2006 Part B State Performance Plans (SPP) Letters
(SPPs Submitted December 2, 2005)

The reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), signed on December 3, 2004, became PL 108-446. In accordance with 20 U.S.C. 1416(b)(1), not later than one year after the date of enactment of the reauthorized IDEA, each state is required to have in place a performance plan evaluating the state's implementation of Part B and describing how the state will improve such implementation. This plan is called the Part B State Performance Plan (SPP) and is required to be posted on the state's web site. The IDEA Part B, Sections 611 and 619 formula grant programs assist states in providing a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment for children with disabilities ages 3 through 21.

In accordance with 20 U.S.C. 1416(2)(C)(ii) each state shall report annually to the public on the performance of each of its local educational agencies according to the targets in its SPP. The state also shall report annually to the secretary of education on its performance according to its SPP targets. This report is called the Part B Annual Performance Report (APR). The Office of Special Education Programs' responses to the states' SPP and APRs will be posted on this page as letters are issued.

Please note: These on-line versions of states' SPP and APR letters are considered unofficial copies. For "official" hard copy versions of these online letters you may contact the address listed below. Also, page numbers may differ between hard copies and the electronic files.

U.S. Department of Education
Office of Special Education Programs
Monitoring and State Improvement Planning Division
550 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202-2600

Telephone: 202-245-7629

Part B APR Letters (Grant Award 2006-2007)

Part B APR Letters (Grant Award 2005-2006)

Part B APR Letters prior to December 2, 2005

Part C SPP Letters and APR Letters

dotted line

Part B State Performance Plan Letters (SPP Submitted December 2, 2005)

Alabama | Alaska | American Samoa | Arizona | Arkansas | Bureau of Indian Affairs | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Federated States of Micronesia | Florida | Georgia | Guam | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Northern Mariana Islands | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Palau | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Republic of the Marshall Islands | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virgin Islands | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (120K)

Table A
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (104K)

Table B
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (65K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (122K)

Table A
download files MS Word (45K) | PDF (234K)

Table B
download files MS Word (43K) | PDF (128K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

American Samoa

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (116K)

Table A
download files MS Word (42K) | PDF (174K)

Table B
download files MS Word (59K) | PDF (406K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (122K)

Table A
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (122K)

Table B
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (15K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (118K)

Table A
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (63K)

Table B
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (30K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

Bureau of Indian Affairs

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (102K)

Table A
download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (50K)

Table B
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (152K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (115K)

Table A
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (138K)

Table B
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (212K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (130K)

Table A
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (117K)

Table B
download files MS Word (42K) | PDF (216K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (119K)

Table A
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (97K)

Table B
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (162K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (147K) | PDF (27K)

Table A
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (106K)

Table B
download files MS Word (40K) | PDF (143K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

District of Columbia

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (140K)

Table A
download files MS Word (49K) | PDF (297K)

Table B
download files MS Word (85K) | PDF (619K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

Federated States of Micronesia

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (95K)

Table A
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (133K)

Table B
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (116K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (180K)

Table A
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (105K)

Table B
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (60K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (103K)

Table A
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (100K)

Table B
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (145K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (133K)

Table A
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (175K)

Table B
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (167K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (104K)

Table A
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (30K)

Table B
download files MS Word (45K) | PDF (30K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (116K)

Table A
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (139K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (143K)

Table A
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (138K)

Table B
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (184K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (108K)

Table A
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (71K)

Table B
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (205K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (116K)

Table A
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (138K)

Table B
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (41K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (147K)

Table A
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (50K)

Table B
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (110K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (110K)

Table A
download files MS Word (40K) | PDF (213K)

Table B
download files MS Word (43K) | PDF (346K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (124K)

Table A
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (69K)

Table B
download files MS Word (39K) | PDF (197K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (113K)

Table A
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (129K)

Table B
download files MS Word (53K) | PDF (339K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (152K)

Table A
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (180K)

Table B
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (164K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (113K)

Table A
download files MS Word (54K) | PDF (256K)

Table B
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (156K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (130K)

Table A
download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (41K)

Table B
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (123K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (109K)

Table A
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (125K)

Table B
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (189K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (109K)

Table A
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (82K)

Table B
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (55K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (108K)

Table A
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (196K)

Table B
download files MS Word (42K) | PDF (232K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (113K)

Table A
download files MS Word (41K) | PDF (119K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (131K)

Table A
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (131K)

Table B
download files MS Word (22K) | PDF (130K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (101K)

Table A
download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (35K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

New Hampshire

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (128K)

Table A
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (100K)

Table B
download files MS Word (40K) | PDF (254K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

New Jersey

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (131K)

Table A
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (183K)

Table B
download files MS Word (44K) | PDF (151K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

New Mexico

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (127K)

Table A
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (124K)

Table B
download files MS Word (42K) | PDF (253K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

New York

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (136K)

Table A
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (171K)

Table B
download files MS Word (67K) | PDF (253K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

North Carolina

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (134K)

Table A
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (74K)

Table B
download files MS Word (49K) | PDF (403K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

North Dakota

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (122K)

Table A
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (59K)

Table B
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (76K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

Northern Mariana Islands

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (99K)

Table A
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (97K)

Table B
download files MS Word (47K) | PDF (314K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (119K)

Table A
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (112K)

Table B
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (136K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (121K)

Table A
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (130K)

Table B
download files MS Word (52K) | PDF (101K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (151K)

Table A
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (143K)

Table B
download files MS Word (48K) | PDF (361K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (108K)

Table A
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (45K)

Table B
download files MS Word (53K) | PDF (367K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (115K)

Table A
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (59K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

Puerto Rico

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (136K)

Table A
download files MS Word (50K) | PDF (299K)

Table B
download files MS Word (94K) | PDF (1100K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

Republic of the Marshall Islands

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (97K)

Table A
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (125K)

Table B
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (67K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

Rhode Island

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (110K)

Table A
download files MS Word (62K) | PDF (395K)

Table B
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (126K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

South Carolina

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (120K)

Table A
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (170K)

Table B
download files MS Word (43K) | PDF (289K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

South Dakota

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (109K)

Table A
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (67K)

Table B
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (149K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (109K)

Table A
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (103K)

Table B
download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (24K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (131K)

Table A
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (110K)

Table B
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (194K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (145K)

Table A
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (153K)

Table B
download files MS Word (46K) | PDF (158K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (107K)

Table A
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (148K)

Table B
download files MS Word (43K) | PDF (218K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

Virgin Islands

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (104K)

Table A
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (66K)

Table B
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (194K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (104K)

Table A
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (66K)

Table B
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (194K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (136K)

Table A
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (82K)

Table B
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (192K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line

West Virginia

SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (107K)

Table A
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (161K)

Table B
download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (39K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (110K)

Table A
download files MS Word (40K) | PDF (207K)

Table B
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (158K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

dotted line


SPP Letters

OSEP Response to SPP
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (118K)

Table A
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (112K)

Table B
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (108K)

APR Letters (Issued after February 2007)

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