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Water-Related Success Stories

Success Stories relay infomation on the implementation of natural resources management practices in the water sector. Shared infomation on successful experiences can encourage similar successes at other global locations.


  • Angola: Participatory Rural Appraisals in Post Conflict Angola (PDF 77KB)
  • REDSO/ESA and Uganda: Managing Water Hyacinth Infestations (PDF 72KB)
  • Southern Africa: Promoting Participatory Action Planning (PDF 146KB)

Asia and the Near East

  • Bangladesh: ICLARM Helps Women Earn a Living In Aquaculture (PDF 61 KB)
  • Jordan: Wastewater Management Addresses Mosquito Control (PDF 49KB)
  • Lebanon: Delivery of Improved Community Services, Including Drinking Water Supply, Sanitation, and Irrigation (PDF 65KB)
  • Morocco: Improved Water Resources Management in the Urban and Industrial Sectors (PDF 67KB)
  • Nepal: Water User Authorities Improve Irrigated Agriculture (PDF 66KB)

Europe & Eurasia

  • Armenia: Irrigation Projects Help Communities Help Themselves (PDF 61KB)

Latin America & the Caribbean

  • El Salvador: Integrated Solid Waste Management Project Protects Human and Ecosystem Health (PDF 63KB)
  • El Salvador: Mangrove Rehabilitation (PDF 69KB)
  • Guatemala: Rebuilding Lives Through Housing and Services Restoration Following Hurricane Mitch (PDF 53KB)

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Mon, 09 Jan 2006 13:01:08 -0500