American and Pakistani flag design USAID/Pakistan Home Education Health Governance Economic Growth Earthquake Reconstruction
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Implementing Partners

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is building the skills of 50 national and provincial government staff in disease surveillance and control systems. Sixteen of these staff will join a formal two year epidemiology training program to learn how to investigate infectious disease outbreaks and control and prevent them.

Save the Children (US) improving child health in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) by assisting the Government of Pakistan to, increase immunization coverage, prevent and treat acute respiratory infection, control diarrheal diseases, increase essential newborn care and improve nutrition.

Abt Associates Inc. is assisting the Government of Pakistan's Clean Drinking Water Initiative (CDWI) in 31 districts including 3 agencies in FATA and 8 earthquake affected areas by promoting personal and household water hygiene and sanitation among 30 million people and empowering their communities to maintain a safe water supply.

Key Social Marketing and Greenstar Social Marketing markets family planning products nationwide to low and middle income groups and updates health care providers in their reproductive health skills.;

John Snow Inc. is supporting community midwifery training, renovating and equipping hospitals, updating skills of health care providers, and strengthening emergency transport to improve mother and child birth outcomes and increase child survival.;

ORC Macro in collaboration with the National Institute of Population Studies is conducting a Demographic and Health Survey that will establish the current maternal mortality rate in Pakistan and provide information on reproductive and child health status.

Research Triangle Institute (RTI) funds are programmed for prevention of HIV/AIDS among high-risk groups and for care and treatment of persons living with AIDS.

UNICEF and WHO receive USAID support for national immunization days and continued surveillance and eradication of Polio.;

USAID is assisting the Government of Pakistan through WHO to maintain international standards in diagnosis and treatment of TB patients in the public sector and extend the use of the Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (DOTS) approach to the private sector.

The Population Council has just begun to implement a five-year program to increase demand and utilization of birth spacing and family planning services nationwide.


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