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"What's New in the ADS" Archives

June 2005

Browse Series: 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600

The term Release Date is used to signify the date material was posted on the ADS web site.

Series 100: Agency Organization and Legal Affairs

ADS 101, Agency Programs and Functions

Revised: 06/01/2005

Release Date: 06/15/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

Revisions to this chapter include:

  1. the reorganization of the Bureau for Management, Office of the Chief Financial Officer;
  2. the reorganization of the Office of Economic Growth, EGAT;
  3. minor revision of the functional statement for the Office of Private-Voluntary Cooperation-American Schools & Hospitals Abroad, DCHA;
  4. establishment of the Office of Sudan Programs, Bureau for Africa;
  5. reorganization of the Office of Acquisition and Assistance to split the Policy and Evaluation Division into two separate divisions;
  6. reorganization of the Program Management Office, Bureau for Management, into divisions; and
  7. reorganization of the Office of Information Resources Management, Bureau for Management.
Series 400: Personnel

ADS 436, Foreign Service Assignments and Tours of Duty

New Chapter: 06/02/2005

Release Date: 06/17/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

This is a newly created chapter in Series 400, Personnel. ADS 436 supersedes Handbook 25, Chapter 36, in its entirety. This chapter covers the responsibilities, policy directives, regulations, and required procedures for assignments and tours of duty for Foreign Service (FS) employees. These policy directives and required procedures apply to all direct-hire FS employees, except those assigned to positions on non-career appointments, Executive Level Senior Management Group (SMG) positions, and FS employees of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

Series 500: Management Services

ADS 577, InformationTechnology Capital Planning and Investment Control

Revised: 06/06/2005

Release Date: 06/15/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

The chapter has been changed in several ways:

  • Added a quarterly review process for IT investments;
  • Simplified and streamlined IT investment selection criteria;
  • Added the option of establishing a technical panel to advise the CPIC Subcommittee in its review and selection of IT investments;
  • Inserted cross-references to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) budget planning document, OMB Circular A-11, Exhibit 300 to facilitate the CPIC Subcommittee’s review of investment proposals;
  • Inserted explicit policy positions on certain matters related to IT investment selection; and
  • Converted certain reports from MS Word to Excel spreadsheet format for ease of use.

The following sections have been revised:

  • 577.2 Primary Responsibilities
  • 577.3.1.1 Submitting Investment Documentation
  • 577.3.2 Guiding Principles and Essential Requirements of the CPIC Process
  • 577.3.4 CPIC Process: Investment Stages, Responsibilities, Actions, and Outputs
  • 577.3.5.3 Components of Table 3, CPIC Decision Criteria and Score Sheet (was 577.3.5.4)
  • 577.3.5.4 Applying Table 3, the CPIC Decision Criteria and Score Sheet (was 577.4.5.3)
  • 577.4.1 External Mandatory References
  • 577.4.2 Internal Mandatory References

The following are new:

  • 577.3.5.2 Technical Advice in Scoring Business Cases
  • 577.3.6 Periodic Reviews of IT Investments
  • 577.3.7 Quarterly Reviews for Level II and III Investments
  • 577.3.7.1 The Quarterly Investment Review Process
  • 577.3.8 The Quarterly Investment Review Process for Level II and III Investments
  • 577.3.8.1 The Quarterly Investment Review Steps
  • 577.4.2 Internal Mandatory References:
  • -- Table 3a, CPIC Technical Panel Review Criteria and Suggested Scores
  • -- Table 4, The Quarterly Investment Review Steps (Overview)
  • -- Summary Sheet 2, which records Technical Panel summary scores
  • -- Summary Sheet 4, which records the CPIC Subcommittee total and average scores for IT investments; and
  • -- Summary Sheet 5, which lists IT investments under CPIC review
  • 577.5.d Reference to Additional Help, "GAO Executive Guide, Information Technology Investment Management"
  • 577.6 Definitions of "benchmark", "capital assets", and "investment levels."

Clearance List for ADS Material, a mandatory reference for ADS 501

Revised: 06/03/2005

Release Date: 06/15/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

These two changes were made:

Removed Lewis Conner as the clearing official for DCHA.
Added Sophia Riehl as the clearing official for DCHA.

No other changes were made.

Clearance List for ADS Material, a mandatory reference for ADS 501

Revised: 05/27/2005

Release Date: 06/07/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

These changes were made to this file:

Added Joe Fredericks as the clearing official for LPA.
Removed Gertrude Neeley as the clearing official for LPA.

No other changes were made.

Authorized Senders for Agency Notices, a mandatory reference for ADS 504

Revised: 05/27/2005

Release Date: 06/07/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

Made these changes to this reference:

Added Linh Lam as the sender for the new category of M/PMO
Added Francisco Zamora as the sender for the new category of Hispanic Employee Council for Foreign Affairs Agencies

No other changes were made.

Series 600: Budget and Finance

ADS 603, Forward Funding, Non-Program Funds

Revised: 06/16/2005

Release Date: 06/27/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

This chapter has been revised in its entirety. The re-write of the chapter reflects the new two-year forward-funding authority of the Operating Expense (OE) account provided in the Appropriations Act. The new authority does not apply to Inspector General OE, Credit Administrative Expense, or program funds authorized for administrative purposes. Changes to the chapter include:

603.3 explains the availability of appropriations to meet bona fide needs, distinction between severable and non-severable contracts, and exceptions to the bona fide rule. Exceptions include the new two-year forward funding authority.

603.3.1 states that Agency general policy permits forward funding under the two-year forward funding authority for OE for costs that otherwise would be restricted to current-year funding.

Series 600 Interim Update #05-08, ADS 636, Advances To For-Profit Organizations For Contracts, Grants And Cooperative Agreements

Issued: 06/06/2005

Release Date: 06/09/2005

New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

This policy notice asserts that the Procurement Executive must approve advances to for-profit contractors where the total value of the advances outstanding at any given point during the contract period is projected to be more than $50,000. This approval is made in consultation with the CFO and CFO concurrence is required.

"What's New in the ADS" Archives

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Thu, 04 Aug 2005 15:12:19 -0500