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The Challenge

USAID’s programs in Sudan will assist the southern Sudanese in responding to the significant challenges and opportunities in the transition from war to peace. Programs that address basic human needs through humanitarian assistance in Darfur are outlined elsewhere in the CBJ. USAID’s goal in Sudan is to assist in achieving a just and lasting peace secured through successful implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and demonstrating peace dividends. Poor participatory governance, weak social services and infrastructure, large displaced populations, South-South tension, particular neglect in Abyei, Blue Nile, and Southern Kordofan, and inadequate economic viability all have the potential to destabilize Sudan and reignite conflict. To this end, USAID is supporting stability, expanding social service delivery, increasing the effectiveness of government institutions, reintegrating displaced people, buttressing urban centers, and fighting corruption, misinformation, and neglect.

Objectives, Sectors and Workforce

Flag of Sudan Country Profile Tables

Definitions of Information Contained in the Country Profile Tables

Please note: All linked documents below are in PDF format

Program Budget (Appropriations by Objective) FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07 2005 SO Performance Score Direct SO Admin. Cost Ratio
650-004 Support to the Peace Process 10,941 21,265 0 0 N/A     0.01
650-005 Governance 12,922 13,949 0 0 N/A 2.00 Exceeded 0.03
650-006 Education 8,041 10,251 0 0 N/A 1.25 Exceeded 0.06
650-007 Health Transformation 13,500 18,000 0 0 N/A 1.38 Exceeded 0.03
650-008 Economic Recovery 28,300 87,900 0 0 N/A 1.42 Exceeded 0.02
650-009 Avert and Resolve Conflict 0 22,000 31,380 71,580 N/A N/A 0.08
650-010 Promote Stability, Recovery, and Reform 0 0 64,910 67,153 N/A N/A   N/A
650-011 Program Support 0 0 12,510 11,667 N/A N/A   N/A
PL 480 Title II not Allocated to a Strategic Objective 264,445 306,202 25,317 N/A
Country Total 338,149 479,567 134,117 150,400 -55.5%

Mission Director: Allan Reed

MCA Status: Not a Candidate
PEPFAR Focus Country: No
Provided or Received Services From Other Missions: Received

Program Budget (Appropriations by Account) FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07
Child Survival and Health Programs Fund 11,500 16,500 19,000 20,400 77.4%
Development Assistance 50,263 70,000 70,000 70,000 39.3%
Economic Support Fund 10,941 41,840 19,800 60,000 448.4%
Global HIV/AIDS Initiative 1,000 1,000 0 0 N/A
International Disaster and Famine Assistance 0 43,525 0 0 N/A
PL 480 Title II 264,445 306,202 25,317 0 N/A
Total 338,149 479,567 134,117 150,400 -55.5%


Program Budget by Sector and Account FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07
Basic Education DA 6,922 8,700 8,700 8,700 25.7%
Agriculture and Environment DA 24,300 35,600 35,600 35,600 46.5%
Higher Education & Training DA 1,119 1,551 1,551 1,551 38.6%
Economic Growth DA 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 33.3%
Democracy and Governance DA 2,922 4,149 4,149 4,149 42.0%
ESF 9,941 19,840 0 0 N/A
Conflict Management / Humanitarian Assistance ESF 0 22,000 19,800 60,000 N/A
IDA 0 43,525 0 0 N/A
Family Planning / Reproductive Health CSH 1,000 1,000 1,191 1,000 0.0%
HIV / AIDS CSH 0 1,500 2,328 1,485 N/A
ESF 1,000 0 0 0 N/A
GHAI 1,000 1,500 0 0 N/A
Child Survival and Maternal Health CSH 7,200 8,200 8,809 10,923 51.7%
Vulnerable Children CSH 0 2,000 3,400 3,200 N/A
Other Infectious Diseases CSH 3,300 3,800 3,272 3,792 14.9%
PL 480 Title II not Allocated to a Sector 264,445 306,202 25,317 N/A
Total 338,149 479,567 134,117 150,400 -55.5%


Workforce FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Percent Change FY 04-07
US Direct Hires 4 7 13 15 275.0%
US Non Direct Hires 1 12 18 18 1,700.0%
Foreign Nationals 24 15 86 86 258.3%
Total 29 34 117 119 310.3%


Operating Expense FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07
Salaries and benefits 663 681 258 2,438 267.7%
Travel 188 412 39 765 306.9%
Transportation of things 179 149 0 429 139.7%
Rent 75 150 0 608 710.7%
Security 42 161 0 335 697.6%
Equipment 658 530 0 1,727 162.5%
ICASS - Operating Expense only 92 21 8 220 139.1%
Other Operating Expense 422 823 9 1,478 250.2%
Total OE Budget 2,319 2,927 314 8,000 245.0%
US direct hire salary and benefits 440 680 1,430 1,901 332.0%
Program Funded Administrative Expenses       4,378
Country Total Administrative Budget       14,279
Percent of Bureau OE Total       10.5%


Mission Summary FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007
Program per US Direct Hire ($000) 84,537 68,510 10,317 10,027
Program per All US ($000) 67,630 25,240 4,326 4,558
Program per Position ($000) 11,660 14,105 1,146 1,264
Operating Expense as % of Program Funding       5.3%
Program Funded Admin Expense as % of Total Admin       30.7%
Total Admin Expense as % of Program Funding       9.5%

Other Major Donors:

Bilateral:Germany, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Switzerland, Japan.

Multilateral: UN Humanitarian Coordination Unit, World Food Program, UN Children’s Fund, World Bank (with its Multi-Donor Trust Fund), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, UN Development Program, UN Population Fund, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Health Organization.

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Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:01:59 -0500