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USAID's Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition (HIDN) Monthly Update - August 2005

A monthly update on activities of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition (HIDN). The Monthly Update provides information about global health news, events, jobs and information. We encourage you to circulate this publication to colleagues.

Table of Contents

  • A. New Information
    • Rapid Assessment Teams Take Shape; Possible Spraying and Net Distribution Prospects in Angola
    • USAID Increases Assistance to Battle TB-HIV Co-Infection Ravaging Africa
    • New Study on Pricing and Revenue Retention Policies Key for Combating Malaria
    • USAID Point-of-Use Water Treatment Expands to Nine Countries, Prevents Cholera Outbreak

  • B. News and Events
    • President Bush Pledges Aid to Africa for Malaria, Food
    • Bringing Business into the Battle Against Malaria
    • Development Requires Aid Plus Good Governance, USAID Administrator Andrew Natsios Says
    • Congress Approves $25 Million to Fight Avian Flu in Asia
    • USAID Announces Additional American Aid to Combat Hunger, Promote Food Security in Niger
    • Tsunami: An Alum’s Up-Close Experience
    • Alliance Works in Ghana, Niger and Mali to Build Wells, Latrines
    • Health Teams Fight Serious Polio Outbreak on Three Continents
    • Attitude of Clinic Staff Improved by Nicaragua Training

  • C. Technical Documents
    • Quarterly Progress Report for USAID Vietnam
    • Innovations in Maternal-Newborn and Child Health Detailed Implementation Plan, 2004-2009

  • D. Global Health Employment Opportunities
    • Field Communication Coordinator
    • Health Strategic Objective (SO) Team Leader
    • Response Alternative for Technical Services (RATS), Nutrition Specialist
    • Senior Technical Advisor: HIV/AIDS, Infectious Diseases

A. New Information

B. News and Events

  • President Bush Pledges Aid to Africa for Malaria, Food
    The Bush administration’s announcement that it wants to spend $1.2 billion to prevent malaria over the next five years will help USAID “make a qualitative leap” in the fight against a disease that kills more than 1 million people in sub-Saharan Africa every year, said Administrator Natsios.

  • Bringing Business into the Battle Against Malaria
    Even George Baguma, marketing director for a Ugandan company that distributes pharmaceuticals, did not sleep under a net. "I had heard about the effectiveness of nets in preventing malaria, but I never thought they worked."

  • Development Requires Aid Plus Good Governance, USAID Administrator Andrew Natsios Says
    The United States does not believe that there are any magic aid numbers for achieving successful development and sustained improvements in the quality of life, Administrator Natsios told a special meeting of the U.N. General Assembly. "Development progress is, first and foremost, a function of country commitment and political will to rule justly, promote economic freedom and invest in people."

  • Congress Approves $25 Million to Fight Avian Flu in Asia
    On April 11, 2005 President Bush signed an emergency bill allocating $25 million to fight Avian Influenza, also known as bird flu. USAID will use $10 million and work with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on managing the remaining $15 million.

  • USAID Announces Additional American Aid to Combat Hunger, Promote Food Security in Niger
    The United States government will provide nearly $7 million dollars in additional emergency food aid to help feed thousands of people in Niger, a senior USAID official announced here Tuesday. This latest announcement raises the total amount of U.S. support to battle food insecurity in Niger this year to approximately $13 million.

  • Tsunami: An Alum’s Up-Close Experience [PDF, 271KB]
    Seven months after going to work for USAID/Indonesia, Lisa Kramer graduated from UCLA’s School of Public Health (M.P.H. ‘03) and found herself assisting in the recovery from the world’s largest natural disaster. Her work is featured in the most recent addition of UCLA's Public Health Magazine.

  • Alliance Works in Ghana, Niger and Mali to Build Wells, Latrines
    The West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI), created over three years ago, has brought clean water, improved sanitation, changed hygiene behavior, and improved water resources management to hundreds of rural communities in Ghana, Mali, and Niger.

  • Health Teams Fight Serious Polio Outbreak on Three Continents
    Polio, a disease virtually eradicated around the world, reemerged in Africa last year and has now spread to 16 previously polio-free countries in the Middle East and Asia. Indonesia detected its first case of polio in April 2005. By early July, there were 111 cases; in Yemen, about 300 cases were reported.

  • Attitude of Clinic Staff Improved by Nicaragua Training
    "When your child is sick, you are already anxious, and if the staff does not even care, it makes you even more anxious." But in recent years, Reina Margarita Maltez found the attitude of clinic health workers had changed after a series of projects funded by USAID were implemented to improve health services.

C. Technical Documents

D. Global Health Employment Opportunities

  • Field Communication Coordinator
    The Coordinator will act as the liaison between USAID Missions, regional field offices, regional Bureaus and the Office of HIV/AIDS. This entry- to mid-level position will also serve as the lead USAID representative on the interagency Communications Workstream for President Bush’s HIV/AIDS Initiative.

  • Health Strategic Objective (SO) Team Leader
    This position is for USAID activity in Iraq and is short-term technical assistance over three to five years. The Health SO Team Leader will support the Chief of Party (COP) of a five-year, multi-million dollar project in setting up a monitoring and evaluation system and services pertaining to USAID Iraq's SO 2 Health component.

  • Response Alternative for Technical Services (RATS), Nutrition Specialist
    RATS respond to humanitarian emergencies -- natural, technological and conflict-related disasters -- as required, worldwide. The contractor may serve in the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) Washington offices and may also be required to travel on short notice.

  • Senior Technical Advisor: HIV/AIDS, Infectious Diseases
    Under the direction of the Office of Public Health (OPH) Director, the senior technical advisor (STA), will serve as a key member of an eight person team at the USAID mission in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

If you have questions or comments, please contact Chris Thomas at

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Thu, 24 Jul 2008 10:57:19 -0500