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USAID has a long history of working with faith-based organizations.

Since its inception in 1961, USAID has done extensive work with relief organizations affiliated with religious institutions. With regard to our faith-based and community organizations, our goal is to:

  • Identify and remove legal and policy obstacles or barriers that faith-based and community-based organizations encounter when competing for federal funds.
  • Create and implement legal and policy changes within the federal government and the US Agency for International Development in order to ensure equal access to federal funding.
  • Educate USAID Washington, pillar bureaus, regional bureaus on the Presidential Faith-Based and Community Initiative.
  • Reach out to faith-based and community-based organizations to encourage them to compete for federal funding, and provide technical assistance to them.
Results are Key:
  • If a faith-based organization can provide effective assistance, then they should be able to retain their faith character and receive federal funding.
  • Faith-based organizations must use federal funds to implement the programs for which they were awarded money, and they must report back to USAID on the results they achieved.
  • Faith-based organizations cannot use federal funds for inherently religious activities.

The mission of the Center is to empower faith-based and other community organizations to apply for Federal social service grants. The Center supplies information and training, but it does not make the decisions about which groups will be funded. Those decisions are made through procedures established by each grant program, generally involving a competitive process. No grant funding is set aside for faith-based organizations. Instead, the Faith-Based and Community Initiative creates a level-playing field for faith-based as well as other community organizations so that they can work with the government to meet the needs of communities throughout the developing world.

Please make plans to attend a Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Regional Conference, sponsored by the White House. Information at

Please visit the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

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Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:34:12 -0500