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USAID Signs New Initiative to Foster Religious Harmony in Albania

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Learning, a U.S. based NGO, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on May 20th for the new initiative called “Fostering Religious Harmony in Albania.” This two and a half year project seeks to support the peaceful coexistence of the religious groups in Albania and foster understanding among people of different faiths. It will engage leaders of faith to address issues of intolerance and conflict through training, technical assistance, and small grants.

USAID and World Learning believe the spiritual leaders of each community are in the strongest position to encourage dialogue and tolerance with their own faithful. Through training workshops, religious leaders will become better equipped with the tools and skills they need to resolve conflict among their own members and to interact more effectively with other religious groups. Training and small grants will also allow spiritual leaders and activists to engage their believers in opportunities to work with other groups on mixed faith community development projects in a way that fosters understanding and tolerance.

Signing Ceremony
USAID/E&E Assistant Administrator Dr. Kent Hill signs Memo of Understanding with World Learning. The Charge d' Affaires, Mr. Steven Zate, USAID Mission Director, Mr. Harry Birnholz and representatives of the Christian Church, both Orthodox and Catholic, and the Muslim religion, both Bektashi and Shi'ite act as witnesses to the signing.

Religious intolerance may be creeping into Albania, injecting tensions into communities that have otherwise peacefully coexisted. Since religious life has begun again in Albania after years of severe repression during the communist regime, people are struggling to come to terms with new forms of religious expression. Some of these forms of religious expression are simply new or different, contributing to the enrichment of Albanian culture. Others seem intolerant, divisive and extreme and threaten to erode the Albanian tradition of religious tolerance.

An informal survey conducted in June 2003 by the Institute of Studies and Opinions in coordination with Management Systems International, found that 70 percent of Albanians polled did not consider religion an important part of their lives, but identify themselves as belonging to one of the four major faith groups on the basis of family tradition. Almost a quarter of those surveyed considered themselves practicing believers, while 12 percent said they were willing to “fight in the name of God.” This last figure as well as manifestations of extreme attitudes raises concerns about the growth of fundamentalist and extremist sentiments within Albania. Without countervailing forces, fundamentalism could corrode the traditional tolerance that has characterized Albanian society and threaten the stability of the region.

In addition to the role that religious leaders can play in advancing tolerance and understanding, there is also a critical role for journalists, leaders of thought, and other voices in society. The “Fostering Religious Harmony” project will help media and opinion leaders to counter arguments of intolerance that run contrary to values embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Public forums and innovative techniques, such as community drama, will help citizens articulate the problems they are facing and help them work towards common solutions.

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Mon, 19 Dec 2005 15:04:08 -0500