National topcode and bottomcode values and state replacement values (all values in dollars except for YOB)
Bottomcode Topcode
Topcode or bottomcode a 535.00 510.00 540.00 195.00 65.00 1,912.00 1,997.00
National mean value in excess of topcode or bottomcode value b 2,158.00 753.00 599.00 360.00 312.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
State replacement value c
Alabama (AL) 2,532.00 757.00 591.00 368.00 439.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Alaska (AK) 2,304.00 827.00 650.00 257.00 421.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Arizona (AZ) 1,839.00 782.00 634.00 335.00 475.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Arkansas (AR) 2,308.00 591.00 593.00 284.00 408.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
California (CA) 1,943.00 744.00 590.00 299.00 438.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Colorado (CO) 2,799.00 654.00 586.00 351.00 368.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Connecticut (CT) 2,295.00 950.00 607.00 273.00 416.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Delaware (DE) 2,210.00 1,408.00 637.00 308.00 355.00 1,909.00 1,999.00
District of Columbia (DC) 2,944.00 740.00 579.00 306.00 885.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Florida (FL) 1,902.00 1,076.00 601.00 620.00 486.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Georgia (GA) 2,331.00 829.00 592.00 532.00 455.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Hawaii (HI) 2,123.00 704.00 575.00 228.00 516.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Idaho (ID) 1,664.00 724.00 600.00 335.00 439.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Illinois (IL) 1,884.00 675.00 620.00 294.00 449.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Indiana (IN) 2,058.00 827.00 599.00 419.00 476.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Iowa (IA) 2,428.00 842.00 595.00 608.00 325.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Kansas (KS) 2,586.00 733.00 623.00 308.00 409.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Kentucky (KY) 2,049.00 771.00 609.00 330.00 410.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Louisiana (LA) 2,464.00 715.00 608.00 320.00 417.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Maine (ME) 1,972.00 579.00 583.00 289.00 370.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Maryland (MD) 2,458.00 649.00 594.00 272.00 433.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Massachusetts (MA) 1,913.00 690.00 601.00 287.00 439.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Michigan (MI) 2,249.00 812.00 593.00 407.00 468.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Minnesota (MN) 2,123.00 881.00 594.00 307.00 350.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Mississippi (MS) 1,934.00 715.00 608.00 482.00 405.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Missouri (MO) 2,360.00 768.00 607.00 392.00 361.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Montana (MT) 2,641.00 626.00 628.00 331.00 402.00 1,909.00 1,999.00
Nebraska (NE) 1,924.00 702.00 612.00 297.00 410.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Nevada (NV) 1,755.00 800.00 609.00 265.00 367.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
New Hampshire (NH) 2,929.00 946.00 641.00 230.00 438.00 1,909.00 1,999.00
New Jersey (NJ) 2,131.00 707.00 608.00 257.00 465.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
New Mexico (NM) 2,226.00 587.00 585.00 279.00 389.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
New York (NY) 2,124.00 735.00 587.00 373.00 454.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
North Carolina (NC) 2,193.00 698.00 613.00 377.00 452.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
North Dakota (ND) 1,648.00 666.00 627.00 296.00 289.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Ohio (OH) 1,952.00 697.00 604.00 326.00 457.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Oklahoma (OK) 1,802.00 757.00 607.00 311.00 386.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Oregon (OR) 2,790.00 856.00 613.00 400.00 419.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Pennsylvania (PA) 2,216.00 721.00 597.00 305.00 460.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Rhode Island (RI) 3,468.00 596.00 571.00 246.00 371.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
South Carolina (SC) 2,016.00 765.00 612.00 354.00 426.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
South Dakota (SD) 1,495.00 607.00 572.00 225.00 316.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Tennessee (TN) 2,414.00 670.00 598.00 490.00 462.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Texas (TX) 2,490.00 708.00 590.00 293.00 427.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Utah (UT) 2,747.00 1,252.00 597.00 518.00 421.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Vermont (VT) 2,626.00 900.00 582.00 506.00 468.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Virginia (VA) 1,895.00 597.00 601.00 282.00 402.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Washington (WA) 2,759.00 643.00 611.00 501.00 506.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
West Virginia (WV) 2,144.00 783.00 618.00 298.00 519.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Wisconsin (WI) 1,561.00 696.00 589.00 295.00 401.00 1,908.00 1,999.00
Wyoming (WY) 859.00 557.00 567.00 286.00 418.00 1,910.00 1,999.00
a. Topcodes unless otherwise specified.
b. National mean value is equal to the mean of all values in excess of the respective topcode or bottomcode.
c. The state replacement values are equal to the mean of all values in excess of the respective topcode or bottomcode for each state, except for the topcode for YOB. The topcoded values for this variable are replaced with 1999, which is the national mean of all values in excess of the topcode.