United States Department of Health & Human Services

Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP) REPORTS

This section lists reports produced through DALTCP-funded research or through research done by DALTCP staff. Links to the Abstracts, Executive Summaries and/or Full Reports immediately follow each title. (We are working towards putting ALL Full Reports online.) Reports can be ordered from the Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy, unless stated otherwise in the abstract. Requests can be made by Fax (202-401-7733) or through email (webmaster.DALTCP@hhs.gov).

Remember, the Site Index section includes an alphabetic list of keywords you can choose to find information that is referenced throughout the DALTCP website.

Reports are Listed in This Section Alphabetically (by Title):
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z    Site Index


  • ACTION's 1991-92 VISTA Marketing Campaign: An Analysis (January 1993) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Active Aging: A Shift in the Paradigm (June 1997) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Activities of Daily Living, National Surveys and Long-Term Care Cost Estimates: Two Current Initiatives (November 1989) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • AIDS Children and Child Welfare (March 1988) [Abstract]
  • Analysis of Channeling Project Costs (May 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Analysis of Child Welfare Services Expenditure Data and Child Day Care Expenditure Data: Phase II Report (September 1988) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Analysis of Federal and State Policies Affecting Services to Mentally Retarded and Other Developmentally Disabled Persons: State Perspectives Final Report (July 1987) [Abstract]
  • Analysis of Long-Term Care Reform Proposals (February 1993) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Analysis of Site-Specific Results (May 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Analysis of the Benefits and Costs of Channeling (May 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Analysis of the Impact of Spenddown on Medicaid Expenditures (January 1992) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Assessment and Care Planning for the Frail Elderly: A Problem Specific Approach (1986) [Abstract]
  • Assessment of the Policy Implications of Alternative Functional Definitions of Disability for Children: Final Report (March 1997) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Assessment Training for Case Managers: A Trainer's Guide (1985) [Abstract]
  • Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD): Initial Results From the Longitudinal Study (May 1997) [Abstract]
  • Assisted Living Policy and Regulation: State Survey (April 1995) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Assistive Technology for the Frail Elderly: An Introduction and Overview (April 1992) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Autonomy or Abandonment: Changing Perspectives on Delegation (July 1997) [Abstract, Full Report]

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  • Barriers to and Supports for Work Among Adults with Disabilities: Results from the NHIS-D (October 2001) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Beyond the Water's Edge: Charting the Course of Managed Care for People with Disabilities--Conference Resource Book (November 1996) [Abstract]
  • Board and Care for Elderly and Mentally Disabled Populations: Final Report (March 1983) [Abstract]
  • Brookings/ICF Long-Term Care Financing Model: Designing and Using Model Simulations (February 1992) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Brookings/ICF Long-Term Care Financing Model: Model Assumptions (February 1992) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Brookings/ICF Long-Term Care Financing Model: Programmer's/Operator's Manual (February 1992) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Brookings/ICF Long-Term Care Financing Model: User's Guide to Specifying Simulations (February 1992) [Abstract, Executive Summary]

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  • Caregiver Burden and Institutionalization, Hospital Use, and Stability of Care (November 1989) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Caring for Frail Elderly People: Policies in Evolution (1996) [Abstract, Chapter 14]
  • Case Management Training for Case Managers: A Trainer's Guide (1985) [Abstract]
  • Case Studies of Six State Personal Assistance Service Programs Funded by the Medicaid Personal Care Option (December 1991) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Cash and Counseling Demonstration: An Experiment in Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services (1998) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Cash and Counseling: Consumer's Early Experiences in Arkansas (October 2000) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Catastrophic Acute and Long-Term Care Costs: Risks Faced by Disabled Elderly Persons (June 1991) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Changes in Marriage and Fertility Behavior: Behavior Versus Attitudes of Young Adults (July 1989) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Changing Face of Informal Caregiving--A National Conference on Policy Directions for the 1990s (October 1992) [Abstract]
  • Channeling Case Management Manual (1986) [Abstract]
  • Channeling Effects for an Early Sample at 6-Month Followup (May 1985) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Channeling Effects on Formal Community-Based Services and Housing (May 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Channeling Effects on Hospital, Nursing Home and Other Medical Services (May 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Channeling Effects on Informal Care (May 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Channeling Effects on the Quality of Clients' Lives (April 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Channeling Financial Control System (1985) [Abstract]
  • Characteristics of Persons with Developmental Disabilities: Evidence from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (January 1990) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Child Care Challenge: What Parents Need and What is Available in Three Metropolitan Areas (February 1989) [Abstract]
  • Child Care Used by Working Women in the AFDC Population: An Analysis of the SIPP Data Base (October 1987) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Children with Severe Chronic Conditions on Medicaid (November 1997) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Clarifying the Definition of Homebound and Medical Necessity Using OASIS Data: Final Report (March 2001) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Community Services and Long-Term Care: Issues of Negligence and Liability (1982) [Abstract]
  • Comparability of Treatment and Control Groups at Randomization (October 1983) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Compendium of Current Federal Initiatives in Response to the Olmstead Decision (July 2001) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Compendium of HHS Technical Assistance Activities Related to the Administration's Community-Integration Initiative (May 2002) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Conditions and Impairments Among the Working Age Population with Disabilities (1995) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Conference on Successful Families (May 1990) [Abstract, Literature Review, Conference Summary]
  • Confronting the New Health Care Crisis: Improving Health Care Quality and Lowering Costs By Fixing Our Medical Liability System (July 2002) [Abstract, Full HTML Report, Full PDF Report, HHS Press Release, UPDATE #1, UPDATE #2]
  • Considering Children with Disabilities and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (October 1998) [Abstract, Full PDF Report, Full HTML Report]
  • Constrained Innovation in Managing Care for High-Risk Seniors in Medicare + Choice Risk Plans (January 2002) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full HTML Report, Full PDF Report]
  • Consumer Choice and the Frontline Worker (1994) [Abstract]
  • Consumer Direction in Home and Community-Based Services: Research Project Descriptions (October 1996) [Abstract]
  • Consumer-Directed Attendant Services: How States Address Tax, Legal and Quality Assurance Issues (April 1994) [Abstract]
  • Consumer-Directed Models of Personal Care: Lessons from Medicaid (1996) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services: Key Operational Issues for State CD-PAS Programs Using Intermediary Service Organizations (October 1997) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full PDF Report]
  • Continuing Care Retirement Communities: A Background and Summary of Current Issues (February 1997) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Contribution of Medication Use to Recent Trends in Old-Age Functioning (August 2002) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Coordination of Care for Persons with Disabilities Enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care: A Conceptual Framework to Guide the Development of Measures (December 2000) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Cost Estimates for the Long-Term Care Provisions Under the Health Security Act (March 1994) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Cost of Care for Medicaid-Enrolled Children with Selected Disabilities (May 1996) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Cost-Effectiveness of Home and Community-Based Long-Term Care Services (June 2000) [Abstract, Full Report]

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  • Databook on the Elderly: A Statistical Portrait (June 1987) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Day Care Centers: 1976-1984--Has Supply Kept Up With Demand? (May 1986) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Deriving State-Level Estimates from Three National Surveys: A Statistical Assessment and State Tabulations (May 1998) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Description of Board and Care Facilities, Operators, and Residents (December 1995) [Abstract]
  • Descriptions of and Supplemental Information on Board and Care Homes included in the Update of the National Health Provider Inventory (August 1990) [Abstract]
  • Descriptive Analysis of Patterns of Informal and Formal Caregiving among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders Living in the Community (April 1999) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Design for a National Survey of Persons with Developmental Disabilities (February 1990) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Determining Consumer Preferences for a Cash Option: Arkansas Survey Results (1997) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Developing Integrated Managed Care Systems for Children with Disabilities: The State of the Art (December 1996) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Diagnostic Risk Adjustment for Medicaid: The Disability Payment System (1996) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Differences Among Services and Policies in High Privacy or High Service Assisted Living Facilities (November 2000) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Differences in Overall Spending Patterns and Spending on Child Care by Family Type: An Exploratory Study Using the Consumer Expenditure Survey (January 1989) [Abstract]
  • Differential Impacts Among Subgroups of Channeling Enrollees (May 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Differential Impacts Among Subgroups of Early Channeling Enrollees Six Months After Randomization (July 1984) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Disability Among Children (January 1995) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Disability Among Women on AFDC: An Issue Revisited (1993) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Disability, Health Insurance Coverage, and Utilization of Acute Health Services in the United States (October 1993) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Disabled Elderly and Their Use of Long-Term Care (July 1994) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Disabled: Their Health Care and Health Insurance (August 1990) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Dispelling Some Myths: A Comparison of Long-Term Care Financing in the U.S. and Other Nations (1990) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Diversity of Welfare Leavers (September 2000) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Drug Exposed Infants and Children: Service Needs and Policy Questions (August 1990) [Abstract]

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  • Economic Impact of Long-Term Care on Individuals (October 1994) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Effect of Nursing Home Use on Medicaid Eligibility (1989) [Abstract]
  • Effects of Case Management and Community Services on the Impaired Elderly (February 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Effects of Medicare's Hospital Prospective Payment System (PPS) on Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries (February 1988) [Abstract]
  • Effects of Multiple Admissions on Nursing Home Use: Implications for "Front-end" Policies (September 1990) [Abstract]
  • Effects of Sample Attrition on Estimates of Channeling's Impacts for an Early Sample (July 1984) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Eldercare: The Impact of Family Caregivers' Employment on Formal and Informal Helper Hours (August 1995) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Elderly with Disabilities: At Risk for High Health Care Costs (February 1994) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Emerging Private Financing System (October 1994) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Encyclopedia of Financial Gerontology: Federal Disability Programs (1996) [Abstract, Full Section]
  • Enrolling Elderly and Disabled Beneficiaries in Medicaid Managed Care: Lessons Learned from the Oregon Health Plan (September 1998) [Abstract]
  • Epidemiological, Demographic and Social Correlates of Disability among the Elderly (September 1988) [Abstract]
  • Estimate of the Number of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Receiving Supplemental Security Income Benefits and Their Characteristics (December 1990) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Estimating Eligibility for Publicly-Financed Home Care: Not a Simple Task... (April 1992) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Estimating the Demand for and Impact of Private Sector Financing Options for Long-Term Care (February 1987) [Abstract]
  • Estimating the Prevalence of Long-Term Disability for an Aging Society (April 1991) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Evaluability Assessment of Child Care Options for Work-Welfare Programs (April 1988) [Abstract]
  • Evaluation of the 1989 Child Care Supplement in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (October 1989) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Evaluation of the District of Columbia's Demonstration Program, "Managed Care System for Disabled and Special Needs Children": Year One Report (July 1998) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Evaluation of the District of Columbia's Demonstration Program, "Managed Care System for Special Needs Children": Final Report (June 2000) [Abstract, Report Summary, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Evaluation of the National Long-Term Care Demonstration [1986 Abstract, 1986 Executive Summary, 1988 Abstract, 1988 Executive Summary]
  • Evaluation of the Veterans Administration Housebound and Aid and Attendance Allowance Program (April 1987) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Examination of Issues Related to How Home and Community-Based Services Programs Operate Within Fixed Budgets and to the Administrative Linkages Between Eligibility Determination, Needs Assessment and Care Planning Functions (December 1994) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Examination of the Equivalence of Treatment and Control Groups and the Comparability of Baseline Data (October 1984) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Exceptional Needs Care Coordinator in the Oregon Health Plan (February 7, 2000) [Abstract]
  • Executive Summary: Analysis of the Effect of Regulation on the Quality of Care in Board and Care Homes (July 1995) [Abstract, Full PDF Report]
  • Exploratory Analysis of the Medicaid Expenditures of Substance Exposed Children Under 2 Years of Age in California (September 1993) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Exploratory Study of Barriers and Incentives to Improving Labor Force Participation Among Persons with Significant Disabilities (June 1995) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Exploratory Study of Health Care Coverage and Employment of People with Disabilities: Final Report (July 1998) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full PDF Report]
  • Exploratory Study of Health Care Coverage and Employment of People with Disabilities: Literature Review (October 1997) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]

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  • Factors Associated with Ending Caregiving Among Informal Caregivers to the Functionally and Cognitively Impaired Elderly Population (February 1990) [Abstract]
  • Families with Disabilities in the United States (September 1996) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Family and Community Research Meetings (November 1991) [Abstract, Community Meeting Report, Family Meeting Report]
  • Family Members' Views: What is Quality in Assisted Living Facilities Providing Care to People with Dementia? (February 1997) [Abstract]
  • Feasibility of Matching Medicare and Medicaid Data for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries in Oregon (September 28, 1999) [Abstract]
  • Federal Disability Data: Creating A Structure in the 1990s to Further the Goals of the ADA (December 1992) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Federal Programs for Persons with Disabilities (January 1990) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Federal Role in Consumer Protection and Regulation of Long-Term Care Insurance (June 1991) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Federal Role in Foster Care: A Paper on Current Priority Issue Areas (September 1989) [Abstract]
  • Final Report on the Effects of Sample Attrition on Estimates of Channeling's Impacts (January 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Financing of Long-Term Care: Final Report (September 1988) [Abstract]
  • Foster Care for Children and Adults with Handicaps: Child Welfare and Adult Social Services (October 1987) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Foster Care Summary: 1991 (1991) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Frontline Long-Term Care Worker Project: Summary of the Technical Expert Panel Meeting on Extrinsic Rewards and Incentives (June 2001) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Future of SIPP for Analyzing Disability and Health (April 1991) [Abstract, Full Report]

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  • Government Research Looks at Effects of Managed Care (1997) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Graying of Medicare's Disabled Population: Implication for a Medicare Drug Benefit (March 2002) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Guide to Assisted Living and State Policy (May 1995) [Abstract]
  • Guide to Memorandum of Understanding Negotiation and Development (1982) [Abstract]

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  • Head Start: What Do We Know About What Works? (March 1990) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Health and Disability Status of AFDC Families (1988) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Health Policy for Medically Fragile Children: An Analysis of Factors Impacting Care in Texas (March 1996) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • High Service or High Privacy Assisted Living Facilities, Their Residents and Staff: Results from a National Survey (November 2000) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • HIGHLIGHTS: Inventory of Consumer-Directed Support Programs (2002) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Home and Community-Based Care in the USA (October 1991) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Home and Community-Based Care: The U.S. Example (1996) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Homecoming Project: Wisconsin's Nursing Home Transition Demonstration (August 2002) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Hospice Benefits and Utilization in the Large Employer Market (March 2000) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • How Managed Care Has Affected Working-Age Medicaid Beneficiaries with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses: A Synthesis of Literature, 1995-2001 (February 2002) [Abstract]

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  • Identifying the Services, Costs, and Reimbursements for Young Children with Disabilities Through Data Collected by Tennessee Part H IDEA Program (April 1996) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Impact of Female Caregivers' Employment Status on Patterns of Formal and Informal Eldercare (1998) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Impact of Private Long-Term Care Insurance Benefits on Selected Medicare Services (March 2002) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Important Questions for Hospice in the Next Century (March 2000) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Improving Federal Statistics on Families: Assessing Family Strengths in National Sample Surveys (May 1991) [Abstract]
  • INDEPENDENT CHOICES: A National Symposium on Consumer-Direction and Self-Determination for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities--conference package (June 2001) [Abstract, Full Package]
  • Independent Choices: National Symposium on Consumer-Directed Care and Self-Determination for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities--Summary Report (February 2002) [Abstract]
  • Infant Attachment: What We Know Now (June 1991) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Informal Care to the Impaired Elderly: Report of the National Long-Term Care Demonstration Survey of Informal Caregivers (June 1984) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Informal Caregiver "Burnout": Predictors and Prevention (April 1993) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Informal Caregivers of Disabled Elders with Long-Term Care Insurance (January 2000) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Informal Caregiving: Compassion in Action (June 1998) [Abstract, Full PDF Report]
  • Informal Services and Supports (1985) [Abstract]
  • Initial Research Design of the National Long-Term Care Demonstration (November 1982) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Interdisciplinary Education and Training of Professionals Caring for Persons with Disabilities: Current Approaches and Implications for a Changing Health Care System (December 1996) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • International Evidence on Disability Trends among the Elderly (June 1998) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • International Long-Term Care Reform: A Demographic, Economic, and Policy Overview (1993) [Abstract]
  • Introduction to the National Long-Term Care Survey (August 1998) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • In-Home Supportive Services for the Elderly and Disabled: A Comparison of Client-Directed and Professional Management Models of Service Delivery--Non-Technical Summary Report (April 1999) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Issues in Developing the Client Assessment Instrument for the National Long-Term Care Channeling Demonstration (January 1981) [Abstract, Executive Summary]

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  • Managed Care and People with Disabilities Research Project Descriptions (February 1996) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Managed Care for People With Disabilities Research Inventory (February 1996) [Abstract]
  • Measuring the Activities of Daily Living Among the Elderly: A Guide to National Surveys (October 1989) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Measuring the Activities of Daily Living: Comparisons Across National Surveys (1990) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Medicaid Buy-In Programs: Case Studies of Early Implementer States (May 2002) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Medicaid Buy-In Programs: Lessons Learned From Nine "Early Implementer" States (May 2002) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Medicaid Personal Care Services Option (November 1993) [Abstract, Full Report/Part I, Full Report/Part II]
  • Medicaid Spenddown in Nursing Homes and the Community (1990) [Abstract]
  • Medicare Home Health Services 1989-1994: Patterns of Benefit Use Among Chronically Disabled Elders (March 1999) [Abstract]
  • Medicare Post-Acute Care: Quality Measurement Final Report (March 2002) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Medicare's Hospice Benefit: Use and Expenditures, 1996 Cohort (March 2000) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Medicare's Post-Acute Care Benefits: Background, Trends, and Issues to Be Faced (January 1999) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Medication Use by Medicare Beneficiaries Living in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities (June 2002) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Medication Use in Long-Term Care Facilities and Community Settings for Medicare Beneficiaries with Cardiovascular Disease (December 2002) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Meeting the Challenge of Serving People With Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Assessing the Performance of Managed Care Organizations (July 1998) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Methodological Issues in the Evaluation of the National Long-Term Care Demonstration (July 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Michigan's Transitioning Persons from Nursing Homes to Community Living Program (July 2002) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Multivariate Analysis of Disability and Health, and Its Change Over Time in the National Channeling Demonstration Data (1993) [Abstract]
  • Multivariate Analysis of Patterns of Informal and Formal Caregiving among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders Living in the Community (April 2000) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]

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  • National Conference on Home Care Quality: Issues and Accountability (June 1988) [Abstract]
  • National Invitational Conference on Long-Term Care Data Bases (May 1987) [Abstract, Conference Package, Conference Proceedings]
  • National Long-Term Care Channeling Demonstration: Summary of Demonstration and Reports (March 1991) [Abstract, Demonstration Summary, List of Reports/Data Tape Documentation]
  • National Long-Term Care Surveys (1982, 1984, 1989) (March 1992) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Discharged Residents Telephone Survey Data Collection and Sampling Report (October 1999) [Abstract]
  • National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Final Summary Report (November 2000) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Literature Review Update (February 1996) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Report on In-Depth Interviews with Developers (December 1997) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Results of a National Survey of Facilities (December 1999) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Nursing Home Care in Five Nations (June 1993) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Nursing Home Length of Stay and Spend-down: Connecticut, 1977-1985 (August 1990) [Abstract]
  • Nursing Home Stays and Spend Down in the State of Connecticut: 1978-1983 (September 1990) [Abstract]
  • Nursing Home Stays and Spend Down: State of Connecticut 1983-84 Admission Cohort (June 1991) [Abstract]

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  • Older Americans 2000: Key Indicators of Well-Being (2000) [Abstract]
  • Outcomes and Utilization for Hospice and Non-Hospice Nursing Facility Decedents (March 2000) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Overview of Long-Term Care in Five Nations: Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United States (September 1995) [Abstract]
  • Overwhelming Odds: Caregiving and the Risk of Institutionalization (June 1987) [Abstract, Executive Summary]

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  • Parents' Child Care Preferences: Patterns among Welfare Mothers (May 1990) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Partial Listing of Problems Facing American Children, Youth and Families (August 1989) [Abstract]
  • Pennhurst Longitudinal Study: Combined Reports of Five Years of Research and Analysis (March 1985) [Abstract]
  • Persons With Mental Retardation and Related Conditions in Mental Retardation Facilities: Selected Findings from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey (December 1989) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Persons with Severe Mental Illness: How Do They Fit Into Long-Term Care? (May 1995) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Physical and Cognitive Impairment: Do They Require Different Kinds of Help? (1991) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Pilot Study of the Adequacy of Post-Hospital Community Care for the Elderly: Final Report (September 1989) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Pilot Study of the Appropriateness of Post-Hospital Care Received by Medicare Beneficiaries: Clinical Case-by-Case Review (October 1989) [Abstract]
  • Planning and Implementation of Channeling: Early Experiences of the National Long-Term Care Demonstration (April 1983) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Planning and Operational Experience of the Channeling Projects (July 1986) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Policy Frameworks for Designing Medicaid Buy-In Programs and Related State Work Incentive Initiatives (May 2002) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Policy Issues Affecting the Medicaid Personal Care Services Optional Benefit (December 1991) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Policy Synthesis on Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Final Report (December 1992) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Population Estimates of Disability and Long-Term Care (February 1995) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Population Profile of Disability (October 1989) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Post-Acute Care Issues for Medicare: Interviews with Provider and Consumer Groups, and Researchers and Policy Analysts (May 2000) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Preferences, Perceptions, and Child Care Turnover: Patterns Among Welfare Mothers (May 1990) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Preliminary Data from a Survey of Employers Offering Group Long-Term Care Insurance to Their Employees (June 1999) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Premium Pricing of Prototype Private Long-Term Care Insurance Policies (December 1990) [Abstract]
  • Prevalence and Correlates of Unmet Need Among the Elderly with ADL Disabilities (February 1991) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Private Capacity to Finance Long-Term Care (March 1983) [Abstract]
  • Private Financing of Long-Term Care: Current Methods and Resources (January 1985) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Private Payers Serving Individuals with Disabilities and Chronic Conditions (January 2001) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Program Participation Patterns Among Persons with Disabilities (May 1990) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Programmatic Definitions of Disability: Policy Implications (1991) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Prospective Outcomes of Informal and Formal Home Care: Mortality and Institutionalization (December 1990) [Abstract]
  • Public Financing of Long-Term Care: Federal and State Roles (September 1994) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Publicly-Financed Home Care for the Disabled Elderly: Who Would be Eligible? (December 1990) [Abstract, Full Report]

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  • Quality in Child Care: What It Is and How It Can Be Encouraged (May 1989) [Abstract, Full Report]

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  • Rationing Case Management: Six Case Studies (November 1994) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Recent Changes in Service Use Patterns of Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries (1990) [Abstract]
  • Reducing Nursing Home Use Through Community Long-Term Care: An Optimization Analysis Using Data from the National Channeling Demonstration (October 1992) [Abstract]
  • Reliability and Validity of the National Incidence of Child Abuse and Neglect Study Conducted by Westat Associates in 1988: Methodological Review (August 1989) [Abstract]
  • Report from the Secretary's Task Force on Elder Abuse (February 1992) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Report from the Working Group on Improving Public Policies and Programs Affecting Persons with Mental Retardation and Other Developmental Disabilities (December 1988) [Abstract]
  • Report on Infants and Children with HIV Infection in Foster Care (November 1989) [Abstract]
  • Report on Problems and Suggestions for Improving the NLTCS Files for 1982 and 1984 (May 1989) [Abstract]
  • Report on Study Methods: Analysis of the Effect of Regulation on the Quality of Care in Board and Care Homes (January 1996) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Report on the Effects of Regulation on Quality of Care: Analysis of the Effect of Regulation on the Quality of Care in Board and Care Homes (December 1995) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Report to Congress and the Secretary by the Task Force on Long-Term Health Care Policies (September 1987) [Abstract]
  • Report to Congress on Identifying Individuals at Risk of Institutionalization (December 1986) [Abstract]
  • Report to the Secretary on Private Financing of Long-Term Care for the Elderly (November 1986) [Abstract]
  • RESEARCH AGENDA: Disability Data (August 1995) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • RESEARCH AGENDA: Managed Care (January 1995) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • RESEARCH AGENDA: Personal Assistance Services and Related Supports (December 1994) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Research and Other Developments of Interest in Employer Group Long-Term Care Insurance (April 1999) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Research on Employment Supports for People with Disabilities: Employment Supports for Individuals with Psychiatric Disorders (September 2001) [Abstract]
  • Research on Employment Supports for People with Disabilities: Summary of the Focus Group Findings (September 2001) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Residents Leaving Assisted Living: Descriptive and Analytic Results From a National Survey (June 2000) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Review of State Quality Assurance Programs for Home Care (April 1989) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Re-charting the Course: First Report of the Presidential Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disability (November 1998) [Abstract]
  • Risk of Institutionalization: 1977-1985 (July 1990) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Risk Selection Among SSI Enrollees in TennCare (February 1999) [Abstract]
  • Risks of Entering Nursing Homes for Long and Short Stays (1988) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Role of Health Insurance in Successful Labor Force Entry and Employment Retention (October 2001) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Role of Home and Community-Based Services in Meeting the Health Care Needs of People with AIDS: Final Report (March 1998) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Role of Home and Community-Based Services in Meeting the Health Care Needs of People with AIDS: Literature Review (January 1997) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Role of Supports in Successful Labor Force Entry for Youth with Disabilities (September 2001) [Abstract, Full Report]

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  • Tables Comparing Channeling to Other Community Care Demonstrations (May 1986) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Third Year Comprehensive Report of the Pennhurst Longitudinal Study (1983) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Trends in Residential Long-Term Care: Use of Nursing Homes and Assisted Living and Characteristics of Facilities and Residents (November 2002) [Abstract]
  • Trends in Special Care: The 1995 National Nursing Census of Sub-Acute Units (September 1997) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]

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  • U.S. Long-Term Care Financing in Comparative International Perspective: Old Myths, New Ideas (April 1990) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • U.S.-Japan Collaborative Effort: Study of Long-Term Care Data Comparability (October 1995) [Abstract, Executive Summary]
  • Understanding Medicaid Home and Community Services: A Primer (October 2000) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Usage of Different Kinds of Child Care: An Analysis of the SIPP Data Base (October 1987) [Abstract]
  • Use of Functional Criteria in Allocating Long-Term Care Benefits: What Are the Policy Implications? (November 1989) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Use of Medicare's Hospice Benefit by Nursing Facility Residents (March 2000) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Use of Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facilities Among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders (April 2000) [Abstract, Executive Summary, Full Report]
  • Use of the 1989 National Long-Term Care Survey for Examining Cognitive Impairment Eligibility Criteria (July 1995) [Abstract, Full Report]
  • Use, Cost, and Economic Burden of Nursing Home Care in 1985 (January 1989) [Abstract, Executive Summary]

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  • Variations in the Medicaid Safety Net for Children and Youth with High Medical Costs: A Comparison of Four States (November 1990) [Abstract]

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  • Young Unwed Fathers: Research Review, Policy Dilemmas and Options (October 1987) [Abstract]

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Last revised: March 3, 2003

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