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USAID Provides Support for Potato Farming Modernization in Kriva Palanka

On Wednesday, May 14, 2003, USAID Macedonia Mission Director Dick Goldman will join with the Association of Potato Producers “Palanachki Kompir” of Kriva Palanka Municipality, in celebration of the Modernization of Potato Production project funded by the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) Community Self-Help Initiative program (CSHI). Other participants in this event will include municipal government members, other USAID and CSHI representatives, Kriva Palanka’s Citizens Information Center (LGRP project), a representative from the Agency for Development of Agriculture, local residents from the villages involved in this project, and other members of the international community. A ceremony will be held in Konopnica village at the Association of Potato Producer’s storage building, followed by a visit to the monastery “Sveti Joakim Osogovski”, and lunch.

The Association of Potato Producers “Palanachki Kompir” initiated this project, and the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) Community Self-Help Initiative program (CSHI) contributed by providing the Association of Potato Producers with two tractors, two trailers, two machines for digging the potatoes from the ground, one sowing machine, one tilling machine, one machine for the calibration of potatoes together with automatic weighing/bagging machine, plows, a pump for spraying fertilizer, and other implements (total cost $32,396.00).

This project answers to the local priority need for increased employment opportunities for residents of the area. High unemployment is the result of the inability of the main employers - the local mines and textile factories factory - to find markets for their products. The economic situation in the city of Kriva Palanka and the surrounding villages is extremely poor, and more than 4500 people are currently jobless and without financial reserves.

Many of the residents possess land, but prior to this project, they did not have the financial means to purchase the machines and other equipment needed for agricultural production. This land is ideal for potato production - it is 600-1600 meters above sea level. In addition, potato crops can tolerate the cold and variable climate of the region, unlike certain other crops. This has been proven since potatoes from this region are in great demand, and have a good market in Macedonia and abroad.

Now, thanks to this project, the cultivation of the land of the jobless people for the purpose of increasing and modernizing potato production, will significantly improve the living standard of these poor villages. The machines provided will also be used for other activities on a contract basis, to assists local farmers and villagers, as needed.

In addition, the market for this year’s entire crop of potatoes from the region has already been secured through wholesalers in Macedonia, and there is also interest from a foreign corporation. Future plans of the Association include buying machines for production of french fries and other potato products.

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Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:23:37 -0500