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Denver, Colorado

Photo of Region 8 Office.

This facility features the following green attributes:
LEED Certification LEED-NC Gold Certification

green power Green Power

Region 8 Office

Total Facility Area: 248,849 rentable square feet (EPA share)
Estimated Personnel: 850 EPA personnel
Energy Consumption: 16,443,772,160 Btu per year

Estimated Btu per Gross Square Foot per Year: 66,079
Estimated Water Consumption: 6,214,000 gallons per year

Annual energy and water data are estimated based on available FY 2007 data.


A grand opening ceremony was held March 6, 2007, to celebrate the opening of the Denver Regional Office. On hand to celebrate the opening were EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, General Services Administration Administrator Lurita Doan, and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper.

EPA's Region 8 covers the mountain states of Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. In January 2007, the Region 8 Office relocated to a new facility leased by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) for EPA. EPA occupies the nine-story building through a 10-year lease with GSA. In September 2007, the facility received the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®)Exit EPA Disclaimer Gold-level certification. The facility, a product of more than three years of planning, design, and construction, serves as a hallmark of environmental sustainability in a prominent Lower Downtown Historic District location.

Photo of groundbreaking at new Denver facility.

Representatives prepare to break ground at the June 2005 ceremony. From left to right: Larry Trujillo, Regional Administrator for GSA; Robbie Roberts, Regional Administrator for EPA; Steve Johnson, EPA Administrator; John Hickenlooper, Mayor of Denver; Marshall Burton, OPUS; and Mr. Charles Bearrobe of the Oglala Lakota tribe.

Award Winner


Structuring the Acquisition to Maximize Results

EPA and GSA worked together to develop a two-step design competition for EPA's new Region 8 Office so that the building represents the best in design, work environment, environmental performance, and security while providing a good value for the taxpayers.

Step 1: The first phase of the competition, completed in Spring 2004, consisted of evaluating numerous development teams, which include a real estate development firm, architecture/engineering firm, general contractor, commissioning agent, property management firm, and other specialty consultants. The teams were evaluated on their past performance, design and sustainable building experience, security expertise, financing capability, and other factors. The field was narrowed to five teams chosen to move on to the design phase of the competition.

Denver Regional Office schematic.

Step 2: During the second phase of the competition, completed in Summer 2004, the five teams developed, refined, and presented schematic designs. Teams provided building renderings, site plans, floor plans, mechanical system descriptions, energy use estimates, water conservation strategies, construction materials, construction period waste recycling plans, commissioning plans, indoor air quality measures, and other information on the sustainable attributes of the building. In addition, the teams were required to demonstrate how they would meet new Department of Homeland Security requirements. In August 2004 the Opus team—consisting of OPUS Northwest, LLC, developer and owner; Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects LLP, architects; Syska Hennessy, mechanical/electrical engineers; and Hinman Consulting, security—was awarded the contract.

Environmental Features

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To learn more about the energy-efficient design features incorporated in the Region 8 Office, view the following documents:

Energy Conservation

Incremental Energy Savings Pie Chart

Pie Chart showing Denver's incremental energy savings. Chart is accurate as of December 2006.

Green Power

Photo of pv panels on region 8 office. Close up image of the PV panel on the Denver roof.

Images of the pv panels located on the roof of the Denver facility.

Green Building

Green Roof

Photo of Denver's green roof.

Photo of the Region 8 Office's green roof with a view of Downtown.

Water Conservation

Waste Reduction and Recycling

Other Features

Photo of sails in Denver Region 8 Office atrium. Close up photo of sails in Denver Region 8 Office atrium.

Sails in the building atrium help alleviate glare and control heat from daylighting.

For More Information

Following are summaries of the environmental provisions included in the solicitation for offers (SFOs) for the Region 8 offic building:


Paula Smith (smith.paula@epa.gov)
U.S. EPA Region 8
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 312-6630 


Cathy Berlow (berlow.cathy@epa.gov)
EPA Headquarters
Ronald Reagan Building (3204R)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: (202) 564-3739

To take a tour of the Denver Region 8 Office, contact:
Patty Provencher (provencher.patricia@epa.gov)
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 312-6836

Web site: www.epa.gov/region8

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