P.L. 93-134, Approved October 19, 1973 (87 Stat. 466)

Indian Tribal Judgment Funds Use or Distribution Act

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, [25 U.S.C. 1401] (a) That, notwithstanding any other law, all use or distribution of funds appropriated in satisfaction of a judgment of the Indian Claims Commission or the United States Claims Court[1] in favor of any Indian tribe, band, group, pueblo, or community (hereinafter referred to as “Indian tribe”), together with any investment income earned thereon, after payment of attorney fees and litigation expenses, shall be made pursuant to the provisions of this Act.

(b) Except as provided in the Act of September 22, 1961 (75 Stat. 584), amounts which the Secretary of the Interior has remaining after execution of either a plan under this Act, or another Act enacted heretofore or hereafter providing for the use or distribution of amounts awarded in satisfaction of a judgment in favor of an Indian tribe or tribes, together with any investment income earned thereon and after payment of attorney fees and litigation expenses, shall be held in trust by the Secretary for the tribe or tribes involved if the plan or Act does not otherwise provide for the use of such amounts.

(c) This Act may be cited as the “Indian Tribal Judgment Funds Use or Distribution Act”.

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Sec. 7. [25 U.S.C. 1407] None of the funds which—

(1) are distributed per capita or held in trust pursuant to a plan approved under the provisions of this Act, or

(2) on the date of enactment of this Act, are to be distributed per capita or are held in trust pursuant to a plan approved by the Congress prior to the date of enactment of this Act,

(3) were distributed pursuant to a plan approved by Congress after December 31, 1981 but prior to the date of enactment of this Act, and any purchases made with such funds, or

(4) are paid by the State of Minnesota to the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa Indians pursuant to the agreements of such Band to voluntarily restrict tribal rights to hunt and fish in territory cede under the Treaty of September 30, 1854 (10 Stat. 1109), including all interest accrued on such funds during any period in which such funds are held in a minor's trust,

including all interest and investment income accrued thereon while such funds are so held in trust, shall be subject to Federal or State income taxes, nor shall such funds nor their availability be considered as income or resources nor otherwise utilized as the basis for denying or reducing the financial assistance or other benefits to which such household or member would otherwise be entitled under the Social Security Act or, except for per capita shares in excess of $2,000, any Federal or federally assisted program.

Sec. 8. [25 U.S.C. 1408] Interests of individual Indians in trust or restricted lands shall not be considered a resource, and up to $2,000 per year of income received by individual Indians that is derived from such interests shall not be considered income, in determining eligibility for assistance under the Social Security Act or any other Federal or federally assisted program.

[Internal References.—SSAct §§2(a), 1002(a), 1402(a), 1602(a)(State) 1612(b) and 1613(a) have footnotes referring to Appendix K (this Volume) which provides a list of Federal law provisions, including P.L. 93-134, §§7 and 8, relating to income and resources. P.L. 98-64, §2(a), (this volume) cites the Act of October 19, 1973.]

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[1] P.L. 102-572, §902(b)(1), provides that a reference to the “United States Claims Court” shall be deemed a reference to the “United States Court of Federal Claims”.