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Saving Women's Lives: Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage

Why focus on preventing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)?

  Photo of two women, one holding two babies.
"The third stage of labor is the period
between the birth of the infant and
delivery of the placenta."
Source: USAID
  • Hemorrhage is the largest direct cause of maternal death worldwide.
  • Preventing PPH will significantly reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.
  • Evidence-based, feasible, low-cost interventions exist to prevent PPH and improve maternal survival.

What are the causes of PPH?

  • PPH comes about because of:
    • Delayed delivery of the placenta
    • Failure of the uterus to contract
    • Other causes of bleeding (prolonged labor, uterine rupture, tears, etc.)
  • PPH, excessive bleeding after childbirth, most often occurs during the third stage of labor - the period between birth of the infant and delivery of the placenta.
  • Two-thirds of PPH cases occur in women with no identifiable risk factors.

What can be done to prevent PPH?

Drugs & Technology to Control PPH
Drugs               Technology
Oxytocin Syringe and needle
Misoprostol Oral medication
Ergometrine Injection
  • Skilled birth attendants can implement active management of the third stage of labor through:
    • Administering a uterus-contracting drug (e.g. Oytocin, Misoprostol, Ergometrine) within one minute of birth.
    • Applying controlled cord traction and counter traction to the uterus.
    • Massaging the fundus of the uterus through the abdomen.
    • Monitoring for further signs of bleeding.
  • Clinical trials have shown that active management of the third stage of labor results in significant reduction of PPH.
  • Educate pregnant women and their families about
    the importance of having a skilled birth attendant.

What are the benefits of active management of the third stage of labor?

  • Active management of the third stage of labor will shorten the time it takes to deliver the placenta and contract the uterus to reduce blood loss.
  • Bleeding that does occur is identified early and effectively treated.

How can we prevent maternal deaths due to PPH?

Pie chart showing the causes of maternal death. Hemorrhage 22%; Infection 17%;Toxemia/Eclampsia 11%; Unsafe Abortion 11%; Obstructed Labor 11%; Malaria & Anemia 22%; Other 4%.
  • Promote skilled attendance at birth for all women.
  • Promote the practice of active management of the third stage of labor for all births.
  • Ensure that all health care providers (midwives, nurses, auxiliaries, clinical officers and physicians) who attend births, either in facilities or at home, have the skills to manage normal labor and can perform active management of the third stage of labor.
  • Ensure that the drugs, equipment and supplies necessary for active management of the third stage of labor are available.

How can PPH prevention programs be implemented?

  • Governments can advance PPH through:
    • Enacting policies to enable health care providers to perform active management of the third stage of labor.
    • Preparing and deploying skilled health care providers to attend childbirth, and
    • Providing essential commodities for active management of the third stage of labor.
  • Pre-service education can expand and improve the teaching of PPH prevention and treatment.
  • Professional associations can promote active management of the third stage of labor.
  • Non-governmental organizations can promote PPH awareness and prevention.
  • Community mobilization and communications programs can incorporate PPH prevention.

Related Links

For more information, contact the U.S. Agency for International Development Maternal Health Team (;;


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Tue, 26 Jun 2007 15:57:54 -0500