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Hurricane Relief

Image of the flood waters in Haiti after Hurricane Jeanne
Image of the flood waters in Gonaïves, Haiti after Hurricane Jeanne

Total USAID/OFDA Humanitarian Assistance to the Caribbean - $9,045,937

Total U.S. Government (USG) Humanitarian Assistance to the Caribbean - $22,576,847

Current Situation

USAID/OFDA Staff in the Caribbean

A USAID/OFDA regional advisor remains in Haiti to coordinate with international and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). USAID/OFDA consultants continue to assist with follow-up hurricane response activities in Grenada, the Bahamas, and Jamaica.


  • From September 22 to October 26, the U.N. World Food Program (WFP) and CARE distributed a total of 2,118 metric tons (MT) of food assistance to beneficiaries in Gonaïves and surrounding areas.
  • General food distributions are scheduled to end during the first week of November, after which targeted distributions will start to vulnerable groups. WFP and CARE have established vulnerability criteria for the targeted distributions, including flood-related and structural vulnerability factors.
  • OXFAM is presently operating 24 water reservoirs and controlling water quality at 10 different locations daily in Gonaïves. In addition, a team of water experts from the Spanish Red Cross installed two public drinking water fountains in the vicinity of the 150-bed field hospital run by the Norwegian Red Cross.
  • The U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is working in Gonaïves and focusing efforts on education, protection, water and sanitation, as well as health in coordination with the U.N. World Health Organization (WHO).
  • A team of Mexican medical professionals completed initial vector control activities in Gonaïves on October 22, twice fumigating an area of 1,240 hectares and killing all adult mosquitoes. The team noted, however, additional treatments will be required to kill larvae after 15 days.


  • According to the USAID/OFDA consultant in Grenada on October 23, the general health situation on the island is good, and vector control activities are being conducted due to the increase in the number of mosquitoes.
  • As of October 23, 9 schools are serving as shelters for approximately 190 people. Samaritan’s Purse is building houses in St. David Parish to help relocate people from that parish. The general population has also begun the process of rehabilitating homes where possible, some using new materials, others using salvaged materials.
  • As of October 23, a total of 65 schools are functioning—18 secondary and 47 primary schools.
  • The damage assessment process is continuing using the form designed by USAID/OFDA. The U.N. Development Program (UNDP) is securing experts to assist with the development of a comprehensive survey instrument and database to analyze information and support the process of determining needs.
  • Running water has generally been restored, with St. David’s Parish the last to have water services reestablished. The Grenada Electricity Company, Ltd. continues to restore power using isolated generators in a node system. The cellular telephone system remains the primary means of communications, but landlines are being reconnected daily.

Image courtesy of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
Image: USAID
Top: Satellite image of Hurricane Ivan as it passed Cuba and the Yucatan Peninsula
Bottom: Photo of devastation caused by Ivan in Grenada

U.S. Government Assistance


  • On September 21, U.S. Ambassador to Haiti James B. Foley issued a disaster declaration due to the magnitude of the effects of Tropical Storm Jeanne in the Artibonite and North-West departments of Haiti.
  • To date, USAID/OFDA has contributed a total of more than $5.4 million to fund emergency activities and relief supplies in Haiti. USAID/OFDA provided an initial $50,000 through USAID/Haiti to CARE for the distribution of relief items. USAID/OFDA then funded more than $5.1 million toward humanitarian response activities to be implemented by Air Serv International, CARE, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), IFRC, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), World Concern, WFP, and World Vision in the areas of logistics and air support, health, shelter, water and sanitation, and cash-for-work clean-up activities. All of Gonaïves’ 200,000 residents will benefit indirectly from the cash-for work projects, as cleaning up the city will reduce the risk of disease and increase mobility. In addition, on October 21, USAID/OFDA provided nearly $350,000 to UNICEF to rehabilitate the cold chain infrastructure in Gonaïves.
  • During the response to the flooding, USAID/OFDA airlifted 300 rolls of plastic sheeting, 5,005 water containers, and 3,660 hygiene kits to Port-au-Prince. The plastic sheeting will provide shelter for an estimated 9,000 residents, the water jugs will serve the needs of more than 12,500 people, and the hygiene kits will supply more than 18,000 people. USAID/OFDA also airlifted 10 emergency medical kits and 2 trauma kits, which arrived in Haiti on October 6. The central Haitian pharmacy, PROMESS, and several NGOs have received the kits in Gonaïves and the Artibonite Region. Each medical kit will serve the needs of 10,000 beneficiaries for 3 months, or a total of 100,000 people. The value of all the relief commodities including transport is more than $250,000.
  • In order to meet emergency food needs, USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP) provided 4,196 MT of P.L. 480 Title II emergency food assistance, valued at approximately $3.3 million, to WFP. USAID’s cooperating partners, including CARE, are currently distributing food commodities in Haiti.
  • USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (USAID/OTI) in Haiti has expanded programs in Gonaïves in response to Tropical Storm Jeanne and provided $56,750 through the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Ministry of Public Works, Transportation, and Communication to increase the amount of potable water available to residents by initiating the rehabilitation of the city’s water system and making minor improvements to roads used by water supply trucks.
  • USAID’s Bureau for Latin American and the Caribbean (USAID/LAC) has also contributed approximately $2.6 million in hurricane assistance for reconstruction and rehabilitation of homes, roads, irrigation equipment, and water and sanitation systems.
  • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provided $235,000 to purchase medical supplies and pharmaceuticals for Gonaïves Hospital, as well as an additional $66,637 through the local Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Haiti office for hospital clean up activities. DHHS/CDC also provided a four-person team of epidemiologists to establish clinic- and community-based surveillance for vector and water and sanitation related diseases and to reinforce safe water interventions in Gonaïves.


  • On September 8, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Mary Ellen Gilroy issued a disaster declaration for Grenada due to the damage caused by Hurricane Ivan. In response, USAID/OFDA has provided a total of more than $2.3 million in emergency assistance to hurricane-affected areas of Grenada.
  • USAID/OFDA provided $100,000 to the U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown to support the local purchase and distribution of emergency relief supplies, in-country air transport, and aerial assessments of affected areas. USAID/OFDA also provided $150,000 to PAHO to support health services and damaged infrastructure, as well as approximately $35,000 to fund expert assessments of Grenada’s electrical system. In response to the U.N. Flash Appeal, USAID/OFDA provided $400,000 to the UNDP to promote livelihoods restoration and $600,000 to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for short-term food security projects. USAID/OFDA has also provided approximately $312,000 to Samaritan’s Purse for temporary shelter construction.
  • In addition, USAID/OFDA funded 6 flights of emergency relief supplies to Grenada, carrying 1,060 rolls of plastic sheeting, 4 water bladders, 8,334 hygiene kits, 10,160 water containers, 1 high-capacity water purification unit, and 12 chainsaws for debris removal, as well as 20 generators to be used by the Grenada Electricity Company, Ltd. and PAHO in areas of the island without electricity. The value of these items plus transportation is nearly $750,000.
  • USAID/LAC has also contributed approximately $3.7 million in hurricane reconstruction assistance to Grenada directed towards health clinic rehabilitation, assistance to small businesses, and self-help housing.


  • On September 5, U.S. Ambassador to the Bahamas John D. Rood declared a disaster due to the effects of Hurricane Frances. Under this declaration, USAID/OFDA also provided assistance to areas impacted by Hurricane Jeanne.
  • In response to Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne, USAID/OFDA provided a total of nearly $445,000 in emergency assistance to the Bahamas. This amount includes $100,000 provided to the U.S. Embassy in Nassau to support local air transport and distribution of emergency relief supplies, as well as $50,000 to the Bahamas Red Cross for emergency relief activities on the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama.
  • In addition, USAID/OFDA dispatched 6 airlifts of emergency relief supplies to the Bahamas, carrying 4,000 blankets, 4,464 hygiene kits, 4,800 water containers, 400 rolls of plastic sheeting, 12 water bladders, and 1 high-capacity water purification unit. The value of the airlifted items plus transport totals nearly $300,000.


  • On September 12, U.S. Ambassador to Jamaica Sue M. Cobb issued a disaster declaration due to the damage caused by Hurricane Ivan. In response, USAID/OFDA provided more than $705,000 in emergency assistance to hurricane-affected areas. This total includes $25,000 provided to the Jamaica Red Cross for shelter operations and $25,000 to the Salvation Army for relief activities, as well as nearly $248,000 to World Vision for the purchase and transportation of relief commodities, including medical supplies, hygiene kits, and plastic sheeting. USAID/OFDA also provided $25,000 to USAID/Jamaica for the local procurement of water tanks and $150,000 to PAHO to support health services and infrastructure repairs.
  • In addition, USAID/OFDA funded three flights of emergency relief supplies to Jamaica, valued at nearly $233,000 including transport. The transferred items included 8 Zodiac boats with motors, 80 life vests, 2,024 hygiene kits, 2,000 water containers, and 500 rolls of plastic sheeting.
  • USAID/LAC has also contributed approximately $3.5 million in hurricane reconstruction assistance that will be used to rehabilitate homes, roads, schools, and water and sanitation systems.

Dominican Republic

  • On September 17, U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic Hans H. Hertell declared a disaster due to the damage caused by Hurricane Jeanne. In response, USAID/OFDA provided $50,000 to World Vision to purchase and distribute emergency relief supplies, including hygiene kits, mosquito nets, kitchen sets, blankets, bedding, water containers, and plastic sheeting.


  • On August 17, 2004, the U.S. Interests Section in Havana issued a disaster declaration due to the impact of Hurricane Charley, particularly on the Isla de la Juventud and the province of Pinar del Río. In response, USAID/OFDA provided $50,000 through USAID/LAC for the purchase and distribution of 12,000 pounds of food and medicines to populations directly affected by Hurricane Charley.

U.S. Government Humanitarian Assistance to Haiti

Committed and/or Obligated as of October 27, 2004

Implementing Partner Activity Location Amount
Air Serv International Humanitarian air operations Countrywide $100,000
CARE Emergency relief supplies and distribution Gonaïves $50,000
CARE Emergency relief supplies and water and sanitation Gonaïves $752,871
CARE Cash-for-work activities Gonaïves $819,984
CRS Cash-for work activities, sanitation Gonaïves $331,111
IFRC Shelter, water and sanitation Gonaïves $990,000
PAHO Health Gonaïves $500,000
UNICEF Health Gonaïves $349,742
WFP2 Food transport and distribution Gonaïves $100,000
World Concern Food Security North-West Department $735,305
World Vision Cash-for-work activities, seeds and tools, emergency relief supplies Gonaïves $442,554
Multiple Emergency relief supplies Gonaïves $185,137
Multiple Airlift of emergency relief supplies Gonaïves $70,940
WFP3 P.L. 480 Title II emergency food assistance – 4,196 MT Gonaïves $3,365,000
TOTAL USAID/FFP $3,365,000
IOM Infrastructure repairs, water and sanitation Gonaïves $56,750
Multiple Reconstruction and rehabilitation Gonaïves $2,639,081
TOTAL USAID/LAC $2,639,081
Multiple Medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, hospital clean up Gonaïves $301,673

1 USAID/OFDA funding represents committed and/or obligated amount as of October 27, 2004.

2 At the request of USAID/OFDA, $100,000 of previously obligated funding to WFP for Haiti was redirected to assist current emergency response interventions.

3 USAID/FFP redirected 746 MT of P.L. 480 Title II food assistance valued at $385,359 from existing development programs in Haiti for use during the current emergency in Gonaïves.

USAID Humanitarian Assistance to Grenada

Committed and/or Obligated as of October 20, 2004

Implementing Partner Activity Location Amount
Consultants Electrical assessments Countrywide $35,403
FAO Food security Countrywide $600,000
PAHO Health services and infrastructure Countrywide $150,000
Samaritan's Purse Temporary shelter construction Countrywide $312,618
UNDP Livelihoods restoration Countrywide $400,000
U.S. Embassy Air transport, distribution of emergency relief supplies, and aerial assessments Countrywide $100,000
Multiple Emergency relief supplies and generators Countrywide $395,459
Multiple Airlift of emergency relief supplies and generators Countrywide $354,334
  Administrative Countrywide $20,000
Multiple Reconstrution and rehabilitation Countrywide $3,664,0002
TOTAL USAID/LAC $3,664,000

1 USAID/OFDA funding represents committed and/or obligated amount as of October 27, 2004.

2 Of this amount, $1,285,000 are Caribbean Regional Program funds that have been redirected to Grenada.

USAID/OFDA Humanitarian Assistance to the Bahamas

Committed and/or Obligated as of October 27, 2004

Implementing Partner Activity Location Amount
Bahamas Red Cross Emergency relief activities Abaco, Grand Bahama $50,000
U.S. Embassy Air transport, distribution of emergency relief supplies Countrywide $100,000
Multiple Emergency relief supplies Countrywide $212,084
Multiple Airlift of emergency relief supplies Countrywide $82,683

1 USAID/OFDA funding represents committed and/or obligated amount as of October 27, 2004.

USAID Humanitarian Assistance to Jamaica

Committed and/or Obligated as of October 27, 2004

Implementing Partner Activity Location Amount
Jamaica Red Cross Shelter materials, operational costs Countrywide $25,000
PAHO Health Countrywide $150,000
Salvation Army Food assistance Countrywide $25,000
USAID/Jamaica Local purchase of water tanks Countrywide $25,000
World Vision Purchase and air transport of emergency relief supplies Countrywide $247,998
Multiple Emergency relief supplies Countrywide $201,314
Multiple Airlift of emergency relief supplies Countrywide $31,400
Multiple Reconstrution and rehabilitation Countrywide $3,504,406
TOTAL USAID/LAC $3,504,406

1 USAID/OFDA funding represents committed and/or obligated amount as of October 27, 2004.

USAID/OFDA Humanitarian Assistance to the Dominican Republic

Committed and/or Obligated as of October 27, 2004

Implementing Partner Activity Location Amount
World Vision Emergency relief supplies and distribution Countrywide $50,000

1 USAID/OFDA funding represents committed and/or obligated amount as of October 27, 2004.

USAID/OFDA Humanitarian Assistance to Cuba

Committed and/or Obligated as of October 27, 2004

Implementing Partner Activity Location Amount
USAID/LAC Purchase and distribution of emergency food and medicine Pinar del Rio $50,000

1 USAID/OFDA funding represents committed and/or obligated amount as of October 27, 2004.

Total USAID/OFDA Humanitarian Assistance to the Caribbean: $9,045,937

Total USG Humanitarian Assistance to the Caribbean: $22,576,847

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Mon, 07 Feb 2005 11:21:40 -0500