Utah Ecoregions

EcoregionDesign.zip (0.3 MB)

Polygons: Oregon Estuaries

EstuaryDesign.zip (0.4 MB)


Example statistical analyses for spatial survey designs are available to aid users in the use of the spsurvey library. Examples are given for points, lines, and polygons (i.e., finite, linear,and area resources). All information required to do the statistical analyses is given in the zip files.


Example Statistical Analyses


Points: Florida Lakes


Lines: Indiana Stream Network


Polygons: South Carolina Estuaries




Software for S-PLUS

The statistical analysis portion of the spsurvey library is also available as an S-PLUS library named psurvey.analysis. The spatial survey design algorithms are not available for S-PLUS. Two versions of the psurvey.analysis library are maintained to be compatible with different releases of S-PLUS. Note that some of the psurvey.analysis libraries for earlier S-PLUS versions may not have all the functionality as the current library.



How to install and use the psurvey.analysis library

Using psurvey.analysis (pdf)
Using psurvey.analysis (html)

User Guide for the psurvey.analysis library

User Guide for psurvey.analysis 2.12 (pdf)
User Guide for psurvey.analysis 2.12 (html)

Changes to the psurvey.analysis library

Changes to psurvey.analysis (pdf)
Changes to psurvey.analysis (html)

Installation file for the psurvey.analysis library for S-PLUS 6 and S-PLUS 7

psurvey.analysis_2.12.S-PLUS 6&7.zip (0.9 MB)

Installation file for the psurvey.analysis library for S-PLUS 2000

psurvey.analysis_2.12.S-PLUS 2000.zip (0.6 MB)


Example statistical analyses for spatial survey designs are available to aid users in the use of the psurvey.analysis library. Examples are given for points, lines, and polygons (i.e., finite, linear, and area resources). All information required to do the statistical analyses is given in the zip files. The examples assume that the user has the current version of psurvey.analysis.


Example Statistical Analyses


Points: Florida Lakes


Lines: Indiana Stream Network


Polygons: South Carolina Estuaries


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