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Duluth, Minnesota

photo:  Mid-Continent Ecology Division Laboratory

This facility features the following green attributes:
green power Green Power
water management plan Water Management Plan
Native Landscaping Native Landscaping

Mid-Continent Ecology Division Laboratory

Total Facility Area: 88,577 gross square feet (GSF)
Estimated Personnel: 145 persons
Energy Consumption: 30,141,579,408 Btu per year
Btu per GSF per Year: 340,287
Total Water Consumption: 964,239 gallons per year
Gallons per GSF per Year: 11

All energy and water data are reported as of FY 2007.


The Duluth laboratory is a research facility for EPA's National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory under the Office of Research and Development (ORD). It conducts research to determine the ecological effects of water pollutants on fish, wildlife, and ecosystems. The Mid-continent Ecology Division (MED) also operates the Large Lakes and Rivers Research Station in Grosse Ile, Michigan.

Duluth was selected for the site of the MED research facility because of the need for water from Lake Superior to conduct its research. The unchanging quality of the water over the past 30 years is essential to the credibility of the ecotoxicology research performed. Currently, the facility uses about 94 million gallons of Lake Superior water annually for research and cooling.

Unique Environmental Features

Energy Conservation

Green Power

Water Conservation

Stormwater Management

For More Information

Rod Booth (booth.rod@epa.gov)
6201 Congdon Boulevard
Duluth, MN 55804
Phone: (218) 529-5000
Fax: (218) 720-5703

Web site:www.epa.gov/med

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