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Capacity Building for Foreign Treatment Centers

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Capacity Building for Foreign Treatment Centers

Implementing Partners: Center for Victims of Torture (CVT)

Download a contact list of CVT Treatment Centers (pdf, 61kb)

Funding Period: September 2000 - June 2006

Amount: $4,138,784

Purpose: Strengthen the organizational viability, service delivery, and advocacy capacity of foreign treatment centers.


  • Strengthen the capacity of 17 treatment centers located in Africa, Asia, the Near East, Latin America, and Eastern Europe; enhance their organizational and financial sustainability, clinical capacity and services, and advocacy campaigns
  • Build clinical capacity among community torture treatment resources, NGO and government health and social services organizations in Cambodia in order to have a broad impact on torture survivors; and formalize linkages between these organizations
  • Strengthen research capabilities of selected centers to enable them to measure the impact of rehabilitation interventions and treatment on the functioning and well-being of torture survivors
  • Build the capacity of Paraprofessional Psychosocial Agents (PSAs) to provide counseling services to torture survivors in Kono District, Sierra Leone


  • Completed 17 organizational assessments, with full reports shared with partners
  • All centers received Technology Enhancement, Operational Support, and on-site technical assistance subgrants
  • All centers participated in CVT or International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims Training Workshops
  • Eight centers reported an increase in client base
  • Five centers developed new strategic plans and organizational designs
  • Eight centers developed new financial management systems or received additional financial management training
  • 15 centers have purchased new office equipment and software to improve functionality, database management, and client confidentiality
  • Eight centers strengthened management staffing
  • Three centers received direct funding from USAID missions
  • Four centers reported an increase in fundraising capability and effectiveness
  • Three Healing Centers established in Kono District, Sierra Leone, treating more than 1,500 clients; 17 PSAs have been trained and are supervised by a CVT staff clinician
  • In Cambodia, a core group of five governmental and nongovernmental organizations has been identified to plan for the development of trauma treatment resources and community education under the guidance of a local lead agency

CVT works locally, nationally, and internationally to heal the wounds of torture. Founded in 1985, CVT provides care and rehabilitative services in Minneapolis to survivors of government-sponsored or politically motivated torture and members of their families. Care is provided on an outpatient basis and is tailored to meet each client's needs. This frequently includes medical treatment, psychotherapy, support in the political asylum process, assistance in finding a safe and stable place to live, and basic living necessities.

Through the International Capacity-Building Project, CVT provides training and technical assistance to 17 treatment centers in Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Kosovo, Namibia, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Peru, Romania, Rwanda, South Africa, and Uganda.

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Tue, 14 Mar 2006 09:16:07 -0500