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Linux Platform

Installing the Software

To install HYDROTHERM INTERACTIVE, first install the software for the Java Runtime Environment 1.5 or higher, if not already present. The installation of the HTI software normally only involves uncompressing and unpacking the distribution.

First create and change to the directory chosen for installing HYDROTHERM INTERACTIVE. The minimum disc space required to install HYDROTHERM INTERACTIVE is 41 MB. Note that the distribution package will unpack into a top level directory named HTI. Several subdirectories will be created. This download is in compressed tar format. To unpack, use a command like:
gunzip hti-3.r.p.tar.gz | tar -xvf - or
tar -xzf hti-3.r.p.tar.gz

After the installation process has finished, the HYDROTHERM INTERACTIVE simulator can be tested using the examples located in the HTI/examples subdirectory. Each example with input data and selected output files is located in its own subdirectory. The example input and output files are provided with the suffix .orig. Note that the executable program script is invoked by moving up two directory levels from the example file locations and over to the bin directory.

For example:

  1. Change to one of the examples/Ex. directories.
  2. Make a working copy of the example document file, xxx.hti.orig.
  3. Start up the HTI Preprocessor by typing ../../bin/hti.
  4. Go to the File menu and select an existing document file, xxx.hti, using Open... . This step bypasses the setting up of the example using the HTI Preprocessor.
  5. Go to the Show menu and select the Postprocessor item to open the Postprocessor window.
  6. Select the dependent variable to observe during the simulation from the Display: list.
  7. Run the simulation by clicking on the Run button at the left side of the Postprocessor window.
  8. Observe the simulation and, after completion, compare the results to the output files provided.

Building the Simulator Executable

Building the executable normally follows making changes to the source code. Please contact the code custodian about building the HYDROTHERM INTERACTIVE simulator from source code.

Uninstalling the Software

Remove the software with the following steps:

  1. Change working directory to the one containing the top-level installation directory, HTI.
  2. Remove the installed program package using a command like:
    rm -rf HTI


URL: http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GW_Solute/hydrotherm/pages/HTI_linux_install.shtml

Last modified: 8 Feb 2008