OECD Observer
Countries » OECD » Portugal
  • Portugal: Stronger expansion

    The expansion has become more broadly based in 2007. Following a period of buoyant export growth, investment is picking up. Growth is expected to strengthen further in 2008 and 2009, largely driven by domestic demand. The still large negative output gap should drive inflation down in 2009. Though gradually declining, unemployment remains high and, as a result, wage increases are set to be moderate.

    (144 words)
  • Childcare counts

    Choosing the career track versus the family track is a personal choice that has become a global concern. Family-friendly policies are essential, says Babies and Bosses - Reconciling Work and Family Life, not only to promote child development and family wellbeing, but to reduce poverty, underpin productivity and bolster employment in our ageing societies.

    (354 words)
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