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USAID: From The American People USAID Weekly Technical staff review audit findings related to possible corruption charges in Paraguay. As members of a Forensic Audit Unit in the Controller General's Office, they have been key in more effectively addressing public corruption - Click to read this story
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USAID Presents Top Award to Former Secretaries Eagleburger and Shultz
Photo: Secretary Eagleburger speaking at award ceremony

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) honored former U.S. Secretaries of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger and George P. Shultz with the 4th Annual George C. Marshall Award. Named after former U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall, the Marshall Award is the Agency’s highest honor and was established by USAID to recognize international leaders in the field of development. The origins of USAID can effectively be traced to Secretary Marshall’s famous foreign policy plan and speech in 1947.

Acting USAID Administrator Henrietta Fore said of Secretary Eagleburger, “As the legendary leader within the Department of State, Secretary Eagleburger called for a greater balance and integration of all instruments of America’s national security: ‘defense, diplomacy and development,’ long before it became enshrined in this country’s national security strategy.” (Source)

Top Story

USAID Provides Assistance Nepal Following Monsoon Flooding

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing assistance to the Government of Nepal following monsoon rains that have caused flooding and landslides.

U.S. Chargé d'Affaires Robert L. Hugins requested the U.S. assistance on July 31, 2007 due to heavy rains that since July 17 have caused extensive damage in 28 of Nepal's 75 districts. The flooding and landslides have affected approximately 235,000 people, destroyed 15,000 homes and caused at least 56 deaths, according to preliminary estimates from the Nepal Red Cross Society. Flooding has also affected communications and transportation links to some areas, making a full assessment difficult.

In response, USAID has provided $50,000 through USAID/Nepal to Save the Children/US (SC/US), in partnership with the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), for the local purchase…(Source)

USAID World News
Photo: Brazilian youth installing solar panels

Training Youth for Energy Jobs
Among Brazil’s poor, youth unemployment can be as high as 66 percent. Young people looking for work lack the skills, experience, and education that make them desirable in a tight labor market…

Photo: Composting site near a Bulgarian village

Composting for a Cleaner Bulgaria
USAID-funded CityLinks program joined forces with the Bulgarian Foundation for Local Government Reform (FLGR) to address waste management practices…

Photo: Afghanistan road construction

Completion of Over 1000 Development Projects since July 2006
USAID has successfully completed over 1,000 development projects and initiated 780 new projects at the request of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the people of Afghanistan…

Photo: USAID airlifted 1,300 rolls of plastic sheeting to Khartoum on August 8, 2007. Credit: USAID/Taylor White Stager

USAID Provides Relief for Flood-Affected Sudanese
USAID airlifted 1,300 rolls of plastic sheeting that will help provide 78,000…

In The News

U.S. Donates $50,000 Worth of Equipment to Fight the Fires (pdf)
U.S. Ambassador Gillian A. Milovanovic formally made a declaration of disaster and requested emergency funding for the local procurement of urgently needed fire-fighting equipment in Macedonia.

USAID Mission Director to Nepal Sworn In
As Mission Director for Nepal, Beth Paige will be responsible for managing a wide range of programs, including conflict resolution, rule of law and human rights, elections …

Telling Our Story

Community Swaps Trash Dump for Park

Local official Pape Mesta Anne, right, and area resident Marie Louise Diawara discuss the neighborhood’s improvements.
Photo: USAID/Richard Nyberg

“Young people used to take drugs here, but now with a business open and a park with benches, people can now meet in a clean environment to eat in peace and talk”

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Tue, 14 Aug 2007 10:42:19 -0500