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GSA Properties Consider the Stairs Initiative

GSA Chief Human Capital Officer

Office of Applied Science
(202) 219-1522
Fax (202) 219-0784

In accordance with Public Law 109-115, Section 607, which states that “The General Services Administration shall conduct a program to promote the use of stairs in all federal buildings,” the Public Buildings Service (PBS) is undertaking a multi-faceted approach to enhancing the health benefits to federal government employees of regularly choosing to use the stairs to get around their workplace.  PBS is developing guidelines related to the physical and aesthetic characteristics of stairwells, to be implemented for new construction and major building renovations.  In addition, PBS has teamed with the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer on development of an initiative to communicate and encourage employees to use the stairs in an effort to support healthy, active choices and overall wellness.  This initiative was implemented for employees in the GSA Headquarters Building in May, 2006.  It will be implemented for GSA employees nationwide within the next few weeks and subsequently shared with agencies governmentwide.