Yreka Fish and Wildlife Office
California and Nevada Region
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program

South Siskiyou County Pond Restoration Project

Photo: Landowner


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been working in voluntary partnership with private landowners interested in restoring wetlands and other important wildlife habitats since 1987. The purpose of the program is to assist landowners with the restoration, enhancement, and protection of wetland, riparian, and instream habitats. Both technical and financial assistance are available and encouraged. This program was initiated to support the restoration of migratory waterfowl populations, but has been expanded to include projects benefitting endangered species, anadromous fisheries, and neotropical migratory birds.

  • Implement and promote habitat conservation on private lands which benefit Federal trust species

  • Provide leadership and develop partnerships necessary to accomplish habitat conservation

  • Educate the general public on the importance of habitat conservation and encourage their participation in these efforts
Information and Requirements:
  • Available to private landowners only.

  • Fish and Wildlife Service contribution to project generally limited to less than 50% of total cost.

  • Limited to on-the-ground projects resulting in the restoration, enhancement, or protection of fish and wildlife habitats.

  • Generally, projects are small to intermediate in size due to the limited amount of funds available.

For more information refer to the California Partners for Fish and Wildlife website.

Ecosystem Restoration Main

Last updated: October 16, 2008