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What's New in the ADS for September 2002

Note: This chart summarizes new or revised policy/procedures or other changes, as applicable.

Disclaimer: Archived entries may have been recently changed or removed. Please check the current ADS chapters and references, as well as recent interim updates for the latest information.

ADS 103, Delegations of Authority
Revision: 08/23/2002
New Policy Directives and Editorial Changes: A new section was added to ADS 103: AA/LAC is delegated by the Administrator the authority to act on behalf of the U.S. Government with regard to the Latin America Development Act of 1960, 22 U.S.C. 1942 et seq. This authority includes, but is not limited to,
  • the authority to· Negotiate, execute, amend, and implement agreements with the Inter-American Development Bank; and·

  • Take any action in conjunction or coordination with other US Government agencies related to the Social Progress Trust Fund.
ADS 106, Delegations of Authority and Orders of Succession During a National Security Emergency
Revision: 09/04/2002
New Policy Directives and Editorial Changes: On July 10, 2002, President Bush signed a Memorandum to the Administrator revising the order of succession at USAID. Sections 106.3.1, 106.3.2, and 106.3.3 have been updated to reflect this change and the memorandum is now included as a Mandatory Reference for ADS 106. Additionally, ADS 103 is now included as an Internal Mandatory Reference.
ADS 306, Interagency Agreements
Revision: 09/18/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

ADS chapter 306, Interagency Agreements was updated. The chapter was revised to conform with the current Automated Directive Systems (ADS) format and is in the "plain language" style.

The update makes significant substantive changes to the chapter. It introduces a new type of 632(b) agreement, a Participating Agency Program Agreement (PAPA). A PAPA is used when USAID will have little day-to-day oversight or direct supervision, and the other Agency's functions will primarily performed at a place other than at USAID; when USAID expects the Participating Agency to contract out a substantial portion of the services necessary to implement the program; or when the technical assistance obtained from the Participating Agency will not furnished directly to USAID or under USAID direction. The chapter discontinues the use of the Resources Support Services Agreement (RSSA). Services obtained for the benefit of USAID/Washington will be acquired through Participating Agency Service Agreements (PASA) or a PAPA.

It also provides guidance on 632(a) transfers and allotments and other 632(b) agreements, and on other sorts of interagency agreements already available for use by USAID, such as Economy Act orders, Cooperative Administrative Support Unit (CASU) and Franchise Fund agreements, and GSA schedule orders. The update has added guidance on when it is appropriate to utilize an interagency agreement instead of a contract with the private sector, and a discussion of what constitutes an inherently governmental function. It also provides guidance applicable when USAID provides services to other agencies.

It includes a brief guide on cost and price analysis for Interagency Agreements and models of PASA and PAPA agreements as Mandatory References. Additional Help documents include models of 632(a) agreements, sample close out documents and Economy Act orders.

ADS 578, Information Quality Guidelines
Issued: 09/24/2002
New Policy Directives and Required Procedures: This new ADS chapter outlines USAID's policy directives and required procedures to implement the OMB Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Disseminated by Federal Agencies.

Categories of USAID Information, a mandatory reference for ADS 578
Issued: 09/24/2002
New Policy Directives and Required Procedures: This table lists the types of disseminated information, generic examples of each type of disseminated information, and USAID examples of each type. It indicates whether the USAID examples are covered by the IQ Guidelines chapter 578 or not.
ADS 602, Forward Funding of Program Funds
Issued: 09/24/2002
New Policy Directives and Required Procedures: This table lists the types of disseminated information, generic examples of each type of disseminated information, and USAID examples of each type. It indicates whether the USAID examples are covered by the IQ Guidelines chapter 578 or not.
ADS 610, Use of Entertainment Account, Representation Allowances, and Program and Operating Expense Funds for Entertainment
Revision: 05/15/2002
Editorial Changes:

Section 610.3.6.a on the use of OE funds for in-house conferences and meetings was clarified.

Office symbols were updated to reflect the reorganization of the Office of Budget into the Policy and Program Coordination Bureau.

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This document was last updated on Thursday, 20-Mar-2003 09:52:13 EST
