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Capable Partners Program Objectives

The Capable Partners Program (CAP) aims to:

(1) Strengthen the capacity of local organizations, NGOs, networks, and intermediate support organizations (ISOs) to deliver development services;

(2) Reform policies or regulations that improve the enabling environment for NGOs and local organizations;

(3) Support a proactive learning program; and

(4) Support Associate Grants to Missions to carry out NGO strengthening initiatives.

There are four specific objectives under CAP:

Objective 1: Operational and technical capacity of local NGOs, networks, and ISOs strengthened

Improved performance of local organizations requires attention to both technical and management skills. This includes use of state-of-the-art technical approaches and best practices, financial planning and management, program design and implementation, and organizational learning based on the ability to measure and improve program effects and performance. Experience in strengthening the capacity of U.S. PVOs shows that success rests on the use of participatory organizational and technical assessments that catalyze discussion, dialogue and change. This has also supported the dominant role that sectoral networks have played in providing a forum for technical strengthening and problem solving, as well as providing a "voice" for these organizations. These approaches have resulted in improved efficiency and effectiveness of programs, as well as the improved external relations and leadership capacity of PVOs.

Anticipated results:
  • Improved quality of services provided by NGOs

  • Strengthened organization and management of NGOs, networks, and ISOs

Objective 2: Linkages among local organizations (NGOs, cooperatives, networks, ISOs, governments and businesses) strengthened

Formal partnerships and other linkages have been promoted in USAID supported capacity strengthening programs in recent years. Innovative partnerships between non-profits and business, both U.S. and local, have resulted in increased capacity to generate diversified financial support and collaboration, tangible results in priority sectors, and the promotion of long-term sustainability of program benefits. USAID has supported a number of U.S., global and national networks that have strengthened the capacity of U.S. PVOs and NGOs. It has also increased emphasis on enhancing "social capital" by linking NGOs to each other and networks, ISOs, local government, and private for-profit businesses to assure that a broader resource base is in place to sustain NGO operations.

Anticipated Results:

  • Increased business, foundation, or donor investments in NGOs
  • Local networks or ISOs providing appropriate services to build and maintain operational and technical strength of memberships
  • Decentralized planning strengthened in key sectors

Objective 3: Increased capacity of NGOs, networks, and ISOs to engage in advocacy for key policies or programs

Over the past five years there has been increased use, by U.S. PVOs and their local NGO partners, of program impact data as the basis for building receptivity among the public to specific interventions, influencing government resource allocations and decision making, and legal and regulatory reforms. These policy advocacy activities, for the most part, are sector specific and have not been directed at the NGO enabling environment. Program and policy activities that strengthen the NGO arena and enabling environment are important elements in the achievement of this objective.

Anticipated results include:

  • Increased use of program data for policy analysis and advocacy
  • Increase donor investment in and support for NGO strengthening actions
  • Strengthened enabling environment

Objective 4: Wide dissemination (NGOs, Local cooperatives, ISOs, etc.) of tested innovations, best practices, lessons learned, and standards

Capacity building is enhanced by quality analysis, information sharing, and communication. Moreover, the capacity of development partners to solve problems is central to strong organizational performance. U.S. NGOs and local organizations need critical skills to forecast trends, identify problems and information gaps, test solutions, and effectively use and disseminate information.

Anticipated results include:

  • Increased action research concerning issues that hinder NGO performance that has relevance beyond specific project areas
  • Increased outreach and dissemination to U.S. and local NGOs, networks, and ISOs
  • Increased adoption by NGOs, networks and ISOs of innovation, findings, state-of-the-art approaches, and best practices

Contact Person:
Adele Liskov, Office of Private Voluntary Cooperation - American Schools & Hospitals Abroad (PVC-ASHA), Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, USAID E-Mail:

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Mon, 04 Apr 2005 08:12:20 -0500