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Jamaica: USAID Program Profile

FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
Total Program Funds

*Includes $18,000,000 for Hurricane Relief

The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) new five-year strategy for Jamaica, which began in 2005, aims to achieve transformational change to accelerate sustainable and equitable growth in a more competitive world. Changes in the new strategy include a focus on rural environmental development, public/private partnerships, anti-corruption, and creating synergies between programs.

Economic Growth: To help Jamaica build a sustainable economy, USAID is leading economic growth programs which focus on external trade, macroeconomic and fiscal policy reforms, and further development of competitive clusters. These programs, with an emphasis on competitiveness and improving Jamaica’s various trade regimes, help companies meet the challenges of globalization.

Environment: USAID is working to improve the management of ecosystems, increase institutional capacity to manage natural assets, and support more environmentally sustainable rural enterprises. The natural resource management program concentrates on the socio-economic problems of the rural poor and their impact on natural resources through the transfer of sustainable environmental best practices. The program also supports national activities for the conservation of biodiversity-rich habitats and improves management of terrestrial and marine parks and protected areas.

Health: The aim of this program is to improve the health status among youth and the most vulnerable groups in Jamaica. USAID’s assistance continues to address adolescent reproductive health and HIV/AIDS, but expands the outreach under the new strategy to include substance abuse and violence prevention. The health program is focusing on increasing the capacity of non government and community-based organizations to deliver HIV/AIDS programs and increasing the resiliency of youth through the promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Education: USAID's education projects support a comprehensive program to improve literacy and numeracy levels in targeted schools, improve the quality of interventions for out-of-school youth, and increase stakeholder support for transformational education. Assistance will build upon past experience while focusing on fostering sustainability, scaling up best practices, and involving the private sector in school partnerships.

Democracy and Governance: The overall objectives of this program are to reduce crime and violence through community-policing, strengthen civil society organizations to confront corruption, and contribute to good governance. USAID's democracy and governance programs in Jamaica include technical assistance and training to help civil society organizations become more actively engaged in addressing issues of crime, violence, good governance and anti-corruption. The program also supports a community-policing program in an inner city community which serves as a model to be replicated in other troubled inner-city communities throughout Jamaica.

Global Development Alliances: USAID also works through public/private alliances in Jamaica to leverage private sector resources to further development goals across our programs. One example is the development of the Jamaica HIV/AIDS Business Council which addresses stigma and discrimination in the workplace.

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Mon, 01 May 2006 08:22:23 -0500