P.L. 98-500, Approved October 19, 1984 (98 Stat. 2317)

Old Age Assistance Claims Settlement Act

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Sec. 8.[25 U.S.C. 2307] Funds distributed under the provisions of this Act shall not be considered as income or resources nor otherwise utilized as the basis for denying or reducing the financial assistance or other benefits to which such household or member would otherwise be entitled under the Social Security Act or, except for per capita shares in excess of $2,000, any Federal or federally assisted program.

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[Internal References.—SSAct §§2(a), 1002(a), 1402(a), 1602(a)(State) 1612(b) and 1613(a) have footnotes referring to Appendix K (this Volume) which provides a list of Federal law provisions, including P.L. 98-500, §8, relating to income and resources.]