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Image of predicted urban growth in US-Mexico border study area

Predicting Environmental Consequences of Urban Development on the US-Mexico Border

Using GIS and land use change research, erosion and sediment delivery prediction models are being applied in this binational watershed to develop predictions of potential dispersion downstream meant to assist city planning through the identification of areas of least minimum impact for land development. Models used in this research include the USLE, SEDMOD, SLEUTH, and AGWA.more...

Recoverability and Vulnerability of Desert Ecosystems

The USGS Recoverability and Vulnerability of Desert Ecosystems (RVDE) project is an interdisciplinary research effort designed to provide land managers with the scientific understanding needed to conserve and restore the threatened Mojave Desert ecosystem. more...

View of sediment being delivered to a reef owing to water erosion caused by rainstorms.

Modeling Landscape Vulnerability to Water Erosion in Hawai'i

An important issue in coral reef environments is the impact of pollution from the land, including the amount of sediment delivered to the reef as a result of erosion caused by rainstorms. more...

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