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Houston, Texas

photo: Houston, Texas Environmental Laboratory

This facility features the following green attributes:
green power Green Power
Water Management Plan Water Management Plan

Environmental Services Branch Laboratory

Total Facility Area: 38,710 gross square feet (GSF)
Estimated Personnel: 72 persons
Energy Consumption: 20,815,566,028 Btu per year
Btu per GSF per Year: 537,731
Total Water Consumption: 3,123,000 gallons per year
Gallons per GSF per Year: 81

All energy and water data are reported as of FY 2007.


The Houston facility provides office and laboratory space in support of regional monitoring and criminal, civil, and enforcement activities. Laboratory personnel also perform evaluations and audits of environmental monitoring laboratories and public water supply laboratories. EPA first occupied this facility in 1990; the lease expires in May 2010.

Unique Environmental Features

Energy Conservation

Green Power

Water Conservation

Additional Features

For More Information

Linda Koenig (koenig.lisa@epa.gov)
U.S. EPA Region 6 Laboratory
10625 Fallstone Road
Houston, TX 77099
Phone: (281) 983-2193

Abbas Keshavarz (keshavarz.abbas@epa.gov)
Sustainable Facilities Practices Branch
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. (3204R)
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: (202) 564-5075

Web site: www.epa.gov/region6/6lab/r6lab.htm

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