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Environmental Data Standards

Environmental Data Registry (EDR) The Environmental Data Registry (EDR) is a comprehensive, authoritative reference for information about the definition, source, and uses of environmental data. The EDR does not contain environmental data - it provides descriptive information to make the data more meaningful.

Environmental Data Standards Council The Environmental Data Standards Council (EDSC) develops environmental data standards to promote the exchange of information among States, Native American Tribes, and EPA. The Web site provides the authoritative information on Council actions, environmental data standards, and related information.

Staged Electronic Data Deliverable (SEDD) The Staged Electronic Data Deliverable (SEDD) is an inter-agency effort to create a generic format for electronic delivery of analytical data for environmental programs.

EPA System of Registries The System of Registries (SoR) provides a gateway and search capability to several registries and repositories residing in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Environmental Information (OEI). These registries comprise a critical link in EPA's information architecture and are a vital component to the National Environmental Information Exchange Network (Network). Specifically, the SoR was developed to support the Agency's data standards program and numerous Agency information technology initiatives, including the Agency architecture and data exchange with stakeholders through network nodes.

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