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Biology - Biological Informatics Program - Vegetation Characterization Program

Map Class Photographs

Photo(s) and text description(s) of map class in PDF - PDF photo(s) and text description(s) of map class

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Agropyron cristatum - (Pascopyrum smithii, Stipa comata) Semi-natural Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Crested Wheatgrass - (Western Wheatgrass, Needle-and-Thread Grass) Semi-natural Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Artemisia cana / Pascopyrum smithii Shrubland

    [Coaltown Sagebrush / Western Wheatgrass Shrubland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Artemisia filifolia / Calamovilfa longifolia Shrubland

    [Sand Sagebrush / Prairie Sandreed Shrubland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Artemisia longifolia Badlands Sparse Vegetation

    [Longleaf Sage Badlands Sparse Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Blacktailed Prairie Dog Town Grassland Complex

    [Blacktailed Prairie Dog Town Grassland Complex]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Bouteloua gracilis - Buchloe dactyloides Xeric Soil Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Blue Grama - Buffalo Grass Xeric Soil Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Bromus inermis - (Pascopyrum smithii) Semi-natural Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Smooth Brome - (Western Wheatgrass) Semi-natural Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Calamovilfa longifolia - Carex inops ssp. heliophila Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Prairie Sandreed - Long-stolon Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Chrysothamnus nauseosus / Pseudoroegneria spicata Shrubland

    [Rubber Rabbitbrush / Bluebunch Wheatgrass Shrubland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Eleagnus angustifolia Semi-natural Woodland

    [Russian Olive Semi-natural Woodland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Eleocharis palustris Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Pale Spikerush Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Eriogonum pauciflorum - Gutierrezia sarothrae Badlands Sparse Vegetation

    [Small-flowered Wild Buckwheat - Snakeweed Badlands Sparse Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Eroding Great Plains Badlands Sparse Vegetation

    [Eroding Great Plains Badlands Sparse Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Ulmus americana / Prunus virginiana Woodland

    [Green Ash - American Elm / Choke Cherry Woodland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Great Plains Badlands Sparse Vegetation Complex

    [Great Plains Badlands Sparse Vegetation Complex]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Juniperus scopulorum / Oryzopsis micrantha Woodland

    [Rocky Mountain Juniper / Little-seed Mountain Ricegrass Woodland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Panicum virgatum Herbaceous Vegetation [Provisional]

    [Wand Panicgrass Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Pascopyrum smithii - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Western Wheatgrass - Blue Grama - Threadleaf Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Pascopyrum smithii - Nassella viridula Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Western Wheatgrass - Green Needlegrass Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Pinus ponderosa / Juniperus scopulorum Woodland

    [Ponderosa Pine / Rocky Mountain Juniper Woodland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Poa pratensis - (Pascopyrum smithii) Semi-natural Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Kentucky Bluegrass - (Western Wheatgrass) Semi-natural Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Populus deltoides - (Salix amygdaloides) / Salix exigua Woodland

    [Eastern Cottonwood - (Peachleaf Willow) / Sandbar Willow Woodland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Prunus virginiana - (Prunus americana) Shrubland

    [Choke Cherry - (American Plum) Shrubland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Rhus trilobata / Carex filifolia Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Ill-scented Sumac / Threadleaf Sedge Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Salix exigua Temporarily Flooded Shrubland

    [Narrowleaf Willow Temporarily Flooded Shrubland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Sarcobatus vermiculatus / Pascopyrum smithii Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Greasewood / Western Wheatgrass Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Schizachyrium scoparium - Bouteloua (curtipendula, gracilis) - Carex filifolia Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Little Bluestem - (Sideoats Grama, Blue Grama) - Threadleaf Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Shale Barren Slopes Sparse Vegetation

    [Shale Barren Slopes Sparse Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Shepherdia argentea Shrubland [Provisional]

    [Silver Buffalo-berry Shrubland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Spartina pectinata - Carex spp. Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Prairie Cordgrass - Sedge species Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Symphoricarpos occidentalis Shrubland [Provisional]

    [Western Snowberry Shrubland]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Typha spp. - Scirpus spp. - Mixed Herbs Great Plains Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Cattail species - Bulrush species - Mixed Herbs Great Plains Herbaceous Vegetation]

Link to map class photo(s) and description(s) in PDF - Yucca glauca / Calamovilfa longifolia Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation

    [Soapweed Yucca / Prairie Sandreed Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation]

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