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USAID: From The American People Inspector General Technical staff review audit findings related to possible corruption charges in Paraguay. As members of a Forensic Audit Unit in the Controller General's Office, they have been key in more effectively addressing public corruption - Click to read this story
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Armenia  [pdf]

Benin  [pdf]

Burkina Faso  [pdf]

Cape Verde  [pdf]

El Salvador  [pdf]

Georgia  [pdf]

Ghana  [pdf]

Honduras  [pdf]

Lesotho  [pdf]

Madagascar  [pdf]

Mali  [pdf]

Mongolia  [pdf]

Morocco  [pdf]

Mozambique  [pdf]

Namibia  [pdf]

Nicaragua  [pdf]

Tanzania  [pdf]

Vanuatu  [pdf]

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Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:58:05 -0500