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2004 Holiday Season—USGS Employees Donate Toys

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Harry Glenn holds a box of donated presents for needy children. Pictured with him are Lisa Robbins, center director, and Jack Kindinger, deputy director.
Above: Harry Glenn holds a box of donated presents for needy children. Pictured with him are Lisa Robbins, center director, and Jack Kindinger, deputy director.

Thank you to everyone at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies in St. Petersburg, FL, who donated new unwrapped toys for Christmas gifts! Florida Congressman C.W. "Bill" Young was happy that we had collected a large box of toys to be part of a distribution to needy children on his behalf in celebration of his birthday, a yearly custom of the congressman's (see Sound Waves article, Season of Giving—USGS Employees Donate Toys for Holiday Distribution). Congressman Young asked his DC staffer, Harry Glenn, to visit the center on December 16 to retrieve the toys.

Related Sound Waves Stories
Season of Giving—USGS Employees Donate Toys for Holiday Distribution
March 2004

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Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies
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Congressman C.W. Bill Young
U.S. House of Representatives

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)