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Global Development Alliance with Chevron

Vocational Training Alliance in Aceh, Indonesia

May 26, 2005
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Public Information: 202-712-4810

Providing high quality and relevant vocational training opportunities will make a significant contribution to reconstruction efforts in Aceh, helping to restore the economy and people’s livelihoods. Vocational training is identified as a critical need in the Government of Indonesia’s “blueprint” for Aceh recovery and reconstruction.

USAID/Indonesia and Chevron have agreed to establish a public-private alliance to rapidly develop vocational training programs that will build the capacity of the local community to recover income by providing Acehnese with the skills they need to obtain jobs related to rehabilitation and reconstruction projects. USAID/Indonesia and Chevron will each provide up to $5 million over the next two years (2005-2007) to support the partnership, “Vocational Training Alliance for Aceh”. The alliance will focus on both immediate and long-term vocational training needs in Aceh, including:

(1) The provision of short-term training courses for Acehnese students at Chevron’s Politeknik Caltex Riau (PCR) vocational training facility in nearby Riau province. Courses will be oriented to provide training in basic construction skills, project management, teacher training, and community development – all skills critical for on-going community reconstruction efforts.

(2) Support for qualified Acehnese students to attend longer-term advanced education programs at the Politeknik Caltex Riau facility in Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Accounting – marking an investment in Aceh’s future generation of workforce leaders.

(3) Special efforts will be made to improve economic business activities for women in particular since a large number of women have lost their livelihoods or now must become the breadwinners for their families.

(4) A feasibility study will be conducted to rehabilitate or construct a vocational training center in Aceh based on the successful experience of Politeknik Caltex Riau and based on the special needs for vocational education in Aceh province. Assuming the feasibility study is positive, the alliance may support the rehabilitation or construction of a vocational training center to serve the entire Aceh province in the future.

A joint USAID/Indonesia and Chevron project oversight board will manage implementation of the alliance. The Vocational Training Alliance for Aceh complements USAID’s broader recovery and reconstruction program in Aceh and the overall U.S. Government Education Initiative for Indonesia.

The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.

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Fri, 27 May 2005 09:54:50 -0500