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Chicago, Illinois

photo: Region 5 Office in Chicago

This facility features the following green attributes:
green powerGreen Power

Region 5 Office

Total Facility Area: 418,569 rentable square feet (EPA share)
Estimated Personnel: 1,558 EPA personnel
Energy Consumption: 30, 856,004,457 Btu per year (EPA share)
Btu per Rentable Square Foot per Year: 73,718
Water Consumption: not available

All energy and water data are reported as of FY 2004.


EPA's Region 5 Headquarters is located in the Metcalfe Federal Building in Chicago, Illinois, and oversees EPA operations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, and 35 Tribal Nations. The Agency has implemented a number of programs and procedures to minimize its environmental impact.

Unique Environmental Features

Energy Conservation

Green Power

Waste Reduction and Recycling

For More Information

Hedrick E. Partee (partee.hedrick@epa.gov)
536 South Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60605
Phone: (312) 353-4190

Web site: www.epa.gov/region5

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