USAID from the American People/Dominican Republic

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Success Stories


Economic Opportunities

Ernesto Nova, Ernestina Díaz and Basilia López, Juan de Herrera residents, show the green waste baskets that they will use to collect the organic waste in their homes.

Southwestern Community Turns Waste into Income

USAID Dominican Republic, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the Dominican Institute for Development and Research (IDD, in Spanish), and the Mayor’s office recently came together to inaugurate an Organic Compost Plant in Juan de Herrera; the soutwestern region’s first.

Rogelio inspects a load of lumber drying in a solar-powered kiln.

Using Solar Energy to Increase Wood Quality

The Zambrana Association of Agro-forest producers uses a solar-powered kiln to dry lumber; improving the quality of wood placed in the Dominican Market

USAID/DR assists nature guides in getting local government and community buy-in for their ecotourism enterprise

Nature Guides Nurture Safety and Development

USAID/DR assists nature guides in getting local government and community buy-in for their ecotourism enterprise

Inhabitants of the new Padre Nuestro community are now living in a much healthier environment, with adequate houses, piped water, and good electricity

Rebuilding a Community After a Hurricane

Creating partnerships to rebuild a community destroyed by a natural disaster


Health and Population

Dr. Ayala, a graduate of the EOC courses, comforts a patient during her labor at La Altagracia Maternity Hospital

Training to Reduce Maternal Mortality

The Emergency Obstetric Care courses teach health care providers improved clinical practices and improve emphatic treatment of patients.

 Patient Jacinta Morla and her granddaughter wait for their doctor in Alejo Martinez Hospital’s recently remodeled waiting room

User Services Offices Reshape the Face of Public Hospitals

The user services offices help the hospitals provide better services to their patients. 

Peer educator Eridania Brito shown with one of the program’s beneficiaries

Peer Educator Finds Pride Working with Teens in her Community

The Peer Educators work to empower teenagers, while involving parents and community leaders.

Women pack boxes of low-price/high-quality condoms to be distributed by a network of NGOs to targeted populations

Bringing to Scale a Condom Social Marketing Program

Populations high at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS now have access to low-price, good quality condoms.

Recent graduate Dr. Audrey Reynoso stands next to a poster detailing patient’s rights and obligations, part of the new approach to patient care that USAID supports

Graduate Training in Health Management

USAID is sponsoring a graduate certificate program training doctors and administrators for the new health care system

Jaquelín Alburquerque holds her son as he receives a rabies shot in the newly refurbished local hospital after being bitten by a rabid dog. The hospital in Hato Mayor, a city in the Eastern Region of the Dominican Republic, now has a vaccine clinic certified to meet international standards set by the Pan American Health Organization.

Making Quality Health Care for the Poor a Reality

USAID has helped establish 15 immunization clinics that are helping protect children from potentially deadly diseases


Democracy and Governance

Thanks to USAID support, a public defender helped Paula (pictured here with two of her children) receive legal council and avoid months in jail awaiting trial.

Public Defense Brings Hope for Poor

USAID/DR supported the creation and expansion of the country’s first Public Defense System

Dominican Judge Aspirants participating in a class on court procedures at the National Judicial School

Judicial Training and Education

Dominican Republic trains hundreds with USAID help to improve judicial process


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Last Updated: September 07, 2006