Idaho Fishery Resource Office
Providing assistance to conserve and protect fish and wildlife  

Fish Tracking Radio Tags

Radio tags are used by the Idaho Fishery Resource Office (located at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery) to study the movements of salmon and steelhead.

One ongoing study being conducted by Idaho FRO biologists involves radio-tagging adult steelhead to determine their spawning distribution. The target fish are unclipped hatchery fish released as juveniles in tributaries of the South Fork Clearwater River in hopes they will return to their release location and spawn. By unclipped, we mean their adipose fin is intact and thus the fish cannot be legally harvested. In addition to releasing the fish unharmed, we would prefer that anglers do not pull radio tags from unclipped hatchery steelhead so that we can track the fish to their spawning location. The University of Idaho has long been radio-tagging salmon and steelhead in the Snake River basin. Their studies benefit from having fish captured and radio tags returned, and to promote the collection of radio tags they offer cash awards for tag returns. We do not offer any monetary awards because having the radio tags removed from our study fish reduces our chances of determining spawning distribution. However, if you did remove the radio tag there is no penalty and we would greatly appreciate the information on the tag, as well as when and where you caught the fish.

Please note that providing your email address is optional. If you do provide your email address we can provide you migration information on your fish. If you wish to receive this information, please request the data in the comments section below.

If you found a radio tag that has this web address ( printed on it, please fill out the following information:


Email Address (optional)
The channel number(CH) listed on the radio tag:
The code number (CODE) listed on the radio tag:
Did you remove the radio tag from a fish?
If yes, what species of fish was it?
Where were you when you obtained the radio tag? (please select)
When did you find the radio tag (e.g., December 15, 2004):

If you removed the tag from a fish, was it? (please select

Additional comments

If you have more than one radio tag, please submit new information for each tag.

If you do not want to submit information through this web site, please call (toll free) 888-657-7833, or fax the information to 208-476-7228.

It is sometimes possible for us to re-use radio tags. If you can, please return the radio tag to

Dworshak National Fish Hatchery/IFRO
4147 Ahsahka Road, PO Box 18
Ahsahka, ID 83520

We appreciate your cooperation.


Last updated: September 17, 2008