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What's New in the ADS for January 2002

Note: This chart summarizes new or revised policy/procedures or other changes, as applicable.

Disclaimer: Archived entries may have been recently changed or removed. Please check the current ADS chapters and references, as well as recent interim updates for the latest information.

ADS 212, Breastfeeding Promotion Policy
Revision: 01/22/2002
New Policy Directives & Required Procedures

This new ADS chapter defines USAID policy and responsibilities related to breastfeeding, provides references to updated guidance on best breastfeeding practices and breastfeeding program support approaches for USAID strategic objective areas, and addresses breastfeeding programming as related to mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT) of HIV/AIDS and other infectious disease.

USAID promotes optimal breastfeeding. In general practice, no USAID funds will be used to purchase or transport breastmilk substitutes or related materials. If an exception is necessary to increase child survival, the policy provides guidance.

ADS 221, USAID’s Procedures for Implementing International Agreements for Tied and Untied Aid
Revision: 01/14/2002
New Policy Directives & Required Procedures

The United States is a party to two international agreements concerning the use of tied and untied aid.

The first agreement is the OECD's Development Assistance Committee's "Recommendation to Untie Aid to the Least Developed Countries." The United States, represented by USAID, joined a consensus with Members of the DAC in May 2001 to untie specified categories of aid. The Recommendation became effective on January 1, 2002. ADS Chapter 221 specifies the procurement and grant actions that are covered and excluded from the Recommendation. It also contains data collection and reporting procedures on covered procurement and grant actions.

The second agreement is the OECD's "Arrangement on Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credits" also known as the Helsinki Agreement. Although the U.S. has been a participant in the Arrangement since its inception, USAID has not actively provided the "required" information on capital projects. The Treasury Department, which has primary responsibility for U.S. adherence to the Arrangement, requested that USAID comply immediately (or as soon as it can get internal procedures in place). ADS Chapter 221, therefore, contains rules on mixed credit activities and tied aid reporting requirements covered by the Arrangement.

This new chapter includes: country groupings covered under each agreement; procurement and grant actions covered by each agreement; numerical thresholds that apply to the covered procurement and grant actions; exclusions from coverage; consultation procedures for "capital projects" financed with a combination of grants, loans, guarantees, and private sector funds; reporting requirements to international organizations; and responsibilities of USAID/W and the Missions.

AIDAR, USAID Acquisition Regulations
Revision: ADS CD 26 revision
Changes Several formatting updates were added to this chapter. This reference was also updated editorially so that it will read as published in the Federal Register/CFR.
ADS 249, Development Credit Authority (DCA)
Revision: 01/29/2002
New Policy Directives & Required Procedures This new ADS chapter provides guidance on the use of DCA partial loan guarantees to mobilize private capital to finance Mission strategic objectives. Development Credit Authority (DCA) is the legislative authority that permits USAID to issue partial loan guarantees to private lenders to achieve the economic development objectives in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (FAA). DCA also authorizes USAID to make direct loans.
ADS 320, Marking
Revision: 01/24/2002
Changes Several formatting updates were added to this chapter. This reference was also updated editorially so that it will read as published in the Federal Register/CFR.
Guidance on Funding Foreign Government Delegations to International Conferences, Mandatory Reference for ADS 302, 303, 306, 308, 350, and 522
Revision: 01/15/2002
Change This chapter was revised editorially to show that the statute requiring the guidance continues to be enacted every year.
Series 300 Interim Update 02-01, Use of GovWorks and Other Franchise Funds
Revision: 01/24/2002
New Policy Directive This Notice and attachment serve to explain Franchise Funds including GovWorks. It also establishes the policy and procedures for USAID's "pilot program" with GovWorks (and any other Franchise Fund or Cooperative Administrative Support Units (CASU) through which USAID staff obtain procurement services).
USAID Competitive Areas, Mandatory Reference for ADS 452
Revision: 01/16/2002
Changes The new agency organization (including the three new pillar bureaus -- GH, DCHA, and EGAT) is now represented on the list.
ADS 501, The Automated Directives System
Revision: 01/28/2002
New Policy Directives and Procedures
  • The discussion of "policy and procedures" has changed to "policy directives and required procedures."
  • We added information about ADS CD author submission deadlines and how to obtain ADS CDs.
  • Folks now have one year (versus 180 days) to incorporate or sunset an Interim Update.

Clearance Process

  • We included new information on a Global Address List for ADS clearing officials.
  • M/AS/IRD now requests that authors send completed drafts to them before sending material out for clearance.
  • We now require that clearance request e-mails must include detailed descriptions of additions and deletions.
  • We have eliminated the AID Form 3-69, added information on the Global Address List for clearing officials, and now require authors to describe new and revised policy in the clearance e-mail.
  • We added a requirement for clearing officials to have back-ups while out of the office.
  • Authors may proceed without further administrative delay if a clearing official does not respond within 10 business days.

Format and Style

  • We clarified asterisk usage.
  • We’ve included new hyperlinking standards.
  • The next time an ADS chapter is updated it must be converted to the new format and written in plain language.
  • We added info on EO 12866 (simple, easy-to–understand).
  • We added a requirement that each chapter include an authority.

We also added several sections:

  • Section 508 Format Requirements
  • Forms
  • ADS Glossary and Ownership of Definitions
  • Effective Dates and Origination Dates
  • We expanded on the description of the definitions section. Additionally, several definitions were added and have been modified.
List ADS Chapters and Authors, Mandatory Reference for ADS 501
Version: 01/28/2002
Changes This reference was modified to reflect author changes and new chapters.
List of Required Clearances for ADS Material, Mandatory Reference for ADS 501
Version: 01/24/2002
Changes Lanier Twyman replaced Christina Corbett as the clearance official for the Africa Bureau. Dagnija Kreslins replaced Lorie Dobbins as the clearing official for EGAT.
ADS Authors Guide to Style and Format, Mandatory Reference for ADS 501
Version: 01/23/2002
Changes This reference was modified to reflect the new formatting standards that were approved with the clearance version of ADS 501. These changes were not substantive.
List of Cleared ADS Chapters for ADS CD 26, Additional Help Document for ADS 501
Sunset The reference, List of Cleared ADS Chapters for ADS CD 26, 501saa, is no longer necessary. All of the information that was contained in that file is also contained in 501maa, List ADS Chapters and Authors. Thus, the file was redundant and is no longer necessary.
Series 500 Interim Update 02-02, MAS 02-01 - Use of Promotional Fares and Bonus Coupon Points/Frequent Flyer Miles, to be included in ADS 522, Performance of Temporary Duty Travel in the U.S. and Abroad
(Note: This link is only available to USAID employees who have access to the intranet.)
Issued: 01/09/2002
New Policy Directives & Required Procedures The purpose of this notice is inform Agency employees about section 1116 of S. 1438, the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002."
ADS 524, Entitlements for Domestic Relocation
Revision: 01/15/2002
Revised Policy and Procedures The Travelers’ responsibilities in 524.2 were revised. Section 524.3.3, Travel Claim Submission, was added to the chapter, and some of the definitions were revised.
Other Changes This chapter was placed in the new ADS format. Plain language edits were made throughout the chapter.
ADS 525, Separation/Retirement Travel for Foreign Service Employees
Revision: 01/22/2002
Revised Policy and Procedures 525.3.2 - A new section was added on Travel Claim Submission.525.6 -- Some definitions were revised.
Other Changes This chapter was placed in the new ADS format. Plain language edits were made throughout the chapter
ADS 528, Energy Management and Planning Program for USAID Buildings
Revision: 01/10/2002
Revised Policy and Procedures Some of the definitions applicable to this chapter were revised.
Other Changes This chapter was placed in the new ADS format. Plain language edits were made throughout the chapter.
ADS 536, Use and Control of Official Vehicles
Revision: 01/10/2002
Revised Policy and Procedures Paragraph 536.3.10.a was revised and 536.3.10.b was deleted to reflect the fact that the form SF-91A was canceled by GSA. The information from SF-91A was incorporated into SF-91 (revised 2-93).
ADS 539, Overseas School Program
Revision: 01/18/2002
Other Changes The section numbering in the chapter was corrected.
ADS 591, Financial Audits of USAID Contractors, Grantees, and Host Government Entities
Revision: 01/09/2002
New Policy and Procedure This chapter was substantively and editorially revised.
ADS 630, Payables Management
Revision: 01/29/2002
New Policy and Procedure A new section 630.3.3 on administrative approval and CTO responsibilities was added.

Two sample letters that CTOs can use to request additional information or suspend payment amounts were added as Additional Help references.

  • 630.3.4.19 details the new policy of liquidating the oldest fund cite in obligating documents funded by multiple fund cites.
  • 630.3.3.5 outlines the new policy of not requiring administrative approval on periodic advance vouchers to correspond with the existing policy of not requiring such approval when the advances are given though a Letter of Credit.
Revised Policy Directives & Required Procedures ADS 630 was substantively and editorially revised.

Material on the USAID Entertainment Account was either deleted or relocated to section 630.3.11. The new ADS 610 on Use of the Entertainment Account is referenced.

630.3.4.3 clarifies that electronic invoices are allowed as original payment documents so long as adequate safeguards and controls ensure the integrity of data and prevent duplicate payments.

Please note section numbers were reorganized. If you have questions about this chapter, please call Phil Amos, pamos@usaid.gov.

Administrative Approval Form And Checklist, a Mandatory Reference for ADS 630
Revision: 01/25/2002
New Policy and Procedure This is a new mandatory reference for this chapter. The approving officer must complete the checklist included on the approval form showing the basis of his/her approval.
Sample Letter From CTO to Payee Approving Full Payment But Asking For Additional Justification of Voucher Item(s), an Additional Help reference for ADS 630
Revision: 01/25/2002
New Policy and Procedure This sample letter for CTOs is a new Additional Help reference for the chapter.
Sample Letter From CTO to Payee - Suspension of Voucher Item(s), an Additional Help reference for ADS 630
Revision: 01/25/2002
New Policy and Procedure This sample letter for CTOs is a new Additional Help reference for the chapter.
Procedure for Using OPAC Charges in lieu of AOC System Between Missions (Using Treasury Appropriation), an Additional Help reference for ADS 630
Revision: 01/25/2002
New Policy and Procedure This new Additional Help document details procedures for Missions using Treasury appropriation.
Series 600 Interim Update 02-01, Fiscal Year 2002 Appropriation
Issued: 01/11/2002
New Policy and Directive H.R. 2506, the Foreign Operations Appropriation for fiscal year 2002 was signed into law on 1/10/2002.

Questions about this web page or the ADS? Please contact us by using our Questions/Comments form page or send an e-mail to ads@usaid.gov.

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This document was last updated on Thursday, 20-Mar-2003 09:51:26 EST
