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Integrating Gender: Publications

The publications below are listed by region and country, and then in alphabetical order by title.



Administrator's Statement: International Women's Day 2007
03/07/2007 (35KB)

This is the USAID general notice issued by Administrator Randall L. Tobias in commemoration of International Women's Day, 2007. The notice highlights USAID's support for and accomplishments in improving the status of women and enhancing their opportunities.

Building an inclusive development community : a manual on including people with disabilities in international development programs
01/01/2003 (2.5MB)

The goal of this manual is to provide information, strategies, tools, and resources that will assist international development organizations in promoting good development practice through the inclusion of people with disabilities, especially women and girls with disabilities, at every level of the development process. It is divided into major sections, beginning with a simple checklist that can be used to assess a specific organization's level of inclusiveness, continuing through sections focused on management and human resource development, program accessibility issues, international and regional experiences, and development topics as viewed through disability and gender lenses.

Catalyzing Equitable Development: An Initiative to Institutionalize a Gender Perspective in PVO and NGO Work in the Field
08/23/2007 (270KB)

This is the final report of InterAction's Commission on the Advancement of Women (CAW), which implemented the Catalyzing Equitable Development (CED) Program from January 2003-September 2006. The aim of the program was to institutionalize a gender perspective in the work of development and humanitarian assistance PVOs and NGOs as a necessary means to improve living conditions for poor communities in Africa and Asia.

Engendering development and humanitarian assistance organizations : an action and learning initiative (final report)
05/07/2003 (663KB)

With support from the USAID WID office, InterAction’s Commission on the Advancement of Women (CAW) carried out an “action and learning” initiative on gender integration in programming between August 1997 and December 2002. The initiative focused on technical assistance, training, and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned to improve the capacity of InterAction member PVOs to deliver gender sensitive programming. This report provides an overview of the program activities, assesses the outcomes, and presents an analysis of program findings that are applicable to the overall field of gender integration or gender mainstreaming.

Fact Sheet: Trade Liberalization, Economic Growth, and Gender
01/01/2005 (95KB)

This fact sheet covers the benefits of integrating women into the world economy, why they are affected differently by trade and economic growth, and what factors constrain women’s ability to participate in global trade. The fact sheet provides examples of how women have been affected by trade in the agriculture, handicrafts, and manufacturing sectors and with regard to tariff reduction and trade liberalization. As well, it summarizes how USAID can help improve gender equality in trade and economic growth and how the Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) project helps USAID Missions integrate the needs of the poor, particularly poor women, into their trade and economic growth programs.

Final Report: Gender Integration Training for the USAID/EGAT/AGR Office and its Partners
11/01/2005 (429KB)

This report summarizes a set of gender integration training sessions offered to USAID/Washington agriculture staff, mission agriculture officers, and partners between June 2004 and June 2005. The report also shares the results of the training evaluations, provides recommendations for future trainings, and provides the materials used in the trainings.

Gender and disability : a survey of InterAction member agencies -- findings and recommendations on inclusion of women and men with disabilities in international development programs
01/01/2001 (231KB)

Mobility International USA (MIUSA) surveyed InterAction member agencies about inclusion of people with disabilities to document the extent to which people with disabilities, particularly women and girls with disabilities, participate in the international development assistance process. This research is the first systematic attempt to determine if international development organizations in the U.S. include eligible people with disabilities in policies, employment, programs, and services, and what data, if any, they collect concerning participation by women and men with disabilities. The research confirmed that most organizations do not collect data showing the extent to which people with disabilities participate in the development assistance process.

Gender and results workshop : building technical expertise -- (October 12-15, 1999)
07/01/2000 (211KB)

This document reports on the proceedings and results of an October 1999 training workshop attended by 30 USAID Mission staff from around the world. The workshop focused on obtaining better results in development programs by integrating gender. It included a discussion of gender and gender analysis, training in facilitation and strategic influencing, training in specific technical areas (democracy and governance, environment, economic growth and agriculture, and population, health, and nutrition), and a panel discussion of four Mission success stories.

Glossary of Gender Terms
09/20/2007 (321KB)

This is a one-page glossary of common terms related to gender integration and equity.

Improving household food security : institutions, gender, and integrated approaches
03/01/2000 (909KB)

This study is part of a worldwide research program, Broadening Access and Strengthening Input Market Systems (BASIS). The study was designed to challenge the belief that it is too difficult to apply integrated approaches to the issue of food security. It assumed that the use of gender analysis and participatory processes creates the opportunity and provides the framework for developing integrated approaches to food security, and then it examined examples in four countries — Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda — that applied these approaches to improving household food security.

Investing in Women in Development Fellowship Program Semi-Annual Report [April-September 2007]
10/31/2007 (67KB)

Semi-annual report of the Investing in Women in Development (IWID) Fellowship Program, covering April-September 2007.

Investing in Women in Development Fellowship Program: Semi-Annual Technical Report for the Period October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008
04/28/2008 (65KB)

This document describes the activities and accomplishments of Investing in Women in Development (IWID) fellows Elisabeth Duban (USAID/Russia) and Anne Hayes (DG Bureau, USAID/Washington) for the October 1, 2007 - March 31, 2008 reporting period. It also includes highlights of program administration activities (newsletters produced and site visits taken), outreach activities, and upcoming events.

Investing in Women in Development Quarterly Newsletter, Volume 5, Issue 1
03/01/2008 (215KB)

This issue of the Investing in Women in Development Quarter Newsletter includes the following articles: 
Field Notes: Coordinating to Combat Trafficking in Russia
Field Notes: Gender and Disability
Program Notes: IWID Fellows' Realm of Impact

Proceedings : symposium on girls' education -- evidence, issues, actions [: 17-19 May 2000, Washington, DC]
05/01/2000 (1.0MB)

This document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Proceedings : symposium on girls' education -- evidence, issues, actions [: 17-19 May 2000, Washington, DC] -- [Arabic version]
05/31/2000 (1.4MB)

This Arabic-language document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Simposio sobre educacion de ninas : evidencias, temas, acciones -- 17-18 de mayo del 2000 [Washington, DC, US]
05/01/2000 (594KB)

This Spanish-language document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Summary of Gender Strategies of Multilateral Development Agencies and Selected Bilateral Donors
09/01/2004 (509KB)

This document reviews gender-mainstreaming strategies in use by multilateral and bilateral agencies, many of which have strategies that specifically address issues of women in development and gender equality. This review includes the gender mainstreaming strategies of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member countries, international institutions such as the World Bank and regional development banks, regional organizations such as the Commonwealth Secretariat and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and United Nations agencies.

WIDTECH's small grants initiative : small investments bring large returns
03/01/2002 (192KB)

This information bulletin provides an overview of the WIDTECH Small Grants Initiative, which supported the efforts of local organizations in integrating women into the development process. The organizations that received grants fell into three general areas: promotion of women's economic opportunities, promotion of women's legal and political rights, and integration of gender in conservation efforts. Although the grants described in this bulletin represent just a small sampling of the total awarded, they illustrate the impact that a relatively small investment can have in raising awareness of gender inequities in developing countries and in affording local groups the opportunity to address them.

Women 2000 : Beijing plus five -- the USAID commitment
06/01/2000 (6.0MB)

This report marks the fifth anniversary of the U.N. Fourth Conference on Women, held in Beijing, China. The report highlights USAID's efforts to help women and men in developing countries work for gender equality. It also surveys USAID's endeavors to achieve the goals of the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action, assessing the Agency’s progress and identifying its remaining challenges.

Women in the Economy: a Review of Recent Literature
02/01/2006 (625KB)

This paper investigates the unique position of women within the economy, drawing attention to the numerous aspects of gender inequality that limit women's full participation in "productive" activities. It explores why the inclusion of gender issues is not only beneficial, but also crucial, to the success of economic development programs. Through an examination of the domains of economic development and trade liberalization, the paper emphasizes that integrating gender considerations leads to a greater understanding of the impediments that hinder women's full participation in the economy.

Women Transforming Development (brochure)
01/01/2007 (2.0MB)

This brochure is the monographic record of a USAID photographic exhibition in honor of International Women's Day (8-16 March 2007, Senate Russell Office Building, Washington, DC and 16-23 March 2007, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, DC). It describes how women contribute to development and how USAID assistance supports women's empowerment and equality, focusing on the economic growth, peace and security, humanitarian assistance, democracy and governance, education, and health sectors.

Women, Men, and Development
03/01/2006 (1.1MB)

This document profiles USAID's efforts to address barriers to full access to opportunity for women and men throughout the developing world. The selected examples illustrate the efforts of the USAID field missions, the Office of Women in Development, and other USAID operating units to fully integrate women into development programs and policies throughout USAID. Topics covered in the report include education, economic growth, women's health and HIV/AIDS, trafficking in persons, violence against women, and women's legal rights and political participation.

[WIDTECH] project completion report : core contract
01/01/2002 (1.7MB)

This is the final report of the Women in Development Technical Assistance (WIDTECH) Project, a five-year contract that ran from September 1996 through December 2001. WIDTECH promoted gender integration by supporting the USAID Women in Development office in its goal of enabling women to participate fully and benefit equally in the development process and incorporating gender concerns into all activities in USAID-assisted countries. The report describes WIDTECH's achievements and lessons learned, focusing on its five sector areas (democracy and governance, economic growth, education, environment, and health) and core services (training, grants to local NGOs, communication and information dissemination, and gender integration).


Africa Regional

Integrating Gender in Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade: Training for USAID Africa Missions: Workshop Report
05/10/2004 (247KB)

This document reports on DevTech's implementation of three gender training workshops for the USAID Missions in Africa. The workshops, held in Accra, Pretoria, and Addis Ababa in 2004, emphasized the economic growth, agriculture, and trade sectors. The document discusses the participant evaluations, shares the technical and institutional lessons learned from the trainings, and provides recommendations to help improve future trainings.


Gender assessment and gender plan of action for USAID/Angola
08/01/2001 (996KB)

This gender assessment focuses principally on (a) how strengthening women's participation and paying attention to gender issues can enhance USAID/Angola's results and (b) how monitoring and evaluation can track the success stories of women's involvement in USAID programs as well as any unintended negative impacts that can be remedied once observed. The report identifies key issues for Angolan women, particularly in light of conflict and the anticipated transition from humanitarian to development assistance; these include illiteracy, internal displacement, poverty, and violence. The report also looks at gender and performance monitoring with regard to USAID/Angola programming in the agriculture & food security, democracy & governance, and health & HIV/AIDS sectors.

Women in Angola : an update on gender-based barriers and opportunities for democracy and governance work
04/01/2000 (88KB)

In preparation for developing its Country Strategic Plan, USAID/Angola asked USAID's Office of Women in Development to help it assess the roles women in Angola are currently playing or might play in the future with some assistance. The assessment identifies gender-based issues that could present challenges or offer opportunities for USAID's democracy work in Angola. This summary report aims to identify existing conditions, desired conditions, discrepancies between the two, the causes of these discrepancies, and how they should be addressed.


Benin gender assessment and strategy
10/01/2001 (707KB)

This document assesses current gender issues in Benin, together with governmental, non-governmental, and donor-funded activities to address them. It then proposes an integrated, cross-cutting strategy to strengthen attention to gender issues in USAID/Benin’s development assistance programs.

Orientation and Training for USAID-Benin Annex D- PowerPoint Slides
07/01/2002 (1.3MB)

This PowerPoint presentation, "Gender Mainstreaming and Integration: A Workshop for USAID/Benin Staff," was given at the USAID/Benin Gender Committee training held in June 2002.

Orientation and training for USAID/Benin gender committee and advice for development of a gender strategy implementation plan
07/01/2002 (410KB)

This document summarizes a training program on gender integration for USAID/Benin staff, which was held in June 2002 and implemented by the Women in Development Technical Assistance Project (WIDTECH) project. The training focused on integrating gender considerations into the Benin Country Program. In addition, trainers helped USAID/Benin develop a Gender Strategy Implementation Plan, the purpose of which was to help effectively integrate gender considerations into all relevant Mission activities.


Gender assessment of health parameters and delivery systems, agricultural, and enterprise development, and women's participation in Eritrea
08/01/2002 (609KB)

This gender assessment considers (1) the general context of women and gender issues in Eritrea, including how gender issues are enshrined in law and legal codes and thereby impact political participation and education; (2) the health situation and constraints for women and girls in terms of reproductive health and HIV/AIDS; (3) gender issues relating to economic growth and income generation in terms of rural and urban enterprise development; (4) studies of female demobilized soldiers; and (5) how the Mission can take a cross-cutting approach to gender equity and increased participation of women in its funding, management, monitoring, and evaluation.

Women's employment and microenterprise development in Eritrea
12/01/2001 (232KB)

At USAID/Eritrea's request, the WIDTECH project provided a social scientist with expertise in gender and microenterprise development to review USAID/Eritrea's Investment Objective on human capacity development and develop recommendations for activities that the USAID/Eritrea mission could undertake to enhance women's participation in the workforce, with a focus on the microenterprise sector. The first part of this report describes and analyzes the role of women in Eritrea with regard to both the microenterprise sector and the formal economy and then identifies major issues involved in the economic empowerment of women in Eritrea. The second part of the report proposes a USAID program that could support female microentrepreneurs and workers and contribute to the development of information and awareness on gender issues.


Improving household food security : institutions, gender, and integrated approaches
03/01/2000 (909KB)

This study is part of a worldwide research program, Broadening Access and Strengthening Input Market Systems (BASIS). The study was designed to challenge the belief that it is too difficult to apply integrated approaches to the issue of food security. It assumed that the use of gender analysis and participatory processes creates the opportunity and provides the framework for developing integrated approaches to food security, and then it examined examples in four countries — Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda — that applied these approaches to improving household food security.

Independent External Evaluation of EMPOWER Program for USAID/Ethiopia; 12/03 (Part I Executive Summary, Chapters 1-2)
12/01/2003 (883KB)

This report shares the findings of an independent external evaluation of the Ethiopian Management of Participatory Opportunities for Women in Extension and Research (EMPOWER) Program. EMPOWER was an agriculture technology transfer and gender mainstreaming project focused on food security and enhanced gender relationships in the small-holder sector of rural Ethiopia. Part I of the report contains the executive summary, introduction, and chapters one and two.

Independent External Evaluation of EMPOWER Program for USAID/Ethiopia; 12/03 (Part II, Chapters 3-5)
12/01/2003 (432KB)

This report shares the findings of an independent external evaluation of the Ethiopian Management of Participatory Opportunities for Women in Extension and Research (EMPOWER) Program. EMPOWER was an agriculture technology transfer and gender mainstreaming project focused on food security and enhanced gender relationships in the small-holder sector of rural Ethiopia. Part II of the report contains chapters three through five.

Independent External Evaluation of EMPOWER Program for USAID/Ethiopia; 12/03 (Part III, Chapters 6-7)
12/01/2003 (407KB)

This report shares the findings of an independent external evaluation of the Ethiopian Management of Participatory Opportunities for Women in Extension and Research (EMPOWER) Program. EMPOWER was an agriculture technology transfer and gender mainstreaming project focused on food security and enhanced gender relationships in the small-holder sector of rural Ethiopia. Part III of the report contains chapters six and seven.

Independent External Evaluation of EMPOWER Program for USAID/Ethiopia; 12/03 (Part IV, Annexes)
12/01/2003 (278KB)

This report shares the findings of an independent external evaluation of the Ethiopian Management of Participatory Opportunities for Women in Extension and Research (EMPOWER) Program. EMPOWER was an agriculture technology transfer and gender mainstreaming project focused on food security and enhanced gender relationships in the small-holder sector of rural Ethiopia. Part IV of the report contains the annexes.


Initiative pour l'eau en Afrique de l'Ouest : les lecons de l'integration du genre dans les activites sur l'eau & l'assainissement -- Ghana, Mali et Niger
03/01/2006 (165KB)

This French language document provides an overview of the West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI) Gender Mainstreaming Project, which was implemented in 2004-2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The document also shares lessons learned throughout the various stages of the project and concludes with a series of recommendations for the next phase of the project.

West Africa water initiative (WAWI) : gender mainstreaming workshops -- Ghana, Mali & Niger, 2005 : summary report and country reports
11/01/2005 (713KB)

This document reports on a series of WAWI gender mainstreaming implementation workshops held in in May/June 2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The general objective of the Mali and Niger workshops was to reinforce the capacities of WAWI partners and their colleagues in government agencies to use gender analysis and gender-sensitive project planning and monitoring tools in their normal water and sanitation activities in ways that would foster gender-balanced participation and project sustainability. In Ghana, the basic objective was to build the capacity of partners to integrate gender concerns into all aspects of WAWI activities.

West Africa water initiative (WAWI) : lessons from gender mainstreaming in water & sanitation activities -- Ghana, Mali, and Niger
03/01/2006 (173KB)

This document provides an overview of the WAWI Gender Mainstreaming Project, which was implemented in 2004-2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The document also shares lessons learned throughout the various stages of the project and concludes with a series of recommendations for the next phase of the project.


Gender Training Materials: Integrating Gender into USAID/Kenya's Programs for Agriculture, Business, and the Environment
09/01/2007 (1.1MB)

This book of Gender Training Materials, prepared by the USAID-funded Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) Project and tailored to the needs of the USAID/Kenya Mission, supports the Mission's commitment to gender integration for activities related to Economic Growth and Trade. It was used during a September 2007 workshop for USAID/Kenya staff and partners working on Strategic Objective (SO) 7 and 5. The materials are directed to the staff of the Agriculture, Business and Environment Office (ABEO) Team as well as partner organizations. They are designed to increase participants' knowledge, skills, and confidence in asking the right gender questions, finding the necessary data and assistance to answer these questions, and developing appropriate program interventions to meet gender-related targets.

Improving household food security : institutions, gender, and integrated approaches
03/01/2000 (909KB)

This study is part of a worldwide research program, Broadening Access and Strengthening Input Market Systems (BASIS). The study was designed to challenge the belief that it is too difficult to apply integrated approaches to the issue of food security. It assumed that the use of gender analysis and participatory processes creates the opportunity and provides the framework for developing integrated approaches to food security, and then it examined examples in four countries — Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda — that applied these approaches to improving household food security.

Review of gender issues in the USAID/Kenya integrated strategic plan (ISP) 2001-2005 : democracy and governance, economic growth, population and health, and natural resources management
09/01/2000 (141KB)

Given the important role of women in Kenya and the multiple obstacles they face in their daily lives, USAID/Kenya requested assistance in incorporating gender considerations into its portfolio of activities. This report presents the findings of this assistance, offering:

  • Suggested approaches toward incorporating gender into the USAID/Kenya strategic objectives of democracy and governance, economic growth, population and health, and natural resources management;
  • Recommendations on incorporating gender into the USAID/Kenya Integrated Strategic Plan (ISP), Results Review & Resource Request (R4), and Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP) reporting documents; and
  • Recommendations on possible next steps for the Mission toward further supporting the well-being of women in Kenya.


Enhancing the utility and efficacy of USAID/Mali's 2003-2012 country strategic plan through gender analyses and an action plan
02/01/2002 (1.0MB)

This report presents analyses of four sectors: education, economic growth, health care, and democracy and governance; each sector analysis includes key gender issues and opportunities, an analysis of USAID's past practice, and recommendations for the new country strategic plan. In addition, the report suggests cross-cutting themes that apply to all sectors within which USAID/Mali intends to work. Lastly, it proposes a gender plan of action for USAID/Mali.

Initiative pour l'eau en Afrique de l'Ouest : les lecons de l'integration du genre dans les activites sur l'eau & l'assainissement -- Ghana, Mali et Niger
03/01/2006 (165KB)

This French language document provides an overview of the West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI) Gender Mainstreaming Project, which was implemented in 2004-2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The document also shares lessons learned throughout the various stages of the project and concludes with a series of recommendations for the next phase of the project.

Rapport de l'atelier genre et curriculum: l'integration du genre dans le developpement du curriculum du niveau I de l'enseignement fondamental dans la republique du Mali - rapport final de la deuxieme phase II
11/01/2002 (684KB)

This is the final French-language report of a consultancy to identify strategies for integrating gender into Mali's basic education curriculum and the teacher training program. This consultancy for the creation of gender analysis tools took place in three phases: development of tools (Phase I), validation of tools (interim phase), and a training workshop for curriculum developers on use of the tools (Phase II). This report focuses on Phase II and is divided into five sections:

  1. Context of the consultation and expected results;
  2. Report on the preparatory workshop;
  3. Report on the gender and curriculum workshop;
  4. Monitoring and assessment plan; and
  5. Lessons learned and recommendations.
The English version of the report is PN-ADC-662.

Report on gender and curriculum workshop : integrating gender into level I basic education curriculum in the Republic of Mali -- final report (phase II)
11/01/2002 (963KB)

This is the final report of a consultancy to identify strategies for integrating gender into Mali's basic education curriculum and the teacher training program. This consultancy for the creation of gender analysis tools took place in three phases: development of tools (Phase I), validation of tools (interim phase), and a training workshop for curriculum developers on use of the tools (Phase II). This report focuses on Phase II and is divided into five sections:

  1. Context of the consultation and expected results;
  2. Report on the preparatory workshop;
  3. Report on the gender and curriculum workshop;
  4. Monitoring and assessment plan; and
  5. Lessons learned and recommendations.
The French version of the report is PN-ADK-400.

West Africa water initiative (WAWI) : gender mainstreaming workshops -- Ghana, Mali & Niger, 2005 : summary report and country reports
11/01/2005 (713KB)

This document reports on a series of WAWI gender mainstreaming implementation workshops held in in May/June 2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The general objective of the Mali and Niger workshops was to reinforce the capacities of WAWI partners and their colleagues in government agencies to use gender analysis and gender-sensitive project planning and monitoring tools in their normal water and sanitation activities in ways that would foster gender-balanced participation and project sustainability. In Ghana, the basic objective was to build the capacity of partners to integrate gender concerns into all aspects of WAWI activities.

West Africa water initiative (WAWI) : lessons from gender mainstreaming in water & sanitation activities -- Ghana, Mali, and Niger
03/01/2006 (173KB)

This document provides an overview of the WAWI Gender Mainstreaming Project, which was implemented in 2004-2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The document also shares lessons learned throughout the various stages of the project and concludes with a series of recommendations for the next phase of the project.


Gender mainstreaming and disability sensitization in civic and voter education for USAID/Namibia
05/01/2004 (353KB)

This report examines the relative strengths and weaknesses of the Electoral Support Consortium (ESC), which was established to encourage voters in Namibia to participate in the elections and help these voters make informed voting decisions. Although the focus of this consultancy was to determine to what extent the ESC has been integrating gender mainstreaming and addressing disability and socially marginalized populations, this report, out of necessity, also gives an overview of the ESC and the Namibian social environment within which the ESC operates.


Initiative pour l'eau en Afrique de l'Ouest : les lecons de l'integration du genre dans les activites sur l'eau & l'assainissement -- Ghana, Mali et Niger
03/01/2006 (165KB)

This French language document provides an overview of the West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI) Gender Mainstreaming Project, which was implemented in 2004-2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The document also shares lessons learned throughout the various stages of the project and concludes with a series of recommendations for the next phase of the project.

West Africa water initiative (WAWI) : gender mainstreaming workshops -- Ghana, Mali & Niger, 2005 : summary report and country reports
11/01/2005 (713KB)

This document reports on a series of WAWI gender mainstreaming implementation workshops held in in May/June 2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The general objective of the Mali and Niger workshops was to reinforce the capacities of WAWI partners and their colleagues in government agencies to use gender analysis and gender-sensitive project planning and monitoring tools in their normal water and sanitation activities in ways that would foster gender-balanced participation and project sustainability. In Ghana, the basic objective was to build the capacity of partners to integrate gender concerns into all aspects of WAWI activities.

West Africa water initiative (WAWI) : lessons from gender mainstreaming in water & sanitation activities -- Ghana, Mali, and Niger
03/01/2006 (173KB)

This document provides an overview of the WAWI Gender Mainstreaming Project, which was implemented in 2004-2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The document also shares lessons learned throughout the various stages of the project and concludes with a series of recommendations for the next phase of the project.


Gender assessment for USAID/Nigeria
08/01/2003 ()

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC) | At head of title: Gender matters : integrating gender, achieving result


Gender assessment and action plan for Rwanda
03/01/2002 (785KB)

This report presents the findings of two consultants hired by USAID/Rwanda to carry out a gender country assessment, identify strategic recommendations for USAID/Rwanda to strengthen its and its collaborating partners' programs, and incorporate these findings into a comprehensive and practical gender action plan. The assessment, provided to strengthen the Mission’s current program, also lays the groundwork for efforts to integrate gender considerations into the USAID/Rwanda Country Strategic Plan for 2002-2006. The assessment finds that the lives of many women and girls have improved as a result of USAID/Rwanda’s development assistance, however the Mission does not yet analyze or address gender issues in a systematic fashion and does not yet have adequate quantitative or qualitative gender-specific information from which to appropriately design its country strategy.

Institute for Legal Practice and Development (ILPD) -- module : general culture, course : gender and domestic relations
12/31/2006 (192KB)

This course is designed to help judges, lawyers, and prosecutors in Rwanda acquire the requisite knowledge and skills to make gender-sensitive decisions in domestic relations cases. It aims to provide course participants with information on:

  • what gender means;
  • how domestic relations laws affect women and men differently;
  • the basic international obligations relating to gender equity and the equality of women and men;
  • how new domestic relations laws differ from custom and practice; and
  • how domestic violence interferes with the rule of law in Rwandan society.

South Africa

Gender assessment for USAID/South Africa
11/01/2004 (746KB)

This report presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations that emerged from a gender assessment carried out for USAID/South Africa from August 4-24, 2004. The assessment is based on a review of background documentation as well as meetings with Mission staff members, interviews with USAID implementing partners, NGOs, and Government of South Africa officials, and visits to selected field sites. The goal of the report is to show that gender analysis can, in some cases, be easily used to make small changes in activities so that they acknowledge gender issues.

Gender training & technical assistance to USAID/South Africa, October 10-31, 2005 : volume I -- report
01/01/2006 (186KB)

This document reports on gender training and technical assistance given to the South Africa Mission in October 2005. A four-person team of gender trainers worked with Mission staff from Strategic Objective teams, regional teams, and support offices. The team conducted training sessions on gender awareness and gender sector skills and facilitated working sessions leading to sector-specific Action Plans. Appendices: PD-ACG-390

Gender training & technical assistance to USAID/South Africa, October 10-31, 2005 : volume II -- appendices
01/01/2006 (408KB)

These are appendices to the report on gender training and technical assistance given to the South Africa Mission in October 2005. The appendices contain an overview of the training and technical assistance, reports and actions plans, and training materials and tools. Main report: PD-ACG-389

Southern Africa

Gender assessment and recommendations for enhancing gender integration into USAID/RCSA's program
07/01/2002 (581KB)

This document reports on two tasks undertaken by the WIDTECH project at the request of the RCSA Mission:

  1. Conducting a gender assessment and making recommendations for a gender plan of action. The body of the report summarizes these findings and recommendations.
  2. Implementing a gender training for the Mission and its partners. This training is summarized in Annex D.

Gender assessment for USAID/RCSA
07/01/2003 (706KB)

This document presents the results of an assessment of the Regional Center for Southern Africa's (RCSA's) strategic objectives with respect to how gender issues could be addressed. The assessment was conducted done under an Agency directive that strategic planning should address two questions: (1) how will gender relations affect the achievement of sustainable results; and (2) how will proposed results affect the relative status of women. The assessment covers the topics of HIV/AIDS, economic opportunity and competitiveness, democracy and governance, integrated river basin management, rural livelihoods, and RCSA services and accountability.


Gender assessment for USAID/Tanzania
09/01/2003 (686KB)

This report presents the findings of a gender assessment carried out for USAID/Tanzania between May 19, 2003 and June 6, 2003, as well as a draft gender plan of action. USAID/Tanzania requested the assessment to identify key gender-based constraints and ways to address them in the design of its new country strategic plan and new and/or continuing programs in health, HIV/AIDS, economic growth/agriculture, natural resource management, and democracy and governance. The assessment was based on a review of background documentation, meetings with Mission staff members, interviews with USAID implementing partners, and visits to selected field sites and selected local NGO and Government of Tanzania officials.

Gender audit for USAID/Tanzania
08/01/2006 (682KB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)

Improving household food security : institutions, gender, and integrated approaches
03/01/2000 (909KB)

This study is part of a worldwide research program, Broadening Access and Strengthening Input Market Systems (BASIS). The study was designed to challenge the belief that it is too difficult to apply integrated approaches to the issue of food security. It assumed that the use of gender analysis and participatory processes creates the opportunity and provides the framework for developing integrated approaches to food security, and then it examined examples in four countries — Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda — that applied these approaches to improving household food security.


Gender Training Workshop for USAID/Uganda and the Agricultural Productivity Enhancement Program (APEP), February 6-14, 2006 - Kampala, Uganda
03/01/2006 ()

This report describes the methodology, content, and outcomes of three gender training workshops that USAID/Uganda organized for its staff, partners, field trainers, and farmer organizations in February 2006. The report also presents lessons learned, facilitators' reflections, and recommendations for future trainings. The purpose of the workshops was to train staff and trainers on how to incorporate a message of gender into their everyday trainings.

Improving household food security : institutions, gender, and integrated approaches
03/01/2000 (909KB)

This study is part of a worldwide research program, Broadening Access and Strengthening Input Market Systems (BASIS). The study was designed to challenge the belief that it is too difficult to apply integrated approaches to the issue of food security. It assumed that the use of gender analysis and participatory processes creates the opportunity and provides the framework for developing integrated approaches to food security, and then it examined examples in four countries — Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda — that applied these approaches to improving household food security.


USAID/Zambia gender assessment and education strategy : workshop proceedings, May 23-27, 2005[, Lusaka, Zambia]
26 Aug 2005 (1.5MB)

EQUATE, achieving equality in educationo | Task order # GEW-I-01-02-00021



Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 1
03/01/2005 (1.0MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 1 contents:

  • Trafficking in Persons in Afghanistan
  • First Afghan Delegation to Global Women's Conference
  • Forced Marriage for Men
  • Campaign for Afghan Women to Work in the Government

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 2
05/01/2005 (1.1MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 2 contents:

  • Drug Addiction and Women
  • Customary Law in Afghanistan
  • Afghan Men's Literacy
  • Maternal Health in Afghanistan
  • Afghan Men and Women in Parliament

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 3
06/01/2005 (1.2MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 3 contents:

  • Violence Against Women
  • Men and Disability in Afghanistan
  • Pregnant or Nursing Mothers and Nutrition
  • Understanding the Afghan Constitution and Parliament

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 4
07/01/2005 (1.1MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 4 contents:

  • Violence Against Women by Women
  • Men's Employment in Afghanistan
  • Women's Higher Education in Afghanistan
  • Family Planning and Women's Health in Afghanistan
  • Understanding the Afghan Constitution and Parliament

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 5
08/01/2005 (1.2MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 5 contents:

  • Infertility and Women in Afghanistan
  • Inheritance and Women in Afghanistan
  • Women Police in Afghanistan
  • Men and the Cost of Marriage in Afghanistan
  • Understanding the Afghan Constitution and Parliament

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 6
09/01/2005 (1.1MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 6 contents:

  • Child Marriage in Afghanistan
  • Men and Public Harassment in Afghanistan
  • Former Male Child Soldiers in Afghanistan
  • Protection of Women in Afghanistan

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 7
11/01/2005 (1.2MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 7 contents:

  • Widows in Afghanistan
  • Street Children in Kabul
  • The Commitment to Combat Violence against Women
  • Women and the Afghan Parliament
  • A Workshop on Forced and Child Marriage

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 8
01/01/2006 (1.2MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 8 contents:

  • Women and Sexual Harrassment
  • Suicide and Women
  • Women Beggars in Afghanistan
  • Women and the Supreme Court of Afghanistan
  • Violence Against Women Database Initiative

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 9
03/01/2006 (1.1MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 9 contents:

  • Millennium Development Goals and Gender
  • Parliamentarians on Gender-Sensitive Legislation
  • International Women's Day and Afghan Women

OTI Afghanistan Program Evaluation (October 2001 - June 2005): Gender Initiatives and Impacts
10/01/2005 (816KB)

This report evaluates the work of USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2005. OTI committed $46.6 million of an overall $70 million Afghanistan budget to project grants that supported a range of activities, including the emerging political process laid out in the 2001 Bonn Agreement, civic education, government-facility rehabilitation, independent media, community infrastructure, women's resource centers, schools and kindergartens, and international sector specialists. The evaluation finds that OTI programming should have more systematically supported the participation of women in the political and decision-making process, since in the cases where it did, the results benefited Afghan society as a whole and stimulated greater social debate on the roles of women and the future of the country.


Gender analysis & recommendations for a gender plan of action : rural energy portfolio -- USAID /Bangladesh
05/01/2005 (361KB)

This report explores the gender issues, impacts, and mainstreaming opportunities specific to USAID/Bangladesh's rural energy programs. Its recommendations aim to to ensure that more gender-sensitive strategies are adopted by energy professionals to meet the sustainable energy needs and priorities of both men and women stakeholders in rural Bangladesh. The study focuses on the work of the USAID/Bangladesh Energy Team's U.S. contractor, the National Rural Electrification Cooperative International Ltd., and three Bangladeshi partners: the Dhaka-based Rural Electrification Board, the rural electric co-operative Palli Bidyut Samities, and the non-governmental organization Grameen Shakti.

Gender Training Handbook : integrating gender into trade and economic growth programs and analysis
09/01/2005 (525KB)

This Gender Training Handbook, prepared by the Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) Project, is designed primarily to complement and augment the October 17-18, 2005 training on integrating gender into economic growth activities. The handbook aims to go beyond the training and provide Mission staff with additional knowledge, skills, and ideas to develop appropriate program interventions to meet gender-related targets. Its goal is to help Mission staff understand how they can design USAID programs to enhance the abilities of men and women -- including the poorest citizens -- to proactively seize the new opportunities presented by trade and economic growth activities.

Gender Training Materials: integrating gender into trade and economic growth programs and analysis
11/01/2005 (809KB)

This book of gender training materials, prepared by the USAID-funded GATE Project, was used during two different workshops for USAID/Bangladesh staff. It was designed primarily to help the Mission's Economic Growth, Food, and Environment Team increase their knowledge, skills, and confidence in asking the right gender questions, find the necessary data and assistance to answer these questions, and develop appropriate program interventions to meet gender-related targets.

Supporting gender and ICTs : opportunities for women in Bangladesh
11/01/2005 (537KB)

This study provides an overview of information and communication technology (ICT) trends and opportunities for women in Bangladesh. It looks at ways that USAID/Bangladesh can integrate gender and poverty concerns into the its programs and recommends pro-poor, gender-sensitive ICT interventions for review. The study aims to help USAID/Bangladesh ensure that its ICT development programs promote gender equity and create opportunities for economic growth.


Gender analysis & assessment : USAID/Cambodia -- volume I : gender analysis
03/01/2006 (320KB)

This gender analysis is the first volume in a two volume series; the gender assessment for USAID/Cambodia is volume two (PN-ADF-576). This report analyzes gender roles and relationships in the context of Cambodia and in relation to the scope of USAID/Cambodia's Strategic Plan for 2005-2010. It analyzes gender issues in the health, education, and governance sectors, which are the Mission's three focus areas.

Gender analysis & assessment : USAID/Cambodia -- volume II : gender assessment
03/01/2006 (260KB)

This gender assessment is the second volume in a two volume series; the gender analysis is volume one (PN-ADF-575). This report uses the volume one gender analysis to examine the USAID/Cambodia portfolio, highlight gender integration in on-going activities, and suggest potential avenues to strengthen gender mainstreaming in the future. It focuses on USAID/Cambodia's three focus areas: health, education, and governance.


Mainstreaming gender in disaster management support project
Jun 2004 (260KB)

Women in Development IQC task order | New and expanded opportunities for vulnerable groups in India


Gender assessment & gender action plan of USAID/Nepal
01/01/2002 (1.4MB)

This assessment analyzes gender issues in USAID/Nepal’s strategic framework, program, and activities for Strategic Objective #2 (SO2) — reduced fertility and protected health of Nepalese families; SO4 — increased private sector participation in environmentally and socially sustainable hydropower development; and SO5 — strengthened governance of natural resources and selected institutions. It identifies entry points for the integration of gender into ongoing activities. The assessment was based on document review, interviews, and field observations with forest user groups, women’s empowerment groups, and Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs), as well as working sessions with USAID/Nepal staff.

Peace Corps/Nepal : integrating gender and caste into an environmental education and awareness workshop [-- Kathmandu, Nepal, October 8-12, 2001]
Dec 2001 (91KB)

Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Sri Lanka

Gender assessment for USAID/Sri Lanka
02/17/2004 (503KB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)

Timor-Leste (East Timor)

Gender assessment for USAID/Timor-Leste : country strategy plan, FY 2004-2009
08/01/2004 (410KB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)

Europe & Eurasia


Gender Mainstreaming Workshop for USAID/Armenia, Project NOVA, and Partners (Yerevan, Armenia, July 11-13, 2006)
09/01/2006 ()

This report describes the methodology, content, and outcomes of a gender mainstreaming workshop for USAID/Armenia's health projects and associated NGO and Ministry of Health staff. The report also provides the materials used in the training and the results of a participant evaluation. The purpose of the workshop was to enhance the gender integration skills of Project NOVA (in Armenian, "Innovations in Support of Reproductive Health"), the Eye Care Project, the Academy for Educational Development, Primary Health Care Reform, and World Vision staff and local counterparts.


Gender assessment for USAID/Caucasus/Azerbaijan
01/15/2004 (489KB)

USAID has undertaken this gender assessment to gain a better understanding of gender issues across all sectors of Azerbaijan. The report presents the findings of key gender issues and offers USAID/Azerbaijan recommendations for better gender integration in general as well as for the economic, democratic, and social sectors. The report finds that gender-based violence is a hidden epidemic in Azerbaijan and recommends that the Mission support domestic violence awareness and protection activities, including emergency shelters.


Gender plan of action : USAID Regional Mission for Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova
04/01/2001 (245KB)

This document takes account of the prior achievements of the Regional Mission for Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova (USAID/Kiev) in addressing gender. As well, it outlines specific actions to strengthen the Mission’s institutional capacity, as well as those of its partners, in integrating gender issues into its policies and activities. The document also provides recommendations for ensuring that gender considerations are taken into account in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of sector-specific program activities.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina gender assessment
05/01/2005 (422KB)

This report presents the findings of a gender assessment conducted during two weeks in January and February 2005. The report includes key recommendations for USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina to undertake in order to strengthen its gender mainstreaming efforts. The goal of the assessment is to outline key gender issues and constraints in Bosnia and Herzegovina to be addressed through existing or planned programming.


Gender assessment and plan of action for USAID/Bulgaria
07/01/2001 (234KB)

This Gender Plan of Action consists of two sections: The first section provides a gender analysis for each of USAID/Bulgaria’s Strategic Assistance Areas, aiming to promote a better understanding of gender issues in Bulgaria and their potential impact on the sustainability and effectiveness of USAID-funded activities. The second section provides cross-cutting recommendations to facilitate the mainstreaming of gender into the Mission portfolio and to deepen the awareness and understanding of Mission staff and implementing partners.

USAID/Bulgaria gender assessment
05/27/2001 (172KB)


Gender assessment for USAID/Caucasus [Georgia]
06/01/2003 (465KB)

This report presents the results of a gender assessment carried out in Georgia in March 2003 at the request of the USAID/Georgia Mission. It provides a summary of gender relations in Georgia, an analysis of gender integration in the Mission's current and future strategic framework and program portfolio, and recommendations on how the Mission can better mainstream gender in its activities, policies, and procedures. The report analyzes gender in the context of economic growth and private enterprise, as well as trafficking in persons and domestic violence, which are both serious problems in Georgia.

Gender assessment for USAID/Caucasus/Azerbaijan
01/15/2004 (489KB)

USAID has undertaken this gender assessment to gain a better understanding of gender issues across all sectors of Azerbaijan. The report presents the findings of key gender issues and offers USAID/Azerbaijan recommendations for better gender integration in general as well as for the economic, democratic, and social sectors. The report finds that gender-based violence is a hidden epidemic in Azerbaijan and recommends that the Mission support domestic violence awareness and protection activities, including emergency shelters.


Gender assessment for USAID/Caucasus [Georgia]
06/01/2003 (465KB)

This report presents the results of a gender assessment carried out in Georgia in March 2003 at the request of the USAID/Georgia Mission. It provides a summary of gender relations in Georgia, an analysis of gender integration in the Mission's current and future strategic framework and program portfolio, and recommendations on how the Mission can better mainstream gender in its activities, policies, and procedures. The report analyzes gender in the context of economic growth and private enterprise, as well as trafficking in persons and domestic violence, which are both serious problems in Georgia.


Gender assessment for USAID/Macedonia with training report and action plan recommendations
04/01/2004 (354KB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)


Gender plan of action : USAID Regional Mission for Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova
04/01/2001 (245KB)

This document takes account of the prior achievements of the Regional Mission for Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova (USAID/Kiev) in addressing gender. As well, it outlines specific actions to strengthen the Mission’s institutional capacity, as well as those of its partners, in integrating gender issues into its policies and activities. The document also provides recommendations for ensuring that gender considerations are taken into account in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of sector-specific program activities.


USAID/Federal Republic of Yugoslavia : gender assessment of Serbia and Montenegro
11/01/2002 (591KB)

Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

USAID/Serbia & Montenegro : gender assessment and recommendations for a draft gender action plan
05/01/2005 (386KB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC) | At head of title: Gender matters : integrating gender, achieving result


Gender assessment and plan of action for USAID/Romania
02/01/2002 (984KB)

This assessment shows that USAID/Romania has been and continues to be committed to ensuring the promotion of equal rights and opportunities for women and disadvantaged groups in the country. Numerous programs and successes in all three strategic objectives (economic growth, governance, and health and social services) have addressed gender discrepancies specifically. Nevertheless, there are still areas in the strategic objectives, as well as in the special interest area of combating domestic violence and trafficking, that could benefit from gender analysis and integration.


Gender assessment for USAID/Russia
10/01/2004 (364KB)

Women in development (WID) IQC | At head of title: Gender matters : integrating gender, achieving result


USAID/Federal Republic of Yugoslavia : gender assessment of Serbia and Montenegro
11/01/2002 (591KB)

Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

USAID/Serbia & Montenegro : gender assessment and recommendations for a draft gender action plan
05/01/2005 (386KB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC) | At head of title: Gender matters : integrating gender, achieving result


Gender plan of action : USAID Regional Mission for Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova
04/01/2001 (245KB)

This document takes account of the prior achievements of the Regional Mission for Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova (USAID/Kiev) in addressing gender. As well, it outlines specific actions to strengthen the Mission’s institutional capacity, as well as those of its partners, in integrating gender issues into its policies and activities. The document also provides recommendations for ensuring that gender considerations are taken into account in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of sector-specific program activities.

Latin America & Caribbean


Analysis of Gender and Indigenous Issues with Regard to USAID/Bolivia's 2005-2009 Strategy
11/18/2004 (369KB)

This report is intended as a resource guide to support the USAID/Bolivia Mission in its continuing efforts to ensure that gender and sociocultural issues are integrated into new activities under its 2005-2009 strategy. The report provides: 1) statistical information on gender and ethnic disparities in economic and social sectors; 2) comments on the strategy by sector with suggestions for strengthening gender and sociocultural inclusion; 3) a summary of project-level interventions that support gender and sociocultural inclusion; 4) published and web-based resources on gender and indigenous issues by sector; and 5) Spanish and English training materials used in an August 2004 workshop.


Gender assessment : USAID/Colombia
08/01/2007 (762KB)

El Salvador

Gender assessment and action plan for USAID/El Salvador
03/31/2004 (412KB)

This report assesses gender relations and issues in the El Salvador Mission's current program as part of the process for developing the Country Plan for FY 2004-2008.  It also offers recommendations on how the Mission can achieve greater gender integration.

Gender Integration Consultancy with USAID/El Salvador (English & Spanish)
08/01/2006 (187KB)

This document, written in both English and Spanish, reports on a consultancy to implement the recommendations contained in the 2004 Gender Assessment Report on USAID/El Salvador's programs and activities, especially with regard to greater gender integration.


Incorporating gender indicators in the monitoring plan of strategic objective 5 : USAID/Guatemala
01/01/2002 (524KB)

This report is the product of a consultancy to offer guidance to the team monitoring the USAID/Guatemala Strategic Objective 5 to help it incorporate gender indicators in its monitoring plan. The report contains a description of the consultancy, an analysis of indicators generated with a gender focus, and some specific suggestions for indicators to be included in the overall monitoring and evaluation system. The report also offers recommendations to ensure that the incorporation of a gender focus is successful and has a strong impact.

Manual for implementing a gender equity approach in Guatemala's land-legalization process
08/01/2002 (306KB)

This report is part of a series of publications that address the gender dimensions within four areas of USAID/Guatemala's Strategic Objective 5, "Improved Natural Resources Management and Biodiversity Conservation," (1) Economic activities; (2) Sustainable use of natural resources; (3) Policy, laws, and regulations analysis; and (4) Strengthening of local NGOs. This publication is the English translation of a training manual on implementing a gender equity approach in Guatemala's land-legalization process. The annexes contain the original training manual in Spanish as well as the study on land tenure and gender (also in Spanish) that served as the basis for this training manual.


Gender assessment for USAID/Guyana
08/01/2003 (293KB)

This gender assessment was conducted as part of the preparation for the USAID/Guyana 2004-2008 Country Strategic Plan. The report includes an overview of factors affecting the status of women in Guyana, key gender issues in the country, and government, NGO, and donor resources directed to these issues. It then focuses directly on USAID/Guyana's strategic program areas, identifying gender issues specific to these programs and making recommendations for the process of gender mainstreaming in the strategy and subsequent activities.


Gender assessment for USAID/Haiti country strategy statement
06/01/2006 (668KB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)


A Gender Assessment and Plan of Action for USAID/Honduras
11/01/2002 (253KB)

This gender assessment was developed as a part of the process for defining the Honduras Mission's strategy for FY 2004-2010. The assessment provides a baseline overview of key gender issues and resources and initial guidance on gender integration in USAID strategy areas. The gender action plan makes recommendations on how to move forward from this overview to take account of gender differences as a factor in the USAID programming cycle.

LAC Regional

The Nature Conservancy International Program -- Latin America and Caribbean Region
04/01/2000 (180KB)

The Community Conservation Program's mission is to work with The Nature Conservancy's staff and partners to understand the relationship of people and communities to biodiversity in the places where we work, to engage them in actions to improve the health of this biodiversity, and to advocate this approach at regional and international scales. Community conservation practitioners work at the site level in collaboration with community stakeholders using participatory methods to facilitate local decision-making and provide technical assistance and training. This community approach respects the needs, values, and traditions of communities, emphasizes equity and transparency, and calls for understanding the dynamics of cultural and ethnic diversity, recognizing the importance of a gender perspective in natural resource management.


Gender assessment of USAID/Mexico environment program with focus on Conservation International's Usumacinta watershed program in Chiapas
11/01/2004 (282KB)

Women in development (WID) IQC | At head of title: Gender matters : integrating gender, achieving result


Gender Assessment USAID/Nicaragua
07/28/2003 (182KB)

This gender assessment for the USAID/Nicaragua program was requested as a part of the development of the new strategic plan for FY 2004 to FY 2009. The purpose of the assessment is to provide an overview of gender issues in Nicaragua in the three strategic objective areas (economic growth, good governance/civil society, and health/education) and to make recommendations for integration of gender concerns in the Mission strategy and activities.

Gender Mainstreaming for USAID/Nicaragua
04/01/2004 (316KB)

This document outlines actions and decisions for each USAID/Nicaragua Strategic Objective team and the Mission Gender Committee and provides recommendations for the Mission about potential next steps for gender integration.

Gender training report : USAID/Nicaragua -- March 14-24, 2006
06/01/2006 (248KB)

Appendix in Spanish


Gender assessment for USAID/Panama
04/01/2004 (294KB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)


Gender assessment : USAID/Paraguay
03/01/2005 (297KB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC) | At head of title: Gender matters : integrating gender, achieving result

Incorporacion de la perspectiva de genero en los programas de desarrollo de USAID/Paraguay : informe del taller, Junio 14 y 23, 2005
10/01/2005 (148KB)

Task order # 1


Promoting democratic values and practices : a cross-cutting approach to democracy and gender
10/01/2002 (522KB)

This report aims to help USAID/Peru operationalize its central Mission Goal of promoting the expansion of sustainable opportunities for improved quality of life of Peruvians through democratic institutions and processes. The report is divided into three sections:

  • Section 1 clarifies the definition of "democracy" as it refers to USAID/Peru programs, highlights considerations for achieving the Mission Goal, and provides a summary of recent research on democracy and cross-sectoral linkages.
  • Section 2 shares case studies of the "Strengthened Environmental Management to Address Priority Problems" and "Sustained Reduction of Illicit Drug Crops in Target Areas of Peru" strategic objectives, as well as the contributions, challenges, and opportunities associated with the Mission Goal.
  • Section 3 suggests a format and approach for better linking all Mission strategic objectives with the Mission Goal.

Middle East


Gender Assessment for USAID/Jordan
03/01/2003 (226KB)

This report analyzes USAID/Jordan's portfolio with regard to gender. It is divided into five parts:

  1. an overview of the current socio-economic context of Jordan and the crosscutting issues that form challenges for the country in the coming decade;
  2. an overview of the current USAID requirements for incorporating gender into USAID programs;
  3. a discussion of the status of Jordanian women;
  4. a discussion of the gender issues in USAID/Jordan's water, health, and economic growth programs and recommendations for each program area; and
  5. a delineation of the next steps for gender mainstreaming for USAID/Jordan.


Gender Assessment for USAID/Morocco
05/01/2003 (435KB)

This gender assessment provides a baseline overview of gender issues pertinent to USAID/Morocco's planned target area under its 2004-2008 strategy -- increasing economic opportunity. This report aimed to serve as a starting point for gender mainstreaming under the country strategy and to provide the Mission with the appropriate questions to ask when developing Performance Monitoring Plans (PMPs), designing programs, implementing activities, and monitoring results. With Morocco expected to expand its trade through the Free Trade Agreement with the U.S., such questions were intended to assist the Mission and the Government of Morocco in assessing to what extent gender-based constraints hampered the development of key industries and the impacts of different policies and investment strategies on the relative status of women.

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