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Mapping the Sea Floor on the San Pedro Shelf, Southern California

Sandwaves - High Resolution

Sea-floor video
Sea-floor video (approx 15 sec) showing sand waves of various sizes on the San Pedro shelf, southern California. The larger sand waves (60- to 70-cm wavelength) at the beginning of the clip (0-10 sec) abruptly change to smaller sand waves (less than 16-cm wavelength) toward the end of the clip (10-15 sec).

To play the high resolution version of the video in the QuickTime(TM) Player, click on the icon below:

Watch video: <a href="">Sea-floor video</a>

High Resolution:
320x240, 15.6 MB, running time 0:16

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)