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Obtaining the Software

The Windows distribution package containing the executable for the HST3D simulator and the BCFLOW program with the example data files with selected output files can be obtained from the HST3D Download: list.

Download the latest distribution package.

Note: If you are using Netscape as your Internet browser, right click on the file that you are downloading. Choose Save Link As ... to download the file.

Note: If you are using Internet Explorer as your Internet browser, right click on the file that you are downloading. Choose Save Target As ... to download the file.

Installation Steps

  1. Load and install the software

    This download package is in .zip file format. You must have an unzip program such as Winzip to unzip the file. Several subdirectories will be created, three of which will be under the top-level installation directory.

  2. Test the installation

    After the installation process has finished, the HST3D simulator can be tested using the examples located in the hst/examples subdirectory. Each example with input data and selected output files is located in its own subdirectory. The BCFLOW program can be tested using the example located in the bcflow/examples/Ex.huyakorn subdirectory.


URL: http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GW_Solute/hst/pages/win32_install.shtml

Last modified: 6 Jun 2007