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West-Central Florida Coastal Studies Project Celebrates Successful Conclusion

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A celebration was held on March 16 at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies in St. Petersburg, FL, to commemorate the conclusion of a 5-year collaborative study between the USGS, the University of South Florida (USF), and Eckerd College. The West-Central Florida Coastal Studies Project was undertaken to investigate the geologic history of the west-central Florida coast and the processes that control the distribution of sediment and the formation of barrier islands in this heavily developed region, where high rates of beach erosion have become a major concern.

Celebrants proudly display some of the final products of the West-Central Florida Coastal Studies Project.
Above: Celebrants proudly display some of the final products of the West-Central Florida Coastal Studies Project. From left to right: Lisa Robbins (USGS), Gregg Brooks (Department of Marine Science, Eckerd College), Al Hine and Stan Locker (College of Marine Science, USF), and Laurinda Frye, Betsy Boynton, Rob Wertz, and Kristy Guy (USGS).

Project participants sought to better understand the recent geologic history of the region's barrier-island system and its natural variation, sea-floor bathymetry, surficial-sediment distribution, and subsurface stratigraphy, as well as water circulation and its interaction with the coastal inner-shelf system. Numerical models developed from the project help describe the responses of west-central Florida's continental-shelf circulation and sea level to storms and varying seasonal conditions.

The scientists, technicians, and staff members who participated in the creation of recent publications for the project were recognized at the March 16 celebration. The published works include 24 USGS Open-File Reports, 5 USF Technical Reports, 17 theses and dissertations, and 39 papers and abstracts. Many papers appeared in a special issue of the international journal Marine Geology (2003, v. 200, no. 1-4). Project participants anticipate that their products will be widely used by regional and local coastal engineers, planners, government officials, and interested citizens in managing west-central Florida's coastal resources.

For more information about the project, visit the West-Central Florida Coastal Studies Project Web site. To view three-dimensional numerical circulation models created with data collected by current meters and satellite imagery, visit the Nowcast and Forecast System of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Web site.

Related Web Sites
West-Central Florida Coastal Studies Project
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg, FL
Nowcast and Forecast System of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
University of South Florida (USF)
Marine Geology Vol. 200, Issue: 1-4
Elsevier Science
A Summary of Findings of the West-Central Florida Coastal Studies Project - USGS Open File Report 01-303
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)