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Cooperative Development Organization Program Eligibility

To be eligible for USAID funding under the Cooperative Development Organization (CDO) Program, the applicant must be a U.S. cooperative or have links to U.S. cooperatives. Eligible organizations must also have an active, dues-paying membership and, within the past five years, have a minimum of two years experience in planning, managing, monitoring, and reporting on overseas development programs involving cooperative-based activities.

Once funded, CDOs agree to waive profits and/or fees if they operate at a profit or receive fees for services. USAID's policy is that no funds shall be paid as profit to any recipient. However, recipients may propose that program income earnings be added to the grant to further program objectives in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 22, Part 226, Section 24 (b) (1).

CDO programs must:

  • Support cooperative development in eligible countries
  • Enhance the management systems and organizational capacity of U.S. CDOs to backstop cooperative development overseas
  • Be consistent with USAID goals and country-specific program objectives
  • Provide a private cash, or in-kind contribution to the program

Matching guidelines are described in the CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, 22 CFR 226.23 (PDF 95KB)

Contact Person:
Tom Carter, Technical Advisor, Cooperative Development Program, Office of Private Voluntary Cooperation - American Schools & Hospitals Abroad (PVC-ASHA), Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, USAID E-Mail:

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Mon, 04 Apr 2005 08:12:19 -0500