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Measurement Science Research

Science Policy Council (SPC) With a goal of integrating policies that guide Agency decision-makers in their use of scientific and technical information, the SPC works to implement and ensure the success of selected initiatives recommended by external advisory bodies such as the National Research Council and the Science Advisory Board, as well as others such as the Congress, industry and environmental groups, and Agency staff. In this way, the SPC provides guidance for selected EPA regulatory and enforcement policies and decisions.

Environmental Technology Verification Program EPA's Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program develops testing protocols and verifies the performance of innovative technologies that have the potential to improve protection of human health and the environment. ETV was created to accelerate the entrance of new environmental technologies into the domestic and international marketplace.

Science Inventory The EPA Science Inventory is a searchable, Agency-wide catalog of science activities and scientific and technical work products (for example, risk assessments, technical studies and guidance, and research.)

Regional Science Program The Regional Science Program emphasizes the building of networks and partnerships among regional and ORD scientists, and the generation and effective transfer of near- and long-term ORD research results on both intra- and inter-regional science issues.

Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Program The EPA STAR program funds research grants and graduate fellowships in numerous environmental science and engineering disciplines through a competitive solicitation process and independent peer review. The program engages the nation’s best scientists and engineers in targeted research that complements EPA’s own outstanding intramural research program and those of our partners in other federal agencies.

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